Hey chinks, I don't actually know if there are any actual Chinese people on this board...

Hey chinks, I don't actually know if there are any actual Chinese people on this board, but I gotta pose this question anyway. Are people in your country aware of how your government systematically censors your internet in real-time to prevent you from seeing things they don't want you to and also disappear you if you dessent? If so, why are you so complacent?
Why won't you as a people rise up against the oppressive regime which oppresses you? There's more common folk than there are military. And would they actually be willing to risk killing their entire population just so no one can dunk on them?
Aren't you jealous of the fact that other countries in your region have free speech and the ability to see anything they want to on the internet without restriction? Rise up, chinks, I'm shaking my head at you spineless cowards.

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The PRC does NOT censor internet. The reason you don't see those flags here is because the hardworking Chinese man has more important things to do with time than post "memes" to stupid online incel NEET community.

>the oppressive regime which oppresses you?

The greatest creation of wealth in the history of the world where hundreds of millions (maybe a billion) of people have been brought from poverty to the middle-class is 'oppression" in a short period of time.

In what world do delusional people like the OP live ????

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Chinese PLA operative here, we really dont care.

In less than 20 years you will work in our sweatshops for the tiniest bags of rice and teach you the value of hard work.

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Too obvious

wh*te people scared

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Nah, we will slaughtering you zipperheads the second you try and start shit. You think people are casually racist towards Asians now, just wait until the west decides to exterminate you insects once and for all. We don't have to pay you back our debt if you're all fucking dead.

>800 million lifted from poverty
>hey lets make the whole country unstable and poor again because muh free speech
yes they know about censorship. they make jokes and subtle references towards the government all the time, which caused some phrases from certain media like tv dramas and books to be banned because they were used as euphemisms and jokes about the government.
there probably wont be another large scale rebellion unless the economy goes to shit, which might happen, or the government becomes as oppressive as best korea's to the majority ethnic chinese population.

Of course an American wrote this

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btw say goodbye to your credit card system, no more living off credit piled on top of credit.

You spoiled rotten yankees have much to learn young cockhoppers

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>innocent railroad builders

It's chinks fault they can't have free will and stability at the same time. I'm not even reading the rest of the shit you posted, do NOT defend the CCP under any circumstances you contrarian cuckold. FUCKING WANT liberation for all, you selfish coward.

>Muh all chinks are insects meme
Based Daoism

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Tiananmen Square Massacre

lol i defended the ccp? i didnt know that. i was giving a possible reason why chinese nationals are comfortable where theyre at, fucking mutt nigger.

Hahhahahahahahaha oh nonono

I know that you know it doesn't do anything and you're just posting that to spite people

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>all these pathetic zipperheads losing their minds at the reality of their shit country being displayed to them.
>The blatant JIDF-level gaslighting and other misinformation tatics and scams these ching ching shills are trying to pull in this thread
>mfw I'm over here in the great US of motherFUCKING A enjoying my freedom to the fullest extent while chinks have entire music genres being banned because some boomer cuck in the CCP felt a little uncomfortable
O i am laffin. S I P

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>lol chinks are spineless, slaves to their own government
>unlike us, we arent slaves to anyone! yeah!

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In is funny to me to see such anti-Chinese posts like the OP without the context of China's recent accomplishments. Of course the West wants China to overthrow its government because of what the PRC has done below. The West WANTS a weak and divided China because they can control it. Now ask yourself, why would the Chinese people want to overthrow their government?

1. Nowhere in the history of the world, has more people have been brought out of poverty in such a short amount of time as what has happened in China in the last 30 years. In less than one generation, Chinese people whom were dying of starvation are now one of the wealthiest people in the world.
2. The average Chinese citizen has seen his wages increased a thousand-fold since the 1970s.
3. The country is at its wealthiest (as compared to the rest of the world) since the 1500s
4. The country is more secure and stable in centuries.
5. China is competing with the US as the most powerful nation in the world (and surpassed it in many metrics) and cant be bullied around anymore by the West


fix your own country first before complaining about others

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>posts Chinese school of thought that is the anti-thesis of a hivemind
Would it kill you to admit that Chinese people can be as creative as Whites?

Yeah pretty sure I'm NOT a slave to my government, I'm not the one getting disappeared by the government because I said something not 110% postive about them on weibo to my 10 followers. Pathetic chink apologist.

