>you support communism? don't you know it killed like, um, 1000 GORILLION people?
You support communism? don't you know it killed like, um, 1000 GORILLION people?
Gavin Garcia
Josiah Morris
This but unironically
Juan Price
Stalin's regime killed 85 milion, there's an infograph at JesusWasNotAJew.org
Look it up, you brainwashed fuck.
Aiden Gonzalez
And impoverished half of the globe. It's not just about bodycounts.
Nolan Walker
Communism always ends up shit because it’s never a truly equal society, there’s always a dictator with an iron fist
Dylan Carter
Connor Jones
>and impoverished half of the globe
Adrian Moore
Capitalism always ends up shit because it’s never a truly meritocratic society, there’s always a plutocracy with an iron fist
Jason Morales
did they count every death even by natural reasons as if it was Stalin who killed them? xD
Ayden Morris
Didn't you know? If it wasn't for the red menace all humans would be immortal.