Die ene allochtoon

You let it die on Christmas Edition!

Last week's /lang/ news:
>thread only died a couple of times
>user went to the book club
>multi-lingual watches for the true /lang/ student
>Lolle is officially 120% qt
>Dutch and German are very similar but don't mix, just learn Dutch
>Jow Forums post number went over 99000000
>nobody reads the FAQ
>listening exercises should have mad distortion effects
>repeating the same thing over and over a meme does not make

>What language are you learning?
>Easy is not easy!
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!

Ignore this:
4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki
Bait link do not click:

>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
By posting this same question every time
>Will I learn a language by using Duolingo five minutes a day while taking a shit
Most definitely
>Should I learn X to get a qt wife/gf (male) etc?
Yes, it will guarantee the acquisition and retention of a qt
>Should I learn multiple languages at the same time?
Only if you're Argentinian and one of them is Dutch
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
Yes, it is not a waste of time at all
>What is the most useful language?
See below
>What language should I learn

old thred: old challenge: old bants: old pains:

Attached: lang_challenge5.png (800x600, 73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>>What language should I learn

I just realized I misplaced the subject with the name in the OP
I will now cower in shame in my corner and let the poor thing die

>Ome henk

Attached: feest.jpg (282x278, 8K)

The thread and your name are almost synonymous, as your posts are the only things that happen in this thread anyway.

Men hvem faen bryr seg egentlig?

objectively false desu, I was absent the whole of last week and it did just fine
>Men hvem faen bryr seg egentlig?
I don't expect our poor lil thread to stay up all that much this week tho

lately I've been tempted to look at French but only for shits and giggles really, because it's fun to notice how many words are close to their Romanian counterparts
there seems to be quite the pile of info on the wiki so I'll have a look at that
French is just so nice sounding

Well if you learned French you could get by in most parts of Belgium, should you be interested in that. You already know enough Dutch, learning French would make you able to move freely between three adjacent countries easily. And uh, I don't know just how different Romanian is from the other Romance languages, but surely it gives you a benefit, right?

Romanian isn't _that_ far from it, especially since in the 20s everyone was obsessed with France so a lot of their words made their way into daily conversations; I don't really know why or what happened, I think the effect was seen in a lot of European countries, but somehow France was the epitome of refinement and culture in those times
heck the poor souls tried their best to get people to think Bucharest was the so-called "little Paris" back then, even though I've never heard this mentioned anywhere else, while I bet it's still being pushed in school textbooks; they even forced this meme on the wiki page, with a lonely forgotten reference to a dead .ro page
tl;dr a load of sod
but hey we got our cute lil Arc de Triomphe

what gets me every time with French is how much they don't bother pronouncing, it's all very flowy and liquid

Attached: arcul_de_meme.png (1128x936, 2.28M)


pls don't try to actively kill the thred user~~
>inb4 AHEM posting

Reminder that you can contribute to the Jow Forums W I K I

last bump from me today

Attached: hug.jpg (1667x934, 121K)

Man I’m glad I was randomly assigned German and not French as the second foreign language in fifth grade.


Do you guys experience unexpected consequences from your language learning?
For example, because i'm learning Polish, i get a lot of ads targeted towards Poles living in the Netherlands. I don't get any ads targeted towards yugos living in the Netherlands though, despite me learning Serbo-Croatian

stop learning you fucks, go celebrate it with your family or even by yourself

I'm learning norwegian and now all my ads are in norwegian. but i solved that problem by installing U-block origin extension which blocks all ads.

>I am drinking tea.
>It is morning.
>We bought food.
>He went to the office.

>We drank champagne until midnight.
>The spider is on the wall, please kill it.
>There's nothing interesting in this book store.
>I can't spend the night at your place, sorry.

>The bus driver was cranky and purposely delayed our trip by an hour.
>He falsified his academic credentials to apply for a teaching job, but was found out and denied.
>It's hard to understand what the professor says because he mumbles.
>I bought two books for you for Christmas because I was unsure which one you would find interesting.

