Why is Paris so beautiful, lads?

Why is Paris so beautiful, lads?

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Because of its demographics.

Forgot the link: youtu.be/UfEiKK-iX70

>Muh Metal Piece of Shit

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because you only now soulless suburbia filled with chinks and pakis


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It is indeed a world class city. But the locals are stuck-up assholes, even to other French people. But you can almost understand them, because life in Paris is so stressing.

Paris is the heart of western civilization along with London and arguably New York, this means money and money means beautiful stuff.

We basically planted bombs around all landmarks in the city and even planned to flood the entire area during our retreat but in the end the general in charge of the command defied orders after being sweet-talked by a Swedish diplomat who secretly negotiated for the French resistance.

They made a great movie about it. It's called 'Diplomatie'.

>flood the entire area during our retreat

...Do i gotta remember how much of a Frogburners you guys are? pic related the most interesting thing to see in the US: A French creation

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>Dresden was a trage--

Well, one of the arguments was basically that after the war the French and the coming generations would never be able to forgive the Germans if they destroyed Paris.

the niggers and arabs

>But the locals are stuck-up assholes

So it's the same as in every other big city in the world?

Genuinely asking: what's the point of doing that?
And no meme answers like
>kill all fr*nchoids

>if I can't have you, I smash

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None, nazis were just criminals.


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nothing personnel, Gabber Piet

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Total genocide of fr*nchies when?

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lmao come get some

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Oh us flemish are ITCHING for another war with Fr*nce. We will commit acts of genocide and of course no one will care or do anything about it

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fuck off and lick my boots like a good fl*moid

Oh don't worry sp*niard, our new alliance with the Catalonians will genocide all of you shitskin moors

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Even with niggers and arabs they still have a lower crime rate than Mexico.


Don't lie to yourself, Paco. Just today more people were killed in Mexico than the number of people killed in France the entire year.

no, Paris people legit can't put on a fucking smile if it saved their lives.

shut up
fl*moids are our cumrag

well we got water

>genocide this genocide that
Look at the little guy go

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>inb4 someone posts that rockthrow comic

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You weren't this smug when we destroyed your fleet and we buttfucked you at Mons-en-Pévèle, weak Fl*mish boi