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Other urls found in this thread:


40k, 50c

as a REQ holder, what would even cause it to pump to $5 or even $10? especially by EOY


happy with 30cents

4k bought at average of $.48

I can't even guess what eoy would be. If Chainlink comes through and makes fiat a reality for REQ, maybe $5. If not, there needs to be some type of adoption or I may not be in the green at all.

Why do you guys invest in REQ when LINK’s returns will be so much higher? Idgi

because link is a 2 man team and they will never deliver

100k, 50c-$1 if the whole market recovers over the last ath, but eth ratio will remain relatively low.

>people actually believe this

I also have 12.5k link, I just don't fall for the all in meme.

170k REQ

1 REQ = 1 REQ

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> 2 Lazy French Devs
> Collected $30 Million in ICO and created a button
> Expecting 3rd parties to build on their "network" for free
> No Fiat in roadmap
> Competitors includes major crypto companies like Coinbase Commerce used by Expedia and ShapeShift used by Overstock
> Coinbase has infrastructure for fiat to merchant and has applied to banking license

Attached: REQ-french.jpg (1142x1203, 254K)



would shit myself of joy if over $1 EOY, but will prolly be 20 cent or smth like that

If dubs REQ will be $10 EOY tho

80k req
$(4)2(0) eoy

A few hundred thousand REQ I scooped up for the cheap.

12k. $10 eoy


$2 EOY

30k Req
$4.4 eoy

12k REQ, average buy price 52c lol

no more than 45c EoY imho

15k. gonna get to 20k before end of next month hopefully.
EOY: $3.

>deluded reqqies still think LINK will make fiat possible
Top kek

>Collected $30 Million in ICO and created a button
this is incorrect
they created the means for someone else to create a button

Attached: volume.png (1160x530, 57K)

mass adoption

PwC pedalling a product built on Request to their clients

This shit will be $150 by the eoy 2020, anons really hate money.

They are not.

In fact, if anything, they are using consulting from the REQ team to build their own private accounting blockchain. Why would anyone want a decentralized accounting ledger?

burning 999 million tokens

IF we see a new bull run this year req should be over 1$

The most satisfying feeling would be if this coin goes from 9 cents (current price) all the way to $5-$10 making everyone on this board rich.

i honestly hate the team
seems like 1 guy is doing all the work while all the others are partying nonstop in Singapore

Wouldn't you if a bunch of retards handed you $30M to code a fucking button for a website. My good god reqlets are so fucking retarded.



10k poorfag her, and I bought at 15 cents

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>PwC pedalling a product built on Request to their clients

kek do you even know what PwC does?

>PwC France
pedaling frogs to their clients on request

Nice fantasies baggie.

Unless they develop fiat integration (they can't) before anyone else, this project is dead.

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Are you kidding me? Because it will be cheap to use and then the accounting data doesn't have to pay anything to maintain an everlasting and easily auditable by multiple parties ledger. You've gotta be trollin

so you're telling me PwC will shill a product that will run it out of business

How delusional do you have to be

$0.01 EOY

Or one that will streamline their work and allow them to save huge amounts on man hours? You guys are clearly all children with no real world experience in how things work. 1-2$ eoy, on the low end. Time left to coinbase listing is running out ...


Attached: REQ-illuminati.png (694x413, 573K)

haha pooquest


~500k, $1.30-$2.00 EoY

Coinbase commerce will always be inferior because it is controlled by a centralized authority, effectively making it no different from PayPal. Nothing is stopping Coinbase from matching PayPal's absurdly high fees, while REQ will always be locked in to cheap for everyone.

As soon as people like you or me start posting rational reasons why REQ is actually good, the FUD rats let the thread die. Lolololol, EVERY TIME ------ what does that mean?

473,500 REQ. I'm predicting $0.50 eoy.

Wait why can't Coinbase just buy REQ's platform, and integrate it into Coinbase commerce?

BAM, decentralized payment processing

Attached: REQ.png (682x513, 686K)

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1.5 million REQ tokens
$2.50 EOY

6K Reqlet here so ima have to go for 100$ EOY

Does Coinbase want to pay 30 million dollars for a defective ETH-ETH payment button?

I don't think they're retarded. They've been viciously profitable.

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If it hits 1$ this year I'm good

Honestly most of the FUD on this coin just comes from the low price. Nothing's really changed fundamentally since ATH aside from a delay in fiat integration, which anyone with half a brain would've guessed from the get-go.

They already got the little guys using it, something like 50 websites?

The only way I see REQ not hitting $1+ EOY is if something else comes out and beats it to market that is also DECENTRALIZED unlike centralized coinbase commerce.

If you think private blockchains are going to be a big thing, then you don’t understand blockchain, or just haven’t thought it through. Instead of a private blockchain you’re much better off just using the traditional permissioned database. R2 came to the same conclusion a couple years ago.

I don’t mean to sound like a dick, but you have to trust someone to run a private blockchain, and so you may as well just trust someone to use a database and log everything

This x100

Also it's now been confirmed Coinbase Pro will be listing REQ. Updating my EOY price prediction to unironically $3.50


You can’t buy a decentralised platform, that’s kind of the beauty of it. It’s a free market, so even if coinbase said “we will buy everyone’s tokens right now for $1 each, then a lot of people sell to coinbase, but not everyone, some people start selling their tokens for more than a $1. Then coinbase needs to buy those at more than $1. It’s an exponential curve.

The more likely scenario would be that REQ gets implemented behind the scenes in coinbase commerce. So people can buy and sell with any token so to speak and then ETH, BTC, fiat gets deposited to the sellers coinbase wallet. I feel like this is plausible, but definitely not likely.



All currently listed tokens will be listed on coinbase pro. The currently listed tokens are: BAT- MKR - NMR - OMG - REP - REQ - SNT - ZRX.

Expect moon for any and all of the above on June 29th.


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>26 yo boomer here
90k req or something, don't want to look at blockfolio
$5 cumulative eoy

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11k reqlet reporting in.

$50 EOY