Well actually I think my family once got an automated e-mail for something and I have my computer set to Norwegian and some programs compose e-mails in your computer's or browser's language, so I guess they got a weird e-mail once. Aside from that, not really. English is pretty annoying because its word order messes with my word order in other languages that are at least somewhat similar to English.

> Ég er að drekka te.
> Það er morgun.
> Við keyptum mat.
> Hann fór á skrifstofuna.
> Við drukku kampavín til miðnættis.
> Spider er á veggnum, vinsamlegast drepið það.
> Það er ekkert áhugavert í þessari bókabúð.
> Ég get ekki eytt næturnar á þinn stað, því miður.
> Strætisstjórinn var sveigjanlegur og var ásetningur á ferðinni um klukkutíma.
> Hann falsaði fræðilegan persónuskilríki sína til að sækja um kennslu, en fannst og hafnað.
> Það er erfitt að skilja hvað prófessorinn segir vegna þess að hann mumbles.
> Ég keypti tvær bækur fyrir þig fyrir jólin vegna þess að ég var ekki viss um hver þú vilt finna áhugavert.

I get ads in Icelandic

> Jeg drikker te.
> Det er morgen.
> Vi kjopte mat.
> Han dro til kontoret.
> Vi drakk champagne til midnatt.
> Edderkoppen er på veggen, vær så snill og drep den.
> Det er ikke noe interessant i denne bokhandel.
> Jeg kan ikke overnatte på ditt sted, beklager.

>Jag dricker te.
>Det är morgon.
>Vi köpte mat.
>Han gick till kontoret.

>Vi drack champagne tills midnatt.
>Spindeln är på väggen, varsågod og dräper den.
>Det finns intet interessant i den här bokhandeln.
>Jag kan inte tillbringa hela natten hos dig, ursäkt.

I'll spend some time with my family now. Merry Christmas to you guys!

wow I can understand it

>Estoy bebiendo te
>Esta la mañana.
>Compramos comida.
>Fue a la oficina.

>Bebimos champan hasta la medianoche.
>La araña esta en la pared, puedes matarlo por favor.
>No hay nada interesante en esta libreria.
>No puedo dormir en tu casa, lo siento. (Not correct translation for this one, best i could do).

> Ik drinke thee.
> It is moarns.
> Wy kocht iten.
> Hy gie nei it kantoar.

> Wy sakje sûkmjittich oant middernacht.
> De spider is oan 'e muorre, fertel it iten.
> Der is neat ynteressant yn dizze boekwinkel.
> Ik kin de nacht yn 't plak net fertsjinje, reitsje.

> De busfeart waard ferkrêftich en fertsjinwurdigere ús reis troch in oere.
> Hy falsifere syn akademyske credentials om in learaak te tapassen, mar waard fûn en wegere.
> It is dreech te begripen wat de professor seit, om't hy mommele.
> Ik kocht twa boeken foar jo foar kryst omdat ik net wis wie wa't jo ynteressant fine.

what if i have no familie?

i'll be ur daddy user

OwO thats naughty ~~~~~~~~

it's okay. I will be the father figure you never had.

based pents!

holy fuck only 1 number off from getting all nines

That's why I said or even by yourself though. You can still have a nice moment

>I am drinking tea.
Piję herbatę
>It is morning.
Jest ranek
>We bought food.
Kupiliśmy jedzenie
>He went to the office.
On pójdał do biurze

>We drank champagne until midnight.
Piliśmy szampan do pólnoć
>The spider is on the wall, please kill it.
Pająk jest po ściany, zabij go proszę
>There's nothing interesting in this book store.
Nie ma nic interesujący w kżięgarnii
>I can't spend the night at your place, sorry.
Nie mogę spac w twojej mieście, przepraszam

Are you the Slovak guy from a couple of days ago, or is Afrikaans the new hip language in v4?

how do you celebrate Christmas by yourself? all i'm doing now is watching a Christmas movie and eating cake while browsing Jow Forums

Google says it's Frisian. I guess Germanic languages are the new hip languages for v4.

