Drunk as hell yesterday

>Drunk as hell yesterday
>Star sending messages to all the hot girls
>2 reacts are ok
>i having a dinner this friday with one of them.

Anons, is not that difficult. Just fucking try.

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Too busy planning the Proletariat Revolution

Alcohol helps a lot, i agree, being in company of friends helps even more (good friends, not the ones that will laugh at you for trying). Ecstasy/mdma is the one that helps you the best though lmao, you forget all the fear and just tell everything as it is, but the girl also has to be under influence of something, cause you would look like a crazy drug addict with huge rapey eyes lol

>Hot girls
>In El Salvador
R*ssia being r*ssia

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>tfw I get hit on constantly by girls but am to shy to peruse it any further

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sadder is to think how many hot girls are in the US, and you haven't experienced none of them neither you will.

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Get a beer my friend and then you talk.

Hit or miss is better that just not try at all

>ywn live in a third world country where it is socially acceptable to show interest in women openly

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Those cheeks were made for dick.

>R*ssia being r*ssia
What didn't you like? And that was while i was studying abroad, now i'm back here and ahve barely any friends, mostly guys from school, and their company is very snobby and pretentious, girls are art whores with high standarts, it's harder to get laid here actually. And no ecstasy.

>This is a hot girl in El Salvador
>how many hot girls are in the US, and you haven't experienced none of them neither you will.
I'll have a better chance of pulling them because I'm white.

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Why? is it really that bad? i doubt it.

I went to Spain last year and girls were normal. They like to be wooed and nice things.

>i'll have

So you haven't? hhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahha

>And no ecstasy.
I mean, you can get one, but i don't know any sources and people are much more intolerant towards drugs like that.

Too busy making money.

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>He's not white

Well, just FYI some black dude is fucking some white bitch right now. And you will marry that whore.

He's just a cuck. Aussie girls are really easy if you show interest in them.

De las pocas razones validas.


Just like how your women are coming to the US to marry a white man for citizenship


thank you I will try

As a zoomer shit yeah. Being attracted to somebody was a social shame so in highschool everything was done under the guise of friendship until somehow far from the public one of them managed to wangle it intl offical dating. In hs pretty much only the top of every social group dated at all

She's was something different in her prime ;)