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Other urls found in this thread:


OMG it's real. The Jews won't go easy on him.

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Seriously, wtf is happening to this world? I'm literally shaking out of anger by the fact that the world is turning more to nazism for every single day that passes.
This has to stop, now.

true socialism. looking forward to my monthly tesla checks

>Seriously, wtf is happening to this world? I'm literally shaking out of anger by the fact that the world is turning more to nazism for every single day that passes.
>This has to stop, now.
Since when hiring people based on merit is called nazism?

Lol, holy fuck, this will probably blow over silicon valley basedboys' radars though.

Most faggots blasting "marxism" and socialism haven't even read one word of Marx. They only know strawmen developed by the right-wing fatcats that are cucking them daily. If they could charge you for oxygen they would. And we'd have entire populations of brainlets mindlessly repeating that competition for oxygen is the key to a thriving economy.

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Everyone talking like Musk just did is a closet nazi, we all know that he is secretly pushing white supremacy.
Did you see him firing black people lsat year? Exactly.

So is he implying he wants to see a society based around distributed wealth based on a person's merit rather than 're'-distributed wealth based on the lazy mooching off the works of the active?

because trying to hide the truth by sweeping it under the rug of diversity or equality of outcome doesn't work and didn't fool anybody

>Just not the kind that shifts resources from most productive to least productive, pretending to do good
we all know who he's talking about

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I know right? What a monster.

When do Tesla's debts come due again? I can't wait to see the crash.

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Too bad Tesla doesn’t turn any profit whatsoever.


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Kek, check out the nervous kikes everyone!

How do I long white people?
>this year's meme king of pop culture is clearly rightwing
>italy, austria and hungary gaining attention for their governments
>trump performing well day in and day out
>tons of alt-right/conservative channels on youtube gaining views in the millions
I want to cash in on this. Is it better to long whites or short jews?

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whites are still in a bear market, longrun
and we know how well shorting the jews has worked out in the past

The tide is turning brother, these things take time

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Good example of how stupid the right wing is. Can't even figure out that the first one is sarcasm and the third one is an idiot from your team.

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I don't think it'll take that long. I'll assume you are white and therefore still get attacked by the privilege police and have less opportunity to get into unbiased conversations.
I'm black and have a free pass to spark conversations on race and gender and such, most of the time. this is my experience:
>The vast majority of white normies are feeling attacked and they've run out of "polite guilt"
>they finally feel like defending themselves
>a big chunk of blacks, gays and women are irritated by the constant victimization of their identities and feeling like it's making white straight men more defensive and distant when interacting with them, which is not good for anyone

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You cant short a jew, we will just change our nicknames and pretend to be white.
Why do you think that we have been integrating white genes among the tribe? It is our hedge.

Broke: Shorting Jews
Woke: Long Jews
Bespoke: Converting to Judaism


At the very least in about one to two hundred years science will probably make it so that race (and general shape for that matter) is a matter of choice
Then we will get around to fixing some /real/ issues

JIDF out in full force today I see.

this is actually very informative. I was curious to see the perspective of a black guy on this, preferably one that was not brainwashed by the jews with "muh slavery" and "muh racism and white privilege".

Have you started redpilling your fellow blacks on the fact that it's actually the jews that are using them as pawns or are they already aware, but don't give a shit since they like the status quo?

I've legit had panic attacks multiple times due to the excitement generated by the thought of all races, creeds, and colors putting aside both prejudice and nonsensical victim narratives in pursuit of objective, measurable progress.

The problem is the echo chambers. Some black kids come in no contact with whites at all while growing up. They live in black neighbourhoods, go to black churches, black schools, black everything. This gives the jew time to imprint a bad image of whites through media. If they get to adulthood without ever really having a chance to bond with a white person they're borderline unredeemable afterwards, which is why Zimbabwe happened and SA is happening now. Too few white people, too much jewry. Black man hears of the oppressive evil white man, first one he comes in contact with is his boss. The jew wins.

