
Do they actually hate each other IRL or is it just bants?

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No. Anglos are our common enemy.


We hate each other and Estland is better.

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Only retarded subhumans actually hate some other nation for whatever reason.

Estonia=cringe capital of the world

Some hate, most of it is bants. And most of us know that there are greater threats to us than eachother. Eternal anglo, r*ssians and germs for example.


Knew about ruskies and ang*los,but had no idea about krauts.

How do Swedes feel about Pekka Siitoin? He said Swedes are better than Finns because they are Vikings but also that 9i0% of Swedes are homosexuals and humanists

Only rednecks unironically hate Sweden here. Rest of us hate Sweden ironically.

Northern Sweden and Finland is best bros.

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Used to like Scandinavians before Jow Forums, now I just consider them as subhumans.

Estonia is great

Fuck off commie

Hups. Forgot I'm in Sweden now.

Suomalainen ei sano "hups"

I like scandis more after int,especially our bacalhau providers.

How can such a small country be so based?

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wtf Estland is a superpower compared to finland lel

Finland annexing Estonia would be the best outcome for them

Top: Finland
Bottom: Sweden

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You mean Estonia annexing Finland?

>implying finland can annex anything


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Slavic blood makes em volatile and prone to drug abuse. Both Estonians I knew died in their early 20s of OD.
It's a sad country and sad people.

Ai ei vai? Neekeri.

Smaller towns they might hate but they hate everyone, even from neighbor village. Elsewhere no one gives a fuck

h8 finn-"svens"
love real svens
simple as

Based Suomi!

>we don't think about either as they are irrelevant
t. capital

Only autistic hate. For others just banter

I feel it stems more from mandatory swedish in primary school than anything else in modern times. And swedish speaking finns having more privileges and them being arrogant bricks. These people have mastered the art of talking down passively.

why would we hate them? at most it's a feeling of rivalry because of things like hockey

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I don't care about them

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having a finnish surname in sweden is considered low class.

why are you disputing this?

I have a "finnish surname" as well, but it ends with ius :^)

Brainfart. For a moment I though the topic only finns hating swedes.

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Asikanius or something like that? One of those made up latin sounding names from the 18th/19th centuries?

t. Savonius

...me am very smart this day

Wait what privileges

Antonius (im not related to the poker player as far as i know)

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They've got quotas in higher education quadruple their percentage. I guess it's not too bad since most of the overeducated ones fuck off to other countries.

Way shorter lines for medical centers, way easier to get into higher education etc. although any Finn that decides to learn Swedish can use these too
t. eri

I have a finnish surname that doesn't end with ius

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>Shorter lines
Tell me more about this

We have seperate lines for doctors offering service in Finnish and Swedish. And since Swedish speakers are about 1/20 of the amount of Finnish speakers, you can guess what that means. Also, probably due to not being as swamped in work, the Swedish speaking doctors are usually more friendly and relaxed (I have a Norwegian surname so I sometimes get put into the Swedish queue).

I guess Swedish classes aren't useless after all

Most doctors speak rather good swedish. It's no where near 1/20
What you're saying is utter bullshit

only if ur a poorfag and need public healthcare

Plus you can't work in the public sector unless you speak swedish

>Also, probably due to not being as swamped in work, the Swedish speaking doctors are usually more friendly and relaxed

Nah, they treat finnish speakers too. They just push the swedish speakers on certain doctors/hospitals.

t. Nurse who used to work in a hospital like that

It's the public healhcare where they have to speak swedish. He's just talking shit

Swedish speakers are 4,8% of Finland. And have you never gone to a god damn hospital/medical center? They ask you have language you want the service in.

>Nowhere near 1/20
1/20 = 5% of your population.

I guess Swedish speaking doctors specialize in old people diseases

I said the lines (= queues) are separate. The part about the doctors themselves was just guess work as is apparent to anyone who knows what the word "probably" means.

I thought he meant only 1/20 of doctors speak swedish
Anyway you can't work at a public clinic unless you're speaking swedish

What about that Finnish speaking doctor who moved to Åland and the locals call him the devil because he can't speak Swedish?

Being able to speak swedish and "speaking swedish" are completely different things. My brother is a cop, has completed virkamiesruotsi and yet he can pretty much order meatballs in swedish and that's it.

Yeah heard about that.

I don't care about Finland.

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It's different when you're a doctor obv.

Thy the fuck would you move to Åland if you can't speak Swedish. And a doctor? I call bullshit

It's not bullshit. He moved there with his Ålandic gf.


What if an older Swedish speaking granny would rather die than speak Finnish?
it would be murder if she didn't get medical service in svenska


Not an explanation. Cops are required to be able to speak Swedish too (though technically that isn't even true, you only need to speak swedish if you're working in an area with swedish speakers). It's just that what we consider a qualification in Finland is barely enough for a basic conversation, assuming you even remember any of it after school.

What the fuck? This cant be true?
I have only heard that hospitals are required to be able to service people in Swedish. Not that literally every single doctor need to be fluent.

Never heard. Please gib source.

