Is it true that drinking milk is good for your teeth?

I'm trying to save money at the dentist and I've heard that drinking milk will help you avoid cavities. Is it true biz or is it a myth?

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it's good for your bones, never heard anything about teeth

Ive always been curious about this as well it seems like my teeth are so fragile. Can milk help?

aren't teeth made of bones?

That's what I assume but I'm not a doctor user

you're wrong, bones are made from teeth actually, haven't you ever wondered why your teeth fell out when you were a kid(They needed them to create the bones)

A couple pointers for you guys, xylitol gum and mouthwash with flouride and xylitol. Don't fall for the flouride memes it doesnt harm you unless youre literally drinking tons of that shit. If you drink or eat something sugary you should have the xylitol gum to counteract it. Also watch this video on youtube.

If you want to help your teeth buy a waterpik

only girls and girls (male) should drink milk because it has estrogen or estrogen-like hormones in it

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literally this

>girls (male)
stop this meme it has gone too far

This is of course only anecdotal, but it certainly didnt help me avoid cavities.

t. homosexual

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What’s with all the milk fags and this isn’t business. Parsley, Rosemary, and Thyme.

Lots of good info in this thread. Any biz doctors or dentists care to chime in? Will milk help or no?

Wow you are so retarded thats only true for milk coming from large industrial farms. Fresh milk from grass-fed cows is really good for you. While it does contain some hormones they are naturally occuring and are first broken up in duodenum before being absorbed by intestine. In fact because milk is rich in portein it should be a part of every healthy males diet.

Damn user you sound smart are you a doctor?

I drink one liter of milk per day as a minimum, often more. AMA


wow that's a lot, choc or whole milk or what user? Do you eat with it?

Oops forgot pictures of anime girl enjoying nice mouthwatering full of man milk

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Remember to drink your glass of milk today, user.