What career should I pick?

What career should I pick?
>just turned 24
>have a wife and baby
>Have a degree in economics from a not-super-reputable school but not bad
>pretty good quantitative skills
>Great interpersonal skills
>pretty good looking (if that counts for anything)
>Willing to learn just about anything
>living abroad teaching English for last 1.5 years
>Going back to the USA next year
>want to start a career
>I can study independently between now and then

I was thinking about becoming an actuary or a financial adviser. I don't know much about either of those things, but like I said I like learning new things. Both jobs require you to pass exams. I could study for the exams between now and then but I don't want to put all my eggs in one basket.

Help me out with some ideas bros? I want to earn enough to support my family comfortably and not hit a wage ceiling.

Wife has a masters in Economics so I am sure she will find a good job. Or at least I hope.

Most likely headed to Seattle, my hometown but it can be any large city (1+ million pop). We are looking for a new start.

Attached: 4273D120-274B-4B95-B8E9-87ACAA7D9B9D.png (640x1136, 994K)

investment banking
if you can withstand hell for 3-4 years, you will be laughing and can retire at 35

>degree in economics
>finds woman
>claims he has quantitative skills

kek. You seem to be able to impress recruiters, in your position I would choose 1) something want to do 2) if there's nothing that interests you maximize $$ / amount-of-work and take into account stress, and shit like that

I always hear that's a stressful job, what does it entail?

>he married and had a child with a female that had previous sexual partners/relationships

Kek, maybe get into cuck porn for a career.

Truthful posts made by the good hearts and witty brains of biz. You will make it no matter which way you follow as long as you get your desires.

Any recommended literature or resources to get into that?

That’s kind of the idea. I’d like to make a good amount of money. Totally willing to kill myself for a few years. I’m pretty competitive anyway, it could be fun.

You’re assuming a lot about my wife. She had one sexual partner before me, a boyfriend for 7 years. She’s a good, faithful woman, and a brilliant person. Good luck living life with that bitter attitude.

>wife and baby

Comp sci / ML or be beholden to the interests of those that know these subjects. Exponential compute increase on the way soon.

I’m pretty fulfilled with my family life. It sounds crazy in 2018 to do this radical thing called “starting a family.” But believe it or not, people used to do it all the time.

its stressful due to the insane hours you have to work, not uncommon for fresh investment bankers to be working 16 hr days, the meme of sleeping in the office is not actually a meme at all
after a few years of utter JUSTING however, you will have a large number of contacts from various companies , or various clients which you brokered deals with etc.
Then, you can begin to make well over 6 figures at higher up roles in an investment bank, bossing around new interns/grads whilst doing fuck all.
My best mate was an investment banker for around 10 years, made a shit ton of money and now is essentialyl retired, living off of investments ( has a family also)

KEK, so you did have a child with a roastie and married one. Enjoy your divorce, cuckboy. And sure she "only" had 1 sexual partner that she counts. Useally you multiply whatever amount she claims to have by 2-3 to get the real number.

Attached: teachman.jpg (385x400, 36K)

you already fucked up on so many levels that if this is bait you totally got me

You sound lonely :(

>Thinks IB is only bad as an analyst
L A R P. Expect to work 70 hour week averages for your entire career.

>Any recommended literature or resources to get into that?
Get an MBA from a target (top 15) school.

Most of the schools I looked at want a bunch of work experience. Looking for good options for that.

Actuary is really good, from what I've heard. Financial advisor is just selling unnecessary shit to ignorant people. Those schools just want to see you with ~4-5 years of real work experience, some volunteering, a 3.5+ gpa, and a good MCAT score.

Read the book "young money: inside the hidden"

Lol, my bad. GMAT.

will do

Thanks I’ll look further into actuary stuff. Seems pretty simple once you put the work into passing exams.
I think I would be good at selling unnecessary shit to ignorant people. The series 7 exam is a lot harder than the actuary exams, I think.

Dude, go into corporate sales if you can sell.

Haha. Look at you. You poor thing. Who harmed you lil beta boy? Why are you angry at OP? Confident boys are not angry at others whether they made the right or bad life choices.

He is. Thats his way of coping with not actually having a gf or even sex. To make him feel better he talks crap about people that are in happy relationships. Too many of those idiots on this board.

>wake up
>roll out of bed
>hmm, which of these random professions that I know nothing about will I dedicate my life to, Jow Forums?
What is up with these kinds of posts

>pretty fulfilled with my life
>hey Jow Forums what should i do with my life
>having kids and a wife before you succeed in life

>I think I would be good at selling unnecessary shit to ignorant people
Don't do that...

Neck yourself you inferior genetic dead end

spend $3000 on chainlink
spend $2000 on 0xbitcoin
wait 2 years and be a millionaire
never work again
youre welcome


>You’re assuming a lot about my wife. She had one sexual partner before me, a boyfriend for 7 years. She’s a good, faithful woman, and a brilliant person. Good luck living life with that bitter attitude.
Why would you marry an older woman?