Any of you fellas in debt?

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carloan with 0% interest otherwise no

She’s getting old. Post prime hag. Sad.

200k mortage 1,5% intrest
5k college debt 0% intrest

Seems much but it's easily payable withy salary

30k loan
35k loan (lost it on crypto)
8k credit card debt

...selling house to pay some of it off. fucked up bigly.

About 500K loan for house and property, 2.1% interest.
On a very good way to eliminate at least 50% of that with crypto.

700k mortage
18k student loan

Its ok.

But if I knew then, what I know now, about finances, I would have never bought the damn house on a loan.

Dont do it. Money now is allways better then money tomorrow. DO NOT pay off anything! pro tip.

10 racks
19 years old

150k student loan debt reporting in

This is interesting

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gender studies degree

rip lol what the fuck man why so much man

11k car loan
2k hospital bills
2k credit card debt

4k in the bank
10k in crypto.

Had 150k in crypto in January and didn't cash out :(

Oh but you misunderstand; I have enough money from my job. It's just a fun experiment to get crypto to pay off that loan. And if I do, I can truly say I bought a place to live that I own and that no one can take away from me with a currency that was made for the people to fuck banks and governments.

Law school is expensive as fuck

100k left on my mortgage. I would be so free without it.

ah makes sense

should've stated my debt:
starting my third year of undergrad in mechanical engineering, 12.5 K in student loans so far

60000 student loan with 6% interest. Unsure if I should pay it off asap or keep letting them take 2.5% of my wages forever.

25k crypto loans 0% :) term ends on 10k of that in october so in think im fucked unless crypto recovers a bit over next few months

my ass is in debt for the rest of my life :)

Thanks law school!

67k student loans. Just paid off my car last week at least

Got 3k on credit card and 4K loan. Feels bad man

15K credit card debt
>11K @ 3% car loan
I-I'm not gonna make it, am I, lads?

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45k Student
4k Car
1.5k cc

1k in bank
2k in crypto

No, I've never been in debt and I'm 23. Why are you anons in so much debt? You realise you can go to a good state school for basically nothing in the U.S? I got a master's degree and just graduated with no debt.

400k student loans, 600k business loan. Live with my parents. No end in sight.

Holy shit wtf?? Even medical school useally isn't that high. You better be making 450k-500k a year user

>Live with my parents

I have huge law school debt but if you're planning on not getting married, not paying ridiculous rent and living within your means for the next decade, you should be fine.

The thing is, debt is really bad, but it basically confines you to NOT do things that I wouldn't be doing anyway. I can't have kids or get married anytime soon, but I'm not sweating that. I wasn't planning on buying a house anyways.

Let me get this straight. Americans finish high school and fall for the student loan meme so that society accepts you with your neat university degree and loans that fuck up the most important years of your financial life? Damn what a tragic way to live life.

Yeah but it's roughly the equivalent of getting taxed for half your income like you do in Europe.

If you're a non-European then I'm not even going to bother responding to you lol.

Half your income in WEST europe, not a part of europe all of us civilized Europeans associate with thanks. Partially because of their retarded taxation methods to support their stupid welfare and other decisions, partially for reasons that should be discussed on pol and b.


Been paying 18% tax on income for 10 years and my "student loan" was 1,5K eur which i used to buy computer and spent the rest at striptease-bar.

buying a house

good life choices to be honest

Also forgot to say that not all debt is bad debt - if it's used properly it's a great tool such as borrowing money to buy a house to rent out to pay for the monthly payments to bank.

>35k loan (lost it on crypto)
retard allert

Student loans but they're almost paid off. That's it. I own my car and have no mortgage.

living the dream

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I have $25 in debt. no joke

my visa statement. I payed off 2 homes and would not touch debt to buy crypto EVER.
Im investing in real estate atm. Having excess money that I do not use.

We don't have much of a choice m8. Sure you can go to a trade school and become an electrician or something, but if you want a real career outside of those fields then you need a college degree. Since degrees are pretty much mandatory, student loans are relatively easy to get. Colleges know that and they have been drastically increasing their rates (anywhere from 10x-100x the price of tuition since the previous generation). Further the schools exploit the system in other ways like favoring out-of-state applicants so they can charge "out-of-state" tuition, spending exorbitant amounts of money on stadiums/athletics etc.... The whole system is supremely fucked and there's going to be a huge shitstorm around it in a few years

Or you can just major in something good like CS and pay off your student loans in literally a year with your 6 figure job right out of college

Oh right, you Eurocucks only make peanuts for CS because you have no good software companies because you're still stuck in the agricultural industry and the banking leech industry instead of in the future

Get cucked Eurotrash

I have 0 debt, and in fact have 40kUSD in my savings account(from an insurance settlement for a totaled car) . I never fell for the student loan meme or credit card debt meme.

But I unironically just met someone(a friend of a friend) a few days ago who took out a 20k USD personal loan for bitcoin in December when it was almost at its peak and got scammed when he tried to sell it a few weeks later and LOST the coins when he tried to trade it outside of an exchange.

I legitimately thought he was joking/lying since it sounded like a reddit tier story. But my friend (who is coworkers with the guy) told me he was crying the entire day he was at work when he lost it and had to be sent home kek. Went from having 100k in bitcoin to owing the bank 20k he didn't have in a month...

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Please explain your philosophy.

0.00€ debt
lent a total of 16500€ to friends and family at 5% apr

I hesitate as I open my mobile wallet and send 100 XMR to her wallet. I watch as my portfolio drops a couple of points. I immediately throw myself to her knees and kiss her worn and stiff kneecaps. I climb my tongue higher unto her thick thighs, higher and higher as I smell her light perfume.

I make an agressive approach to her vagina but she pushes me back, and tells me that only real men can touch her pussy. I offer her twice of what I sent her, but she refuses. " I WANT all of it" she says. I hesitate but the lust is too strong and I send her all my portfolio in a matter of seconds.
She checks the transfer and swiftly headlocks me with her thighs. She squeezes my skull and pushes me into her asshole.And as I open my mouth to eat her precious fruit...
She laughs as she pushes me away and calls me a huge looser and then proceeds to pleasure herself with a massive black dildo.

But what she doesn't know and doesn't realize, is that this is what I had always wanted.

Me about 400k in debt kek

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Loans for college arn't bad if you don't get a meme degree

Finally paid off my car and only 7k left in student debt. Pretty solid for only 28.

how much does she cost?

>only 28.

You're 2 years from becoming a boomer. You should be getting ready for retirement in a couple of years. You're way behind.

I put 25k of loans into crypto and have lost all of it, and more.