Does he look Mexican?

Does he look Mexican?

Attached: ken watanabe.jpg (300x386, 78K)


He just look a Japanese
Rather than him, does he look a Mexican?

Attached: 牛島辰熊.png (476x569, 609K)

Tan gooks look like spics

>That shitty mustache.
Yes, he looks mexican.

Mios dio

Attached: 6891e22ac5dee3fd52a14544fe13896b20180717143428782.jpg (530x600, 66K)

He looks like a different race next to the other japs.

Attached: Ken+Watanabe+.jpg (594x416, 87K)

Then does she look like a Mexican girl?

Attached: 島崎遥香.png (288x375, 204K)

Thats one ugly ass nose.

Mexicans are mutts primarly native + european, natives are mongoloid so yes Is not weird for a mexican to look asian