My grandfather was in the Red Army during WW2 and was wounded several times

My grandfather was in the Red Army during WW2 and was wounded several times
What did your grandfather do during WW2?

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My grandfather brushed his teeth

My grandpa literally wiped his shit with money, that's what I heard from my grandma.

they were children

Enlisted on the navy's military highschool, that way he did his compulsory service, received a decent education, and could run away from home and live I'm the barracks cause his mom and sister were crazy bitches. Never saw any conflict, but since he was a fairly well trained technical personnel on the reserve and we were getting a new military junta every other week, he kept his service gun, a set of clothes and his military papers all in a bag at all times

My granddad was sucking on my great grandma's tit

My great grandfather didn't even knew that the WW2 happened or what it was about, let alone his son. Just farming, drinking and fucking.

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Some kind of intelligence shit, apparently he was too smart to get shipped overseas to fight
My other grandpa died long before I was born. My dad never talked about him much so I don't know

He was working as a signals guy in the US, never got shipped over

One was a flak gunner then other one was a pilot for the Luftwaffe.

One was in high school, the other was exempt as a farmer.

Wounded several red army soldiers after the war ended, kek

Germans bombed our house so grandpa built a new one himself

He was in Pacific....he never discussed any of it to even my grandmother.

One fought at Peleliu and Okinawa, and later was shot at by Chinese Communists when he was stationed in China after the war

The other was an intel officer in Germany in the early 50s

stop making shit up

I'm pretty sure you retards mean GREAT grandfather

Your grandfather was a traitor to the white race. Although mine was well when he participated in D-Day

No, my grandfather
My oldest uncle is currently 67

honestly based

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My grandfather was fucking pussy

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You do realize the mutt meme is anti-white, right?

how fucking old are you
get off my 4channel gramp

it's anti-american sweaty...

>What did your grandfather do during WW2?
They both were young farmers

my paternal grandfather was an occupying soldier in France, he was recalled home though because he worked in a business important to the war effort
my maternal grandfather was too young to fight

My great-grandfather was executed as a war criminal. He managed US prisoners.

My great grandpa fought in the korean war and my grandpa fought in cyprus

How come you live in US now?
Mine was infantryman, he was conscripted in 1942 and gone all long way from Moscow to East Prussia, where he participated in annihilation of Great Germany divison. He came back with medals and was kind of celebrity in his village. Other granddad wasnt so lucky and died in leningrad siege

Killed many soviets, survived brutal beaching... the usual.

Nothing. I think my both grandfathers were too young.
One of my grandmothers wanted to be a "lotta" (women's auxiliary) but they didn't take 12 year olds.

In the airforce and he decoded messages or something (how he met my grandmother). Other grandfather was 12 when the war ended.

Great uncle was a British commando but I never met him.

Lmao, mine too, right after ww2. He was artillery man and was bombing nato forces right from chinese territory. They never faced nato soldiers face to face and there was a chinese regiment nearby to help them run away if nato forces would attack.

Worked as a policeman for the occupying germans forces, rounding up political dissidents and jews.

Were zealanders often enlisted to british sf:s or were ur uncle a brit?

I mean UN, not NATO. But it is pretty much the same

He was a Brit.

Killed r*ssäs in East Karelia

One was made prisoner, but escaped immediately.

Mine was a conscript in WW2 for the Fr*nch, he raped and pillage through Italy until he eventually got court martial'd by the allies and executed by a firing squad.
I probably have some Italian relatives here

Your grandfather was a kike

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Both my grandfathers were too young to fight, but one of my great grandfathers died in North Africa.

He was a head of a GULAG camp in western Siberia. The other one was a cop. None fought the nazis.

He served in the Navy on the Pacific.
USSR was neutral toward Japan until 1945 so he saw very few action.

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He got posted to some shithole in Africa

One was born in 1942, the other one was teenager i just lived in his village, in 1944 he was 16 and he was taken by Germans to reich to work in some fortifications

My paternal grandfather was a US naval officer. He was on one of those troop and supply carrying ships in Italy

>captured a german tank
>captured around 90 SS officers
>liberated an entire town in the netherlands by himself


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Wow i guess kara boga is real

Explain that meme pls

Not a meme. There were a couple of documentaries made about him here but his story isn’t known by most people

My grandpa was just a uni student and he was taught by a professor engaged in the development of nuclear weapon in japan.
Dunno it’s true but he was very very smart

it's called hyperinflation

My paternal grandfather was a partisan in Slovenia fighting the Germs and the collaborators joining thw war at 16. When he was 17 he was shot by a Kraut and the bullet went through his lungs millimeters from his heart. He survived and later worked as an assistant in a partisan hospital til the end of the war.
My maternal grandfather was too young to join the war but his father was part of the "Prekomorske brigade", the force made of slovenian men who were force drafted in the italian army and captured in Africa. They were equipped by the Brits and sent back to Slovenia. He was shot by the communists as they were seen as a threat because they had ties with the British.

My relatives just tried to survive, but they succeeded only partially. My great-grandfather from fathers side was killed by Germans during Warsaw Uprising in 1944. One of my uncles from fathers side was killed by Russians because he refused to be robbed from food by Red Rapists. Family from my mothers side was partially butchered by Ukrainians in Kresy, so they needed to escape from there to avoid being ethnically cleansed. Later on they were moved to the West, that's why i live in Wroclaw today

One was supposed to fight on the eastern front for Germany but he didn’t go and hid in a forest instead’ it was 44 and everyone knew it was a pointless slaughter.
The other one had powerful friends and didn’t go either, but there’s a cool story about him, he helped a german soldier to hide from the americans in 44/45, and the german soldier came back with a violin and give it to my grandfather as a gift to thank him, I still have the violin in my Garage somewhere

was a slave in a stonemine somewhere in Germany

Fought in the eastern front alongside the nazis and actually made it back home.

>Fought in the eastern front alongside the nazis and actually made it back home.

Because he escaped probably hahaha

cope harder

All I know is that mine fought the japs.

I wouldnt doubt OP's authenticity unless proven otherwise, those american prostitute kurwas even have a statue of lenin in seatle

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In 1905 or 1945?


Died in Berlin. Waffen Grenadier Regiment of the SS (1st Romanian)

Not mine but my friend’s great grand-father fought Russians in Manchuria and was taken captive to Siberia.
He had to drink his own piss to survive cuz he was about to get starved to death

He was just a kid but his bros were GULAG'd

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he was a white farmer in South America

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imagine fighting for the worst side in the war and being so proud about it you feel desperate enough to tell Jow Forums

killed some Italians, he had to. then some communists, and then married a nice German girl and settled down.

Mine was forcibly conscripted by france, but ran away through half of Europe then Tunisia and finally back in Algeria and fought the french until 62

if you are a mutt does that make you honorary American?

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One of my grandfathers was deaf, so he stayed at his village
Another(Pic) was killing fingols somewhere near Saints Petersburg. Before that he was fighting them in 1939
Third was sent to Gulag from Ukraine
The fourth was somewhere in Europe

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