>literally first recorded instance of anarcho capitalist thought: laozi
>first recorded instance of ethical egoist thought: yangzhu

id rather be a slave to my own government than a slave of some desert merchants and a kike on a stick my man

1 gr8 leap forward and cultural revolution saw over 80 million murdered and killrd by the communists
2 1000 × 0 = 0
3 maybe the corrupt communist leadership is
4 you mean oppressed, because any time one of your antmen break from the hivemind you jail, torture and execute them
5 so you say but theres plenty of other countries doing slave labor that can and will replace you soon enough, like India.

The level of american delusion is incredible. You might not disappear because you call trump a retard but your dumb fucking burger eating culture is completely based around your retarded fat fucking oil filled skulls supporting the richest people im your country. Only a nation as pathetic as the USA would elect somebody like trump and claim hes fightin for muh freedum. Only a country as fucking retarded as america would support wars because of muh 9/11. Your news are a joke, your politicians are shitty actors and your people are dense motherfuckers that're more arrogant than the most china numba 1 poster on this site. I hope you die from all the freedom lard in your goblin veins

I don't give a shit about their creativty you daft cunt, I don't fucking care about their schools of thought, the fact that they can't @ the leader of the nation online and tell them to choke on their fat cock and confidently be able to expect zero consequences means they aren't free. There is no reason to EVER defend ANY oppressive regime, stop being contrarian and fucking side with me you braindead fucking morons, I'm OBJECTIVELY correct, stop fucking arguing with me.

Hey claps, I don't actually know if there are any actual Chinese people on this board, but I gotta pose this question anyway. Are people in your country aware of how your government systematically censors your internet in real-time to prevent you from seeing things they don't want you to and also disappear you if you dessent? If so, why are you so complacent?
Why won't you as a people rise up against the oppressive regime which oppresses you? There's more common folk than there are military. And would they actually be willing to risk killing their entire population just so no one can dunk on them?
Aren't you jealous of the fact that other countries in your region have free speech and the ability to see anything they want to on the internet without restriction? Rise up, clapers, I'm shaking my head at you spineless cowards.

Shut up Nazi, have fun not being able to not see any blood or violence in any media because your cuck government is scared to death of any potential Nazi analogs.

Why do you think I like the CCP?
I'm a voluntarist-egoist, I'm just tired of people using muh insectoid memes to shut down an argument

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India was actually wealthier than China in the 1960s. Now look at what happenned since then ...

Attached: China-and-India-GDP.png (631x431, 21K)

Do not besmurch Lain by associating her with your shitty opinions.

>asks for chink posters
>instant canadian flags

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1. great leap forward was 1958 to 1962. economic reforms that led to reduction of poverty came in 1980s under different leadership (deng xiaoping). even the ccp said mao made mistakes, but they couldnt say he was a complete dumbass because political rhetoric and their party still needs to hold power even though everyone knows he was a shithead
2. lol
3. lol
4. social contract is essential over a population that large and diverse. stability= higher security over personal freedom. yes its something im not a fan of, but id rather have china tier stability instead of indian democracy and empty claims of superpower 2020. also im not a chinese national so whatever works for them
5. india has potential but they are wasting it. not saying they should adopt authoritarianism like china but fuck the caste system is preventing economic mobility and basically minimizing the effects of meritocracy altogether. would wait a while before they actually achieve superpower potential status.

Can you admit that your accusations were unfounded and you burst out in a moment of passion?

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Yep slap on the nazi term and throw in a bit of cuck in there too, riveting. Americlap genius argumentation style at its finest.

You're just exposing how badly you're seething.

Nope, China needs to be nuked, end of story.

of course its easy to elevate wealth at the cost of freedom of expression and thought, keeping your entire population under control and treating them like slaves paying them minute salaries and wages just enough to have a mediocre existence, because boy you might produce products and services worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars in worth but you still get paid cents the hour

but rook! issa veri veri uerfee kantry! ue chainy peepurr arra de veri guretfurr forr rivin inna de peepurr's rreepabric of chainy!

literal antmen

Why do you have to be like this? We can have civil discussions you know...I used to be in the debate team, there were some passionate and intense moments, but never once did anyone threaten murder

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>all these buttblatsed chin*Oids itt

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Implying I don't love cocks

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Its their natural response to screech cuck or s oy whenever they're proven wrong

>right wing
>ching chong apologist
now you went full retard, moron

Based Polboi

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you yankees are in for a big reality check. We'll make sure to that.

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>all these pols
I thought you guys were supposed to be openly racist or some shit, so what's with the chink defending?

Why would they rise up against a government that is improving their lives every year?

态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门