Which country is this character from?

Which country is this character from?

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First world.

But the south is the most conservative part of America

Canada or US.



Their women are also the most promiscuous


>As a white person
only American has the need to emphasize their whiteness on everyone

anyone who says that phrase is most likely a jew

San Francisco, Toronto, or Portland.

Frankfurt germany

It got culturally appropriated by zoomers

You have no idea how much I hate that all of the post-modernist trends set by the US and Europe arrive here at a retarded pace.
The >literally shaking rn was unironically repeated this last election when the conservative candidate won.
Nothing is this world pisses me more.

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I was born in Louisiana, I've said y'all all my life, and I'm not going to stop because of this meme
fuck you guys

The difference is the zoomers in the north use y'all as slang, while in the South a plural 'you' actually sounds odd and feels wrong

Don't you mean fuck yall?

i use them interchangeably

We're not making fun of you for it we're making fun of the privileged white bougie bugmen who use this word behind the protection of their blue checkmark Twitter accounts as schtick to get approval from people whom they claim to ally with when they are just simply seen as unimportant to them.

San Francisco

Brazil is like that in the cities and it's a 4th world country

I've seen people here that look like this soyjack and half of that shit is from here so he's an American late 20s, white liberal.

Wojak is Polish
Pepe is American
Apu and Spurdo are Finnish
I think Gondola is Italian?

it's legit pathetic and cringe when i see someone not from the south use y'all. even more so when i see they are e*ro.
y'all and ain't ain't for you

niggers took y'all and inturn twitter users took niggerspeak so

Wojak was made by a Polish guy and has a Polish name so Poland
This soy loving incarnation is an archetypal American though

United STATES of america

your leader is honestly the definition of a soyboy

Unless you are waiting for your dog to ahit in a t-shirt and shorts in winter, this phrase is fucking stupid.

Well Canada is basically just the 51st~63rd states but with guns traded for healthcare

we got the better deal... huh... heehee love those guns!!!

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Unironically did

Whitoid countries.

white people


they're called wannabees or possers

y'all is ok though, some people here say 'yous' which sounds so cringey

southern niggers are allowed to use y'all but I'm pretty sure the ones on twitter are all great migration tier SJWs from Yankeedom


Israel, spiritually.

the us


Any place in earth where middle class kids who grew up without facing any hardships make up their own issues. It's in the human nature to create, and that involves creating new issues. It's a perpetual cycle of progress, wich sadly, leads to this kind of people.
