Breaking: Japan ignores international law and resumes whaling

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Based and Boringpilled
Cool yet who cares...

>"Breaking: Japan ignores international law and resumes whaling"

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The eternal boomer.


Implying they ever stopped...
fucking kek

if you do not belong to them, you don't have to follow their regulation

> the United States is considering the withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

Yamete !
Dame !

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why does whaling trigger boomers

I don't really care about the whales, but I'll jump on any oppurtunity to hate japs

I don't really care about the whales, but I'll jump on any oppurtunity to hate japs

I don't really care about the japs, but I'll jump on any oppurtunity to hate whales

Just wait till the day they start hunting in someone's waters and they get a missile on their deck.

Hunting animals because some retarded old asian thinks that if he grinds their cocks into powder and eats it with tea will make his dick grow is objectively wrong.

Because it nearly drove them all to extinction.

>killing whales is immoral and should be against the law!

also westerners:
>give me three factory farmed cheeseburgers NOW wage slave!

i need a jap dabbing on these whales illustration
also fuck international law

at the end we all eat meat
but japs do it because they think whale oil will make their small benises bigger

utter pseudoscientific nonsense

and as triggerable if the prey in question where cows or pibs

If they can virtue signal or if its out of sight and not directly effecting them, then westerners dont care.

>better stop killing whales before they go extinct despite whaling being part of our culture for hundreds of years but it's worth it for future generations

>we onry hunt whare for twenty years but we no stop now

Cool, more chink getting their ships confiscated by our navy

If you did it in your own waters no one besides hippies would care.

As a hunter I don't give a shit, but lets be honest it's unhealthy (literally poisonous) and stupid since they're endangered and your children won't be able to hunt them anymore.

That's different because the other country already broke it. So its worthless.

Its more that some of the species they are harpooning are dwindling.

>imagine believing this


>whaling bad factory farming good

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Why you people keep making this argument when one is obviously limited and will cause extinction and the other's entire existence is so it won't cause extinction?


Hunting is at least more natural than committing a daily shoah against animals that can't defend themselves.

One is literally making meat as quickly as possible with as little resources as possible.
The other is killing animals with a low reproduction rate and limited numbers.

Yeah, you're right, but no hunter in the world would agree with what the japanese does. Hunters have principles, you don't kill females, you don't kill babies and you don't kill endangered animals. You respect animals because they provide you with literal life and you want that for your children.
Asians are fucking savage orcs with no rational thinking behind theirs "hunts", they don't do it to eat and survive, they do it because they think it'll give them superpowers, ward off spirits and other retarded shit. These cunts will cut off horns from rhinos while they are alive so they can powder it and rub on their penises.

pro jap brainlets can't seem to grasp that it's about conservation and not violence towards animals

NZ was originally settled by whalers and it was important part of the country but we stopped because it was unsustainable yet these slant eyed savages wont let it go since hunting whales is the only outlet for their impotent angst against america

>you don't kill females
Hunting is also used for population. For example if you let mooses reproduce freely car accidents would increase vastly

whales, meh.

if you ever saw a whale irl you'd think they're pretty cool

Obviously wasn't taking into account hired hunters for population control since that's a job.

i'd seen whales, still meh. company sponsored whale watching and for a time, at our aquarium.

Insectoids who won't stop until they ruin the ecosystem, all of the serious mass pollution/excessive hunting happens in Asia, subhumans with no regard to nature

Just wait until SSA Africa reaches a similar standard of living. The planet's ecosystems are headed for collapse

>Japan's withdrawal from something international
reminds me of what happened in 1932...

international agreements are a meme. do what you want

Japan would join Iceland and Norway in openly defying the ban on commercial whale hunting.

Japan isn't doing this alone.

Iceland and Norway back them up.

Whalers from Iceland and Norway don't have to travel over ten thousand km to find whales

that's literally what the hunting system in north america is retard, they sell as many tags as there are deer or whatever animal to be culled to hunters, who then go shoot them in the woods
that money then goes to wildlife management

So? Are you fucking retarded? I never said the opposite, moron.

OP is a Korean using a proxy.

>international """""law"""""

Australia's policy should be that we whale ourselves and sell to Japan, or that we let Japanese ships take whales in our waters contingent upon a bilateral agreement.

All countries should withdraw from all international organisations.

the issue isn't that they're killing animals it's that they're killing endangered animals that will very likely go extinct if they continue.

>banning it so they have to sneak around the rules is better for conservation than accepting and regulating catches with a view to long-term viability of the industry
small brain
as a hunter you should know that banning things makes poaching worse and that hunters have a strong interest in keep things sustainable

>banning things makes poaching worse

No where can you point to a single example of this. Rhinos, elephants, whales, etc. All were poached far worse before the bans.

WOW lol you've never been hunting and maybe never even spoken to anybody about hunting.

You DO kill females (good meat), you DO kill babies (can't leave them alone if the mother is dead), you DON'T kill animals that you aren't licensed to kills like endangered ones (because you will be punished severely if caught)

There's no reason that a hunted animal is entitled to any more respect than livestock. We should respect the cows and the farmers too.

>international law
Hasn't mattered since the Iraq war lol

It isn't poaching if the rights aren't owned, you dope.

we need another world war, let's get this shit started already

The IUCN Red List labels the common minke whale as Least Concern.[30] The Antarctic minke whale is listed as Data deficient.[31]

COSEWIC puts both species in the Not At Risk category [1]. NatureServe lists them as G5 which means the species is secure on global range [2].

Population estimates are generated by the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission. The 2004 estimate yielded 515,000 individuals for the Antarctic minke stock.[32]

Oh poo to that, Jaykwon.
Reckon they'll just shoot the absolutely not endangered whatsoever at all in any capacity, humanely conceivable, in any shape or form possible in this dimension, plane of existense or univers little faggot minke whales, same as us. And much like us, they won't fill their quota because it'll only be produced for a domestic market which doesn't have a particularly high demand for it because it's cheaper and easier to buy a slab of beef from Botswana or wherever.

They needn't go to Antarctica to shoot those, they should have a population around their own little island.

dolphins and whales for eating
they are not sex toys of whitoids

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To hell with dolphin fuckers and to hell with Japan, I don't love you anymore senpai

And fuck you too Norgay