ITT cities with the fumiest or strangest names out there

ITT cities with the fumiest or strangest names out there

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Other urls found in this thread: Santa Guadalupe, Zelaya, Buenos Aires/@-34.3866427,-58.8808808,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x95bb628881b0215f:0xa365722ed964d875!8m2!3d-34.3887896!4d-58.8778683

lol americans

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That's your sister?

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translate them, no one speaks hungarospeak except hungarians

Also, not a city name, but this place has streets named after simpsons characters (the spanish translation that's it)

Attached: Barrio Santa Guadalupe.png (897x768, 1.42M)

Barbados, definitely
Pie corner
Crab Hill
Grape Hall
Other places of interest:
Cuckold Point
Bath beach

>this road

Austria looks poor af

>ayudante de santa
>tony el gordo

Una vela...


Don't post anymore

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Wanna have sexual intercourses in France?

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Kunda, Estonia

Attached: 38-156.jpg (800x600, 74K)

Contributing with some unfortunate place names from my own country:
>Dirtbag Lake
>The Wank
>Bay of Farts
>Shit Porridge
>The Spermbank
>The Swedehole
>The Ass Gate

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What happens if a citizen from Satan's Kingdom encounter a citizen from Mormon Bar?

>The Swedehole

Rich enough to invade Poland, and make it's citizens second class subhumans with no political rights for centuries

alguien postee maximo virgilio

can someone post the benis and bagina pic? Thanks

Every single of the 10000 places called "Malvinas Argentinas" in Argentina

dildo, newfoundland

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>could name it LITERALLY anything
>names it poland

Based Turkish geeks

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This is an actual town in Wales

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Slovenian place names are fucking ridiculous. Skofja Loka, Portoroz... Who comes up with that shit?

If this is real Argues are first world European nation

oope hehe

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Intercourse, Pennsylvania
Accident, Maryland

Attached: cKHJTxe.jpg (676x529, 60K)

Apparently, someone in the neighbourhood complained and changed their names to trees.

You can still see Otto and Lisa though. Santa Guadalupe, Zelaya, Buenos Aires/@-34.3866427,-58.8808808,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x95bb628881b0215f:0xa365722ed964d875!8m2!3d-34.3887896!4d-58.8778683



Respect the robot

Absolutely redpilled.


>Skofja Loka, Portoroz
What is wrong with those? Portorož comes from Italian anyway, Portorose (port of roses)

not on the first date

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Maybe I can interest you in Rum?

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Why do you have Jeruzalem?

My 3 favorite things combined

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>Mormon Bar
Isn't that an oxymoron?

Why not?! Damn Germany, why are you such a....

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Catfish Paradise isn't as stupid as Why

Attached: why, arizona.png (1085x581, 1.41M)

>The village was named in honour of a Pole whose name was Stanisław (Stanislaus) Pełczyński. Having arrived with an American merchant vessel that was plying the copra trade at a time, when the local inhabitants were having difficulties irrigating their palm tree plantations, Stanisław helped them solve the problem. Accordingly, the village was renamed to its present-day name in his honor. Also, a church was built there and dedicated under the auspices of Saint Stanislaus, and a bay in the lagoon was named Saint Stanislaus Bay.
It is named after Poland because wh*Toids are unable of such simple gifts of human compassion

can't be bothered looking for pictures

Elementary School in Hell

Attached: piekło 1.jpg (320x265, 26K)

End of the World

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Coupon is my favorite here

It's not funny at all. It's look porn and homo


Though my favorite Swedish ones are:
Dickvagina, Cuntlick Mountain, Large Shit and Ballsack Agony.

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It's also a ghost town, apparently.

apparently la mort aux juifs translates as "death to jews"

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It's not actually, but there are so few people that many sources list it as one anyway.

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