Save and repost

Save and repost

Attached: SAVE_AND_REPOST.png (1280x1269, 734K)

This proves scam how, exactly?

It’s like you couldn’t tell that it’s a scam by the smell of curry and shit

I genuinely don't understand this. What coin are they talking about - milk shit? And what does it have to do with 0xBTC? And how is it a scam?

srs wtf?

i r sell mah bags rel cheepz now uh huh

Nice FUD

When you write "scam" in big letters, that means it MUST be true. OP has no ulterior motive, do exactly what he says at all costs! and don't ask questions or do your own research

I dunno, the guy with the meme name is selling some kind of milk game I guess, who knows what he's on about

Miners just want to dump their bags.
They will stop at nothing to shill this coin.
If it pumps, it'll be the last time it does.

i don't even care if that milk thing ends up being a dapp ponzi, if i can get in early enough i'll still buy some lmao

haha if I wanted to dump, I would have done it @$4 for a real nice profit. This shit is worth so muck more.

>implying there's enough buy volume buy your bags at $4

There was and I didn't move.

This. I sold a small amount just for fun, much less than I could have in the pump - which was actually a very high-volume time.

No one with a brain is dumping this shit before $20, I assure you of that.

>I bought at ATH
>Please buy my bags.

I bought in at 0.0008 eth and sold 1/4 yesterday at 0.0035

everything from now on is pure profit. gonna hold out for a 20x return

What are we going to do about the milk farm shit when that appears?

throw money at it as long as its under 10 eth and do a gas war like we always do then dump at 50 buy the dip

same shit different day

Attached: shrimpegg.png (365x365, 34K)

This post just proves you're a moron. If you really believed in it you would have sold your stack and bought the dip like someone who actually wanted more. But instead you sat on it because you thought it was going to go higher. Now you are a bag holder. That is the end of the story. Except for the part where you and your loser friends come here and shit up the board. Save some dignity and cut your losses.

What losses? I'm not the guy you were talking to but I'm at (at least)100% profit right now. Actually if you were mining since February you'd be at mathematically infinite returns %

b... because SCAM
big font