>his gf/wife had relationships/sexual partners before him.
>he still thinks he has a chance to "make it"
Kek, sorry cuck boy. But no amount of money will make you less cucked.
>his gf/wife had relationships/sexual partners before him.
>he still thinks he has a chance to "make it"
Kek, sorry cuck boy. But no amount of money will make you less cucked.
stop posting this thread and get a job
Wrong you don't want a virgin missus let someone break their heart so you can capitalize on the situation.
>no wife or gf
>will gonna make it
feels good man
I’m so tired of this thread, please kys. The logic is completely flawed.
What kind of sad, lonely faggot feels the need to post this shit up everyday? Be less of a puritan faggot.
this thread is bad but really sheds so light on how many normie reddit soiboys are browsing this board. sad really
This literally has nothing to do with business or finance fucking delete this shit adminfags
You incels are really pathetic
Never met a virgin girl in my life
Just once and it was a fuckin fat weirdo
Have fun making it if the only chance of a virgin wife is grooming a 12 yo
Also gettin married
Making it
Rather shows the beta tier males that pist here
No wonder tyrone gets all the white women
OP is right. You can go ahead and get a non-virgin gf/wife is that makes you happy, just don't kid yourself thinking you're not a cuck. You might be less of a cuck than people who actively live the cuck lifestyle, but you're still a cuck.
>Never met a virgin girl in my life
the state of the west.
here are the redditsois I was talking about
>mfw people defend used goods
At least I have a gf. Something you never will.
My wife has had sexual relations since being with me and I feel like I've already made it. Nothing better than watching her take a big cock then getting sloppy seconds, especially when it is a gangbang. Stay loney, virgin.
t. Happy cuck with hot wife
Kek, so I can support your whore wife once she leaves you? No thanks. Wagecucking and paying taxes are almost as cucked as having a slut wife/gf.
Literally can’t pkease a woman and knows this. That’s why you want a virgin. Real men don’t care what happened before them because they know it won’t compare to them. Fucking betas
I don't know man, I've banged quite a few women and I still think virgins are worth their weight in gold. Girls who had a lot of partners will always be less faithful to you and constantly compare you to their previous partners, even if you're Gigachad. There's no running away from this, there's only coping.
>real men have sex/relationships with used goods.
The absolute state of biz.
The Jow Forums Incel
>addicted to games
>spoiled by mommy and daddy
>no social skills
>out of shape, fat, and balding
>bad hygiene
>boring, no hobbies
>dad and mom wish they never had him
>angry because women dont want them
>posts daily about it on a Chinese finger puppet forum
>will die alone
What a sad life you live
Did OP touch a nerve?
I think your wrong.. my lady had a past but we are 20yrs deep and no issues.
>he keeps posting this shit on Jow Forums
>he thinks he's going to make it
the more frogs posted on the catalog, the shittier Jow Forums is
omega ultra C O P E
my condolences anons. you unfortunately will never make it, and need to go back.
Virgin women are a fucking meme, if you are not a good boyfriend, have Low T, are a pushover and a wimp, your girl will leave you. Stupid fucking faggots.
Women dont like weak men. If you have Low T fix it, how are you in a relationship in the first place anyway? Women are thirsty for strong men especially in our gynocentric societies.
Women dont leave strong men, they run to them.
For the sake of argument let me accept your premise, where then does one even find a 18/19 year old ATTRACTIVE virgin gf?
Tell me how to apply it to a real life system.
>pic related is you
Itt: cucked, dry-dicked virgin beta geeks with power issues cope hard and pretend Ahmed of Arabia isn’t their closest ideological relative
If you're attractive, high I.Q, and not a cuck you can easily find a qt virgin gf. I started dating a kissless handholdless virgin girl when she was 16, now she's 19 and we're married. I met her in my neighborhood while walking my dog. Just don't go to bars/clubs and you will be fine.
and like clockwork the beta cucks start defending used up whores and their poor choice of partner
>b-b-but you are so insecure
>y-y-you virgin
>my wife is the best and she was not a virgin
>at least I have a gf
>b-but that just means she is more experienced in bed! Virgin girls are bad at sex, no guy actually wants to have sex with a virgin!
Enjoy slowly growing old and realizing you are both not what the other envisioned.
I give it another 4 years tops before she’s fucking other guys and you divorce. Also lol @ marrying at 19 still a child who hasn’t experienced the world yet. You better keep her in a closet, once she realizes what’s out there she will want to explore.
>L-Low T
S'okay user. You don't have to justify your preference for used goods on a Taiwanese Shrimp Farming board.
You may not be her 1st (Chad) or 2nd (Tyrone). But at least you're 4th best, ahead of Lopez and some guy who paid her bills for a bit.
Still salty over marrying a whore? If your partner had no sexual partners other than you the divorce rate is very low. A 30 year old roastie with 10 past partners is
T o a s t y
R o a s t i e s
Society values sexual purity in women. Live with it you cucked liberal faggots
>Being this retarded
>inb4 a bunch of failed alphas think that having some used up slut is admirable
The insane logic of this site never ceases to amaze me
This. When three lines of text trigger so many people, you know it struck a nerve.