DJT is a Japanese language 勉強スレ for 人々 interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games. Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.
What better way to spend Christmas than 宅飲み and 日本語
Grayson Lee
who is that lady with the creepy smile that i see around here why do i get the feeling that she is going to hunt me down and hurt me if i either 1. fail to do an action or 2. actively try to do said action
The page can also be found linked on the main page for the 小説 library, under the "main page extension #2" heading. Both extension pages are a work in progress, a placeholder before a more organised setup is worked out similar to the main novel page.
Guys I'm currently going through anki at 40 new cards per day. I'm NEET currently so I think I should be able to keep this up a month or two.
My question is, do you think I'll be able to do this easier if I split my reviews / new cards in 2 or 3 sittings on the same day or would it be better to do all in the morning?
値段 価格 Is there a different usage for both? Is one of them more common to use?
Nolan Morales
The former one is relatively colloquial but almost the same meaning and equally common. You'll see both of them everyday here. And aren't you anons in the mood for confessing your deep secrets in Japanese today?
If someone says "gomidesu" are they essentially calling themselves trash/garbage?
Camden Martin
They're calling something garbage and you're supposed to figure out what that is by yourself because that's how Japanese works.
Jonathan Reed
What if they put it in their social media profile?
Jonathan Morgan
Why are you asking me when you're the only one that knows the answer?
Aaron Murphy
Words I learned today
提案 見事 将来 切ない
Words I'll remember
Zachary Hernandez
I am not Japanese. Someone I care about put this as her social media profile description and I just need to know if I need to fly down there and talk to her.
Joseph Gomez
Word I will not remember how to read tomorrow again:
>only ゴミです on twitter or something? Maybe she just needs somebody to ask her what actually that ゴミ is.
Joshua Walker
I know you're not Japanese, but how should I know your and her situation? For all I know it could be about her but it could also be either serious or a joke depending on her personality and how important the profile is publically speaking. I'd bet she's calling herself garbage then since you're acting this way. どうした狂犬 こんな簡単な言葉を覚えて出来ない? 笑止 自分の立場をわきまえて
Jordan Ross
Google translate tells me that "ゴミ" is garbage, which is why I'm worried about her.
Samuel Price
What do you mean by how "how important the profile is publicly speaking?"
James Smith
Is it twitter or line? It's probably serious since that's Japanese facebook/whatever trash western people use nowadays for social contact.
James Torres
>I'm worried about her It seems she just successfully made you that.
Jace Sanchez
So basically, "gomidesu" CAN potentially be referring to oneself as garbage
Dominic Hall
Obviously if it's her profile description you fucking beta faggot
Charles Walker
Why are you so aggressive?
Jonathan Torres
When did this become about me? Don't have someone else to worry about?
Isaiah Nelson
>her social media profile description Sorry, I overlooked this. Yes, she's saying "I am worthless" or something. I think you don't need to take it so much seriously.
John King
Even though the general dead, I'll still give out the card. Merry Christmas!!
If you pay for shipping I'll send you a few years worth of shounen jump.
Angel Edwards
I plan on eventually learning Japanese so if you have any specific series in mind I could stop by a bookoff or animate and buy it.
Josiah Howard
What steps are you taking to learn Japanese right now?
Cooper Wilson
I want to participate in JLPT next summer and get N4. Can you guys pls suggest me course of action because guide doesn't really specify JLPT.
I have a Genki textbook and I also started doing anki deck from the guide. Would that be enough or is there something else I need to take into consideration? Pls advise.
Jack Morales
I've learned the kana and attempt to "read" all food menu items that are 100% kana. idk what I'll do when I get back to the States. I've read through the guide and it seems very hard
Hudson Anderson
Are you sure you wanna do the N4? It isn't particularly noteworthy to pass that test. I'd say wait for N3 at least. Hell, if where you live the JLPT tests are only on December like for me, you should be set for reaching N3 in a year.
But if you really want to go for it, Genki 2 should cover 75 to 85% of the test. A couple of other grammar points, vocabulary and kanji you'll have to look for yourself around the internet, but it's not hard to come by JLPT studying resources to cover those leftover holes from Genki.
Tyler Johnson
>I've read through the guide and it seems very hard If you're not willing to chip away at it for years, forget about it now.
Adrian Gomez
Learning languages is not 'hard' beyond taking time and discipline. Your brain is wired to understand languages and if you put in the hours you will see results.
In a way I think this is very relaxing in a way. I just put in the hours each day and don't have to focus that much on what I'm doing. The only thing that will ever stop you from learning is if you stop putting in the hours.
Blake Baker
Grinding anki just seems really goddamn boring. Would I be able to learn the language solely by consuming anime and manga?
Ryan Garcia
Julian Ramirez
Grinding anki is the fastest and easiest way to learn thousands of kanji
Hudson Nelson
how? the guide doesn't cover that
Ryan Price
I see. Thank you. I was fortunate enough to live not very far from the Moscow where JLPT takes place twice in a year.
Why I would like to aim for N4 is simply because I need some relatively short term goal to not lose my motivation while I build up my discipline. It is hard to concentrate on a goal that is separated from you by year or longer.
Cameron Jackson
You can learn a lot of japanese just from watching an insane amount of anime for years but it's only a foundation for anki grinding and actually looking up all the grammar.
Julian Rivera
Would I have to pay close attention to the anime? Most of my anime watching nowadays is just to see cute 2d girls
Oliver Myers
no you CAN learn Japanese solely by distractedly watching anime and not reading boring manuals I believe in you! 頑張って!
James Martin
Depends on how much you already watched and what you watch, if you know a lot already then you'll only look up new words once in a while, unless you watch something like taiwanese dolls then you'll look up every sentence because they're mostly in older, less used Japanese.
>濾過 それねー、その意味だとカタカナで”フィルタリング”以外の言葉ないよ。PC用語はだいたい訳さないでカタカナで使ってる。 I had been US for a couple of months and am still regreting my not being bothered to memorize all the words I had come across there and actively use them.
Michael Hall
Fair enough then. 頑張って!
Jaxon Young
煩い若者 私(ワシ)の言葉遣いを正すな
Caleb Richardson
No problem, just keep distracedly watching cute girls for a few years and then report back on your progress.
So how should I change my watching habits? I actually prefer reading manga so how would that work?
Isaiah Morales
You grind anki and grammar for a month and then you read yotsuba while granding anki and grammar and eventually reading other stuff for a few years and then you're native level.
Juan Garcia
こんなのまで観てんのか… >Which my friend had been raving over but I stopped watching after a couple of episodes. I am afraid to tell you that you got enough senile in that you forget the existence of the specific kanji "儂".
Pick up Yotsubato and start reading. Look up what you don't understand until you understand.
The only difference between this and whats in the guide is that you want to skip initial Vocab and Grammar study to give you a foundation to do it all on the fly.
Doing it on the fly will still work but I suspect it'll take you roughly 5 times as long, or you'll just come to your senses after a few days and read a grammar guide after all.
Ayden Wood
忝い Dolls anime takes some time to become fun to watch, I recommend you just watch it from where you stopped, it only gets better and season 2 is also great.
>if you say so.. 今日はクリスマスだからあのギョーザみたいなの食べてんの?あれうまそうでいいよね。 What I am mostly coming across is >What flavor of dressing for your salad do you prefer? >和風 one. (which is basicall comprised of soy sauce and grinded onion)