Ask someone who is about to buy a 1.5 million 6000 sft house anything

Ask someone who is about to buy a 1.5 million 6000 sft house anything.

Attached: 6418D9A2-3DF6-4392-A33F-413B4AF70BA9.jpg (640x445, 35K)

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Where'd you make the money?

What's your profession?

3.6% interest rate is pretty cucked m8. I'm at 1.75% right now.


You could have good at least an eight better rate

Loan officer here

Attached: 86927BB1-DE24-4665-8146-434B2D649677.gif (499x499, 1.03M)

>having interest rate

thanks goy

How did you make the money needed to afford that house?

I made money working as a private equity associate and trading options

Attached: 1BF68D41-3EBE-4080-99CC-F87B0D23C2F6.png (1125x2436, 646K)

Two income household, make combined 350k + investment/rental income

>lives in nova

Can we come over?

Fuck off normie faggot

>Has $316k trading account
>Seems to now think he is a multi-millionaire
>Gets a $1.2m mortgage at 3.6%

The absolute STATE

Your house will cost half as much in a few years.

How much are you making from rental income alone? Would you be able to give me a quick rundown on what it would take to start renting?

I have 400k in cash

We have two sfh and 1 townhouses. They generate 3.5k in rent and mortgages are around 2.2k. The houses prices have doubled in the past 5 years

Bet it's a shit mcmansion lol

Have fun using intercoms user

Why do you and your partner hate each other?
6000 Sq ft.
Must not want to see each other very often.

So subprime is a thing again?

OP, suggest me books or an approach to get started with options

Read the one by nassim taleb


Dude. 1.5 mil / 6000 square is 250 bucks for every square foot.

Your are in a shit market. I hope you got like some Gucci mane style house with two pools

Thanks fren, I have read the Incerto series, didnt look at Dynamic Hedging because it looked academic, will read that now

Any other tips getting started ? I've played around with equity and commodity options previously but never really went deep into it.

Hopefully I’ll be there soon too brother.
I went all in req in this recent dip. I got 340K tokens now. I just need a dollar per token again and I’ll be able to cash out and start real estate with my friends Dad.

Told me if I get 250k I can go half’s on a house with him and start flipping homes.
Should make about 50k profit per house. And they flip quick too

Build custom spreadsheets to calculate your expected payoff and backOut implied probabilities. At its fundamental basis I am arbitrating implied probability versus what I think is real probability. I like trades where the implied is

damn i'm buying a 600k house and the closing costs are the same as yours lel

1,506,000 square feet? Jesus Christ. What are you going to fill it with?

Your hopes and dreams


Congrats OP
Now fill that mansion up with 10 white babbys and keep hope alive

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thanks fren