Elsewhere though, it's not that bad. Most universities and schools are pretty diverse, most black folk like the idea of affirmative action because it seems fair to have some form of reparation. They drop it when they realize even though only a few blacks will benefit off of it, everyone experiences the division and resentment it sows.

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Im shaking with joy

Did you miss the part where he said he doesn't shift money from productive to unproductive? Your still gunna need to get a fucking job neet cunt

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lol. he is a capitalist socialist.


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>literally shaking
here's your (You)

did Jow Forums miss the part about free BTC?

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and ETH

Elvon Musk

omg!! he just sent me 1000 BTC!! socialism confirmed

Elon Musk is /ourguy/, watch him build a better power ledger for America.

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sure buddy, whatever you say, here, have a (you)

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You're using a fake elon musk to steal coins you ass fuck.
Report this fuck

Report you too, bot of the Russian farm


ahahah, didn't even notice, fuck me
yes, that is positively me stealin your coins

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Whoever made that flag is retarded.

>anarcho capitalism
pick exactly 1

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>right wing
>fat cats
pick one. the bolshevik revolution was funded by wall street bankers.

most faggots espousing marx have never read animal farm. communism is just a trap for people running away from capitalism. but really they’re both the same. (read animal farm ffs, it takes like an hour)

found the kike

Think about it, every girl Elon musk has fucked has absolutely zero history with niggers. He has never even replied to a nigger on Twitter. And don't even get me started about the time he didn't even respond to the black co-host on that interview

What the fuck kind of socialism is he even talking about? If you do good for all then how is that socialism?

jesus christ he's a utilitarian


He's just trying to say capitalism is actually socialism because it does the best for everyone. Just being smug basically. He's probably battling it out on Twitter regularly.

>What the fuck kind of socialism is he even talking about?
The best kind baby!

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Kids will fall for the bait good one lad

>being a commie bootlicker on Jow Forums
kill yourself

>jeff bezos
>george soros
>mark zuckerberg
>any pro mass-immigration politician
>any tax-exempt individual who wants higher taxes on everyone else

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honestly twitter needs to stop banning people for talking about racism and get on the imitation problem

the first thing to do is to use a font where lower case l looks exactly like capital i

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*where it doesn't look exactly the same...

Elon musk is a libertarian though

Why do you leftists want to be poor?

Why do you not understand economics?



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Elon musk supports free markets though.

Why the fuck is this brainlet trying to appeal to socialist scum?

The best thing about him is that he doesn't like unions and this makes leftists mad.

He used to be based until he made this tweet.

based Ben "Zyklon B" Garrison

implying the clean air you breathe from being surrounded by emisson-less tesla's isn't compensation enough.


Post capitalism eoy

The natural state of human

The problem is YOU PEOPLE don't know what Marxism and socialism is.

That's why you're still retarded enough to be socialists.

National socialists are massive cucks that need to fucking die.

You're no better than marxists and you literally want to be poor and enslaved.

Sieg Heil mein Bruder!

Back in the oven plz

>true socialism


He's not a socialist. Rather, a utilitarian.

How many times you incel Nazi fags gonna try and take Elon Musk down your poor, fat, NEET road? Your shitcoins will never be anything and you’ll have to get a job. Fuck you faggots.

lel all these idiots getting memed on and giving (you)s
if "literally shaking" didnt tip you off, idk what to tell ya

but (you), (you) deserved this one


You dumb, lying fag

blacks disowned kanye, dont you remember that buzzfeed video?
this is null. elon h8s the blags

also if you idiots havent realized yet that this guy has been FUDing his own company to line up retarded retail traders and have his and his buddys squeeze em (oh and push his short puts OTM right before expiry. convenient) in a last ditch effort to keep his companies stockprice afloat, then ur fucking retarded.

you know how many retarded small specc traders have been LIQ'd by this EXACT SAME SCENARIO in the past few months. go ahead, short TSLA u tards. youre damn right its overvalued and a worthless non-profitable company. thats all irrelevant. this is a fucking trap (that hes done, what, 3-4 times now?) and if youre dumb enough to fall for it you deserve to experience total loss