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*dabs on the ukie niqqer*

>this long for a new thread

Jesus christ cum is dixie-tier

season 1 doesnt have untucked, right?

*kisses you*

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>The first season of Drag Race was accompanied by a seven-episode web series, titled Under the Hood of RuPaul's Drag Race. LOGOonline published a webisode of Under the Hood after each episode of Drag Race. In this companion series, RuPaul presents a documentary of contestants' conversation in the green room, replays pertinent moments from Drag Race, and airs deleted footage.

*doesn't kiss you because you're an east slav*

Based westboro fag hater

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can you sing?

my step mom finally left


Repostin doggo

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Can't wait for Ale to kill himself



are you the animal abuser

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Want to see my kitten?

what did you mean by this


>-20C in NY's night.

where are you getting all the untuckeds

how come NPR is pro-nation building now?

they come with the torrents i download

i wanna see them ;-;
what do you mean?

astrology is JUST

fuck you, you're our true enemy. if there should be any military intervention it should be mexico.

yeah, okay but answer my question, pls

What are you going to do in New Year's night mates?

my little cousins are singing christmas carols, very cute desu
lol, i can tell you where i download them if you want

Go back to /brit/

i've never torrented stuff before

finally back online and gaming out
anyone play halo 4?

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Is it only british word? I didn't know it.

Go back to /brit/

today i saw a man with a huge ass

how did that make you feel?

This is my wife, Cherche. Cherche is the present form of the French verb "Chercher" which means"to seek".

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I have a phat ass ama

Pics or it didn't happen

get out of here

you got the big gay now

Um that's 2013

sorry i can't afford a pc gaming rig to play euro truck simulator

yeah i know, still a active community on the 360

i can't describe it but i stared for like 10 min

didn't he notice you?

They respond my questions about english sometimes but don't talk to me, euros don't like each other. Maybe coz there are whole bunch of old debts like wars in past and other conflicts.

i like ukraine

Just took a lot of pictures at the Japanese tea garden
There were so many fat spics there


has ukraine ever done anything to anyone?
how tall are you

post them

i don't remember his face just that round booty so id k maybe

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was it a fat american boy


Like everywhere I go there’s a Mexican or interracial couple
What a nice state

i wonder who's the tallest /cum/ poster and who's the smallest


I'm 168cm

why are you autistic about skin colour?


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i'm 5'11
beat that mexishits

i'm gettin excited


Brown people look weird

i'm 5'10

when will they learn?

im downloading season one here, apparently it has all the seasons, the problem is that its in mega, which has a download limit

i downloaded season 7 here

and i dont remember where i downloaded season 6 T_T

I for one stand with our manlet brothers

thanks Sven you're good mate.
Of course, we, polish and russians used to kill each other very well. Hungarians and Romanians don't like us coz they pretend on some pieces of our land. Germans don't like us coz they don't like nobody at all etc.

need to take a shit but dont want to missed any epic post



The Mexicans? I don’t know, but if I get rejected by one I’m calling ICE on her.

Do you have a fat ass

why are you in texas?

I get very emotional thinking about star wars

Dad doesn’t like my anime shirts

Visiting family

have your parents ever hit you?

yes a lot when i was a kid

making a crafts piece for the ex
not likely to work
missh er so much it makes me nauseos every day

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>Dad doesn’t like my anime shirts

i have schrodinger's ass

Apparently my mom got hit by her mom, so she never hit me

My dad used to spank my bum or twist my ear when I did stupid shit

>Dad doesn’t like my anime shirts
God this has to be the saddest fucking post....

>have a son
>goddamn weeb

no because i'm from a good family

Same, now I fell like I needed a good beating

Told him if he doesn’t like it, he’d had to fight me

Doesn’t really matter what he thinks considering he’s a nigger leaching off of government money

what do your parents do for work?

i want to see a gay movie about a brit and a yank

>Told him if he doesn’t like it, he’d had to fight me
hod did he react

girls shouldn't be allowed to watch gay male porn

is being gay the only thing in your head? what a sad existens

I didn’t actually tell him that.
I love my father

don't talk me