Are there any European countries with classical liberal views on individual rights but that haven't descended into...

Are there any European countries with classical liberal views on individual rights but that haven't descended into complete degeneracy?

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Ya not what the article said I rember seeing the original post way to cope

Are there any countries with classical liberal views on individual rights?

I don't get the UK. I understand the USA being cucked but UK coming from a tradition of Empire building, I don't understand how they went full anti-White.

America used to be that way. Basically just leave you alone unless you're hurting someone else.

Then the dark times came.

>american flag accusing europe of degeneracy
>while posting an anglo newspaper article
what thought process went through your head before making this thread?

USA, just like all other anglo countries, are cesspools of cuckold porn and transgenderism
just because you attempt to push this onto europe doesn't mean we like it

personally i hope anglo "nations" are put under control

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>Are there any European countries with classical liberal views on individual rights

>implying I was implying America is any better
shouldn't you be shipping your daughters off to Morocco to be brutally raped and decapitated, Stefan?

>shouldn't you be shipping your daughters off to Morocco to be brutally raped and decapitated
why do americans always push their cuckold fetishes onto other people?

brits did the same with "the danish girl" trying to link denmark with the medical horrors they subject young boys to by mutilating them

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>editting why to white
I don't see why -- it's already a shitty pile of degeneracy masquerading as an article.

Oh. Right, you're American. The urge to consume cuckold media is an everflowing well.