That sounds like a fine moment. What movie are you watching?

Well, do i feel like an imbecile

Also, what is your time zone?

> Je bois du thé.
> C'est le matin.
> Nous avons acheté de la nourriture.
> Il est allé au bureau.
> Nous avons bu du champagne jusqu'à minuit.
> L'araignée est sur le mur, s'il vous plaît tuez-la.
> Il n'y a rien d'intéressant dans cette librairie.
> Je ne peux pas passer la nuit chez toi, désolé.
> Le chauffeur de bus était grincheux et a délibérément retardé notre voyage d'une heure.
> Il a falsifié ses diplômes pour postuler à un poste d'enseignant, mais a été découvert et refusé.

The grinch lol, I'm in California so probably the same time zone as you

why are slavs choosing dutch/frisian/afrikaans instead of german omg german is so much more useful

Cuz German is too difficult

It really isn't, But i am biased because it's my native tongue

dutch is for particians

i beg to differ

let's just all be friends!

Nice. Brazil has 4 different timezones I think, I'm 6 hours ahead of you. I was planning on wishing you a Merry Christmas at your midnight but that would mean me doing it at 6am. Well, I guess I can still do it if I happen to be awake by then

>Piję herbatę
>Jest ranek
>Kupiliśmy jedzenie
All correct.
>On pójdał do biurze
On poszedł do biura.
>Piliśmy szampan do pólnoć
Piliśmy szampana do północy.
>Pająk jest po ściany, zabij go proszę
Pająk jest na ścianie, zabij go, proszę.
>Nie ma nic interesujący w kżięgarnii
Nie ma nic/niczego interesującego w tej księgarni.
>Nie mogę spac w twojej mieście, przepraszam
Nie mogę zostać na noc u ciebie, przeraszam.

There are more factors than "usefulness"

het is letterlijk de eerste keer dat ik in ijn eentje zit voor kerstmis
ik vind het best gezellig eigenlijk

>eating cake while browsing Jow Forums
patrician taste user
ik ben kerstbrood aan het vreten


Attached: happygarnet.png (350x327, 152K)

I plan on moving to the Netherlands eventually, how do you like it there? How are you treated as a foreigner? Any notes or tips?
Sorry for being so off-topic

meant while a foreigner I guess*

Juon teetä.
On aamu.
Me ostimme ruokaa.
Hän meni toimistoon.

Me joimme samppanjaa keskiyöhön asti.
>The spider is on the wall, please kill it.
Tässä kirjakaupassa ei ole mitään mielenkiintoista.
En voi viettää yöta sinun luona, anteeksi.

Attached: 1542932853824.jpg (929x1024, 152K)

>Theam bibo.
>Mane est.
>Cibum emimus.
>Is ad officium iuit.

>Ich trinke Tee.
>Es ist Morgen.
>Wir haben Essen gekauft.
>Er ist zum Büro gegangen.

>Wir haben bis zu Mitternacht Champagne getrunken.
>Die Spinne ist an der Wand, töte sie bitte.
>In dieser Buchhandlung gibt es nichts interessantes.
>Ich kann nicht die Nacht bei dir verbringen, Entschuldigung.

>Der Busfahrer war (?) und hat unseren Ausflug absichtlich um eine Stunde verschoben.
>Er hat seine akademischen (?) gefälscht, um sich für eine Arbeit als Lehrer zu werben; er war aber ertappt und (?)
>Es ist schwer zu verstehen, was der Professor sagt, denn er murmelt.
>Ich habe zwei Bücher für dich zu Weihnachten gekauft, denn ich war unsicher, welches du interessant fändest.
What’s more common in colloquial speech, denn, weil or da? Is it considered poor style to only use one of them?

