Heppy Christmas frens
Heppy Christmas frens
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im paki
Marry Christmas Swedish fren :)
Merry Christmas ^_^
I don't like anybody
On behalf of all animeposters, I want to wish my frogposting friends a merry Christmas!
wher my gift
jak vill ha julklapp tomte ge bresent snäla jag har varit snäl bojke i år
For u fren!
Oh no, it's nearly here. AHHHHHH
I want nothing but the best for you all.
happouy chriamtees
It's not Christmas though yet right?
It's tomorrow
2019 will be my last year frens. It's inevitable.
Merry Cringemas xD
>that feeling of complete existential dread that comes right after christmas
Thank you. What do you have to offer me, Swedish Santa Claus?
Merry Christmas!
Baking up a storm atm.
One cute Swedish gf for Christmas please Santa.
I can feel the good vibes, frens. I hope you all have a merry christmas and enjoy every minute.
>just want to get drunk with my friends for christmas
>they all have super secret and exclusive 'family' gatherings
>meanwhile I'm estranged from my extended family so get to spend time with two boomers shoving chocolate in my face and making fun of my financial situation
>I'm working new years
Here's a very Jow Forums Christmas video frens.
>tfw reached the age when it's nothing but restaurant gift cards
Christmas is the glorification of capitalism.
morry crismah
>Christmas is the glorification of capitalism.
hepy holidaz tu awl teh frens
This is my first Christmas without family, at least I have a friend I can hangout with on Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Svíþjóð
Merry Christmas!
>Merry Christmas
Happy holidays.
Fuck off jew
Irish gf please Santa
also santa please one redhead gf
one please
I wanna wish u a merry xmas from the bottom of mah heart
Merry Christmas fren
Catholic pedos belong in the ovens
Release me from this mortal coil please
If you have an attractive sister or female friend I will marry her and take her out of your shithole country.
I hope the situation in your country improves my friend, marry Christmas-Happy holiday
Happy Holidays from Japan
tfw I don't do xmas cause jewish
suggest christmas movies frens
well there's no chance of that
happy christmas frens
folk tror inte du är mindre störd för att du medvetet beter dig mentalt skadad
>Merry Christmas
>it's actually Christmas Eve
It's not Eid though
Happy Holidays :)
>not the crippling loneliness that comes before christmas
plebs, all of you
I don’t celebrate your gay festival faggot
Jesus Christ I have been lonely for Christmas for close to 10 years what the fuck
iktf all too well. birthdays are even worse, don't get me started on hearing about those new years parties once it's back to work the next couple of days, wew lad
what is this?
Just went out and helped my dad with the bbq for an hour. Sandflies were eating me alive.
Just Jow Forums being Jow Forums
Merry Clitoris ^_^
Haven’t even kissed a girl and I’m 23.. fuck me