/anti milk farming general/

I'm sick of you fags pretending you can make it with a human milk farm. There's no money in it and it's a retarded idea. You will end up in jail. Prove me wrong.

>pro tip you cant

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My name’s Greg. I’m writing this confession because I’ve always heard from religious type folks that confessing your sins is how you go to the nice place when you die. That doesn’t mean I regret anything I’ve done so spare me the self-righteousness in the comments section, would you?

Last week I went to the doctor and they told me in about five minutes of yapping what could be summed up in one sentence: I’m dying and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it. I guess that’s what I get for smoking all those unfiltereds. I’ve got a month or two left to set my affairs straight so here I am, confessing my sins. I’ll probably be killed for talking about all this but so what? I’m gonna die soon anyway and a bullet in the head will be cleaner.

From the time I was fourteen until I was fifty-nine, I worked on a farm. I don’t know if there’s any kind of proper name for this kind of operation but what it essentially is is a human milk farm. We keep ladies there to harvest their breast milk, which goes for a pretty penny in certain circles.

I don’t know all the specifics of the operation but every year we’d get a new crop of ladies. Snatchers would bring in young women, mostly immigrants and homeless, and we would get them pregnant. Once they started making milk, we harvested it. The ladies learned early on that cooperation was rewarded and resistance was punished. I had two jobs. The first was actual milking. I’d take a pump from room to room and collect everything the ladies had to give. The second job was a stud, which was one of the more desired jobs around there. I was one of a handful of people responsible for knocking the new girls up. Apparently I had good genes or something.

We didn’t keep the kids once they were born, of course. That’d be way too many mouths to feed. Luckily, there’s a market out there for everything, even unwanted babies. The farm made almost as much money off the babies as they did the mothers. I imagine I have hundreds of children out there.

Every year a team of guys would round up all the ladies who weren’t making milk anymore and put them out to pasture, as they called it. I don’t know what they actually did to those ladies but I imagine they all probably ended up with bullets in the back of the head. The way I see it, if they’re too old to milk, they’re too old to sell for other jobs too. Maybe they’d make good discount maids? I don’t know, it was never my responsibility to deal with them.

I never killed anyone. I feel that’s important to stress here. I never killed anyone and I never hurt any of the ladies during the impregnation part. Some of the guys like to hurt them (they were only allowed to cause minor amounts of harm. Healthy ladies make more milk) but not me. I was always gentle and only used as much force as I had to. Maybe I am a piece of shit for the things I’ve done, but I never killed anyone and I was always gentle and I figure that has to count for something.

The operation I worked in was based out of Brazil. Before I retired, I heard they were thinking of expanding to other countries. Maybe the States, since they have so many undocumented women running around.

I don’t know, it’s not really my business anymore. I’m retired.

What the fuck is this milk meme? Can I get a quick run down?

I know it ended badly Greg please go on

Milk farms or the future or not we are trying to figure it out I think it's a scam

Greg you are a god among men for sharing. Do you have any contacts still? What was the latest you heard about your old buddies?

>Farmhouse Gold
OP is a legend, kudos

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I got it from you user thanks for sharing

Posting in Greg thread.


>bogs have been shorting the dairy industry for years unknown to the public
>Q user leaked the details on Jow Forums which made it's way back to Jow Forums
>Jow Forums is now trying to figure out how to combat this market manipulation by using superior human milk and

who doxxed greg he's a legend

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Greg Brady threads are decent. Good beans

thanks user I really love the effort everyone is putting into this milk meme should be a decent profit for anyone who gets in early in 5-10 when it launches

Some faggot posted a thread saying that he was willing to pay people a few dollars to shill the idea of starting a human milk farm and selli breast milk.
He then wants to link it to the Blockchain, call it Ethertitty Farm and the tokens MILK, and make 30K like with Ethershrimp.
It's a blatant scam and you should stay the fuck away, but if you're actually buy anything like that you deserve to lose money.

Neets just want a nice set of books to drink from. The business idea is of course a meme. But most of Jow Forums would suckle tits if they had the chance

What if it's a human milk farm with BLOCKCHAIN??

> checkmate

bought 100k

thanks satan

Ok what fucking ponzi ETH game are you making about milk??? Will it be like the shrimp game??

MOOOMY MILKIES! *something something* PLEASE BE HASTY

I shitpost amongst truly great men. Farmhouse gold or bust my niggas

Can you explain what happened with ethershrimp? I know there was the skrimpfarms and multiple skrimpcoins, but did this ethershrimp guy bank on biz for 30k?