man these days I keep realizing I didn't save any of my long texts and standard replies
I thought I even had a pasta rant for the eternal "useful lang" discussion and yet I don't
oh well

anyway, I'm going to try and keep it short this time to not derail the thread, since it seems like it's doing ok now
how you like it somewhere varies so much and it depends on you more than you'd think, so my experience will likely have little to do with others'; I'm still here after 6+ years so obviously it's better than where I come from (.ro) and I've only very briefly considered leaving a couple of times while on vacation (portugal and binland but not srsly)
if you're in the Randstad area, being a foreigner is the least remarkable thing; also, people usually love you latinos because of your overall attitude and culture (except when it comes to anything work related for obvious reasons)
notes and tips: if you ever actually decide to leave, do your research into basic things and ideally have some friend here to help you out, this applies wherever you move
without trying to bring you down, of the tens of people who approached me saying they want to move out, just 2 of them did, and one of them is already back, so don't get yourself too worked up about it
I know one brazillian guy and have met a couple of others and they were always ridiculously outgoing and """fun""" which people here like a lot
oh and you'll hate the weather
tl;dr: Moving abroad is what you make it™

Attached: pvv_pepe.jpg (1440x1080, 220K)

ah whoa, I wasn't expecting an answer this well thought. thank you! the main reason for why I want to move is silly, so I know there is a high chance of that never happening, but I haven't given up on it for a while now so I'm actually starting to include it on my plans for the next years.
I'm a soft. engineering student so maybe I won't need to rely on them to find a job, since I can just do remote stuff. I don't have anyone there to help me out though, so that might be a problem, but now you've brought it up I might watch out for that and get myself a Dutch friend or look for a Brazilian community over there or something similar.
and I already hate the weather here so most likely I'll will just be on the other side of the spectrum of hatred
anyways, thanks for the heads up! Merry Christmas and you surely aren't alone since everyone itt is with you

Attached: 1545484157243.png (448x357, 3K)

Og -> och
Dräper -> dräp (or döda if you don't want to sound like a storyteller)
Intet -> inget
Interessant -> intressant
Ursäkt -> ursäkta

Estoy bebiendo té.
Es la mañana.
Hamos comprado comida.
El fué a la oficina.

Tomamos champaine hasta madrugada.
La raña está en la pared, por favor mátale.
No hay nada interesante en esta librería.
No puedo quedar en tu lugar, lo siento.

El conductor del autobús estaba cansado y con propósito destruyó nuestro viaje por una hora.
Él falló con propósito sus credenciales académicos para aplicar para un trabajo de enseña, pero ellos descubrieron a él y después declinaron a él.

That's all the hard ones I'll do for now.

Jeez, I was pretty close for that I was just pulling that out of my arse, wasn't I? wel fug :DDD

>soft. engineering
if you're at the very least average at that then they will literally throw well paid jobs at you here, allegedly NL would need about 40-60% more IT people to get to where they need to be in terms of IT workforce
an Argentinian acquaintance found a job within two months of landing here out of the blue

to the few people learning ching chong ching, you can watch Chungking Express and get some mad feels
if that's your fancy ofc

Attached: ywnhaveacrazyhipchinkwaifu.png (1532x910, 2.69M)

> Pít čaj.
> Je ráno.
> Koupili jsme jídlo.
> Šel do kanceláře.

> Pili jsme šampaňské až do půlnoci.
> Pavouk je na zdi, zabijte ho.
> V tomto knihkupectví není nic zajímavého.
> Nemůžu trávit noc na svém místě, omlouvám se.

this is music to my ears

Craciun fericit, negroteiul meu.

Can someone correct these if possible?

>Esta la mañana.
Es de mañana

>No puedo dormir en tu casa
No puedo pasar la noche en tu casa

>The bus driver was cranky and purposely delayed our trip by an hour.

Der Busfahrer war verärgert und hat unsere Reise eine Stunde absichtlich verspätet

>He falsified his academic credentials to apply for a teaching job, but was found out and denied.

Er hat sein Akademisches Zeugniss verfalscht sodass er an einer lehrstelle bewerben könnte, aber das würde herausgefunden und verweigert.

>It's hard to understand what the professor says because he mumbles.