>Mikkeliläinen Hannu Maaranen muutti Ahvenanmaalle joulukuussa 2015 treffipalstalla tapaamansa rakkaan perässä. Maaranen oli pitänyt ruotsia aivan turhana kielenä koko ikänsä, joten ruotsin tunneista ei ollut jäänyt montaakaan sanaa päähän.
>Tästä huolimatta Maaranen sai työpaikan sairaalan osastolta koeajalla: mikäli Maaranen oppisi ruotsin puolessa vuodessa, hän saisi jäädä vakituiseksi.
>Ensimmäinen puoli vuotta ruotsinkielisessä ympäristössä oli Maarasesta "aivan kamalaa".
>Kun tuli puhelinsoittoja töissä, oli hirveä stressi, että elekee kukkaan soittako. Koko ajan oli semmoinen turhautuminen.
>Maaranen koki, että hänen ammattitaitonsa kyseenalaistettiin, koska hän ei osannut sujuvasti ruotsia.
>Tuli sellainen olo, että jotkut ihmiset halusivat piikitellä, että eihän se Hannu tätäkään ymmärtänyt. Jos puhut todella yksinkertaisesti, niin kyllä se saattaa aiheuttaa sen olon, että luullaan, että olet vähän yksinkertainen.
>Potilaat ovat välillä kutsuneet Maarasta haukkumanimillä "finnbajs" (suomalaispaska) ja "finnjävel" (suomalaispiru), mikä toki häntä harmittaa, mutta hän ei halua ottaa asiaa niin vakavasti.

why this shithole isn't still rangebanned?

>suomalaiset sanomassa suomalaista suomalaispiruksi
Mikäs noita Sipsejä vaivaakaan?

Finns are our brothers. Finns are beautiful and loyal people. The Jow Forums banter is just banter, we are two brother nations.

Also Merry Christmas to all the Finns and Swedes :^)

Speak Swedish to the Ålander.

Oh, that. Yeah. Dont know what I can say. Lots of böndes here as well. Yes it appears to be true the doctor got called that.
However, that reporter wasnt doing a serious article. She was searching for confirmation for her viewpoint (that people here hate finns). According to some other Finns she had contacted before she got in contact with this doctor.

>ål*nd damage control
We seriously should just sell you to russians or swedes

What? Pointing out the other side of the coin is damage control?
If you just want to spout memes I can be quiet.

>whole ''''''economy''''' supported by finnish tax payers
>be one of the most privileged minority on the whole planet
>no civil service or conscription
>still act like a complete cunt

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>>whole ''''''economy''''' supported by finnish tax payers
False. We pay our taxes uncut to the mainland. What we pay over a certain limit we get back the following year.

>be one of the most privileged minority on the whole planet
>no civil service or conscription

>>still act like a complete cunt
This I somewhat agree on actually. Åland politicians should try to dial it down a notch desu.

I think they’re a neighbour that doesn’t cause problems

No fighting during Christmas!!!

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god jul broder x

>We pay our taxes uncut to the mainland
Ahvenanmaalaiset eri asemassa – eivät maksa kiinteistö- tai Yle-veroa, julkinen liikennekin ilmaista


Ahvenanmaalla valtion menot ovat 13 225 euroa asukasta kohden, kun muualla maassa euroja kuluu 6 997 euroa per henkilö, selviää Tilastokeskuksen tuoreista luvuista. Myös suhteessa valtiolle takaisinpäin virtaaviin tuloihin Ahvenanmaa on selkeästi nettosaajana.


God jul :)

You are upset that the government spends twice as much per capita on Åland than on the mainland average?
First of all this isnt an accurate comparison. Im sure you can find similar figures if you start going into municipality by municipality as well. Especially in the Åbo achipelago as the archipelago traffic is damn expensive to uphold.
Second you are just looking at spending. Not at what we are paying back.

Anyway... No, we dont pay "yle tax" instead we pay a separate "tax" for our own worthless TV/Radio channel.

If you want to complain, you should (as in the iltasanomat article) bring up that we profit unproportionally well from museum and shipping aids.

>Second you are just looking at spending. Not at what we are paying back.
It was addressed int the article ''Myös suhteessa valtiolle takaisinpäin virtaaviin tuloihin Ahvenanmaa on selkeästi nettosaajana.'' You guys are financial dead-weight, everyone of you should remember who pays for your leeching and start changing the views on the mainlanders. Also, if you don't pay for state broadcasting, you shouldn't be able to see those channels then.

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>Myös suhteessa valtiolle takaisinpäin virtaaviin tuloihin Ahvenanmaa on selkeästi nettosaajana
That is presented without any form of support.
But I will take their word for it and accept it as it is.

Do you think Åland is the only place which is financial dead weight? Is there ever any articles written in the same way about any other place in Finland?

>everyone of you should remember who pays for your leeching
Stop being overly dramatic. I still havent seen support for that.

>start changing the views on the mainlanders
Indeed we should! I think both of us should start to agree more instead of fighting all the time.

>Also, if you don't pay for state broadcasting, you shouldn't be able to see those channels then.

>That is presented without any form of support.
Well here you can see exact numbers in this report made by ministry of finance.


why do Finns or Scandis in general hate Anglo so much? is it just the cultural difference?

well I guess Finns in this board seem to have a major aversion towards Anglo at least

we hate manlets

Because they act like this and then get BTFO by finnish bulls


(ps. we don't really hate anglos)

well that's understandable

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Death to Sweden

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Khanate of Ural shall be restored

If Finns hate Åland so much, why not let them join the country they wish to be a part of?