Es ist schwer zu verstehen was der professor sagt denn er murmelt

>I bought two books for you for Christmas because I was unsure which one you would find

ich habe zwei bücher zum Weihnachten für dich gekauft , weil ich unsicher war welches dir interessant wäre.

>I'm still here after 6+ years so obviously it's better than where I come from (.ro) and I've only very briefly considered leaving a couple of times while on vacation (portugal and binland but not srsly)

>6 years

Negro how are u not fluent in dutch yet? And or have a dutch gf?

>Negro how are u not fluent in dutch yet?
Maybe he is an autistic recluse. He probably uses Dutch more here than he does IRL

he says he is fluent conversationally in dutch and can understand everyone and passed the dutch language test for inburgering/integration test

Zulu here trying to get a cute blonde Afrikaaner gf

> Ek drink tee.
> Dit is môre.
> Ons het kos gekoop.
> Hy het na die kantoor gegaan.
> Ons het tot laat middernag champagne gedrink.
> Die spinnekop is aan die muur, vermoor dit asseblief.
> Daar is niks interessant in hierdie boekwinkel nie.
> Ek kan nie die nag op jou plek spandeer nie, jammer.
> Die busbestuurder was kranksinnig en het ons met 'n uur met opset ons reis vertraag.
> Hy het sy akademiese kwalifikasies verval om aansoek te doen vir 'n onderrigtaak, maar is uitgevind en ontken.
> Dit is moeilik om te verstaan wat die professor sê omdat hy mompel.
> Ek het vir jul twee boeke vir jul gekoop omdat ek nie seker was watter een jy interessant sou vind nie.

Attached: interracial-relationships-1_detail-600x366.jpg (600x366, 38K)


He made a few posts which made me think he wasnt, i think he was saying he has to keep switching to english 80% of the time but maybe that was another immigrant in nederlands



how is south Africa? are they really killing all the whites?

it's shit. it was much better under apartheid. yes they are exterminating the whites. that's why i want a qt afrikaaner gf to protect and bring with me to europe.

Hope u succeed bro

Post skin color so we know youre not larping and so we can commend you

this desu


south africa is like 92% black so he's probably not larping

> আমি চা পান করছি।
> এটা সকাল হয়।
> আমরা খাদ্য কেনা।
> তিনি অফিসে গিয়েছিলাম।

> আমরা মধ্যরাত পর্যন্ত শ্যাম্পেন পান।
> মাকড়সা দেয়ালের উপর, এটা হত্যা করুন।
> এই বইয়ের দোকানে আকর্ষণীয় কিছু নেই।
> দুঃখিত, আমি আপনার জায়গায় রাত কাটতে পারছি না।

> বাস চালক ক্র্যাঁকী ছিল এবং ইচ্ছাকৃতভাবে একটি ঘন্টার দ্বারা আমাদের ট্রিপ বিলম্বিত।
> তিনি শিক্ষামূলক কাজের জন্য আবেদন করার জন্য তার একাডেমিক প্রমাণপত্রাদি মিথ্যা প্রমাণিত করেছিলেন, কিন্তু খুঁজে বের করেছিলেন এবং অস্বীকার করেছিলেন।
> প্রফেসর বলছেন যে এটি মর্মান্তিক বলে বোঝা কঠিন।
> আমি ক্রিসমাসের জন্য আপনার জন্য দুটি বই কিনেছি কারণ আমি নিশ্চিত ছিলাম যে আপনি কোনটি আকর্ষণীয় পাবেন।

i want a black gf

chino chan

>I am drinking tea.
Saya sedang minum teh.

>It is morning.
Sekarang pagi (?)

>We bought food.
Kita sudah membeli makanan.

>He went to the office.
Dia sudah pergi ke kantor.



Attached: strangeEnglishLanguage_.jpg (948x1660, 546K)

hey user I'm actually awake!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone. What are you all doing?

>have best dutch skills of all my immigrant friends
>some have been here for 10 years even
>everyone judging has no idea how it be in 020
>still get bullied
oh well

I just woke up :3
ik ga wat lekker koffie maken met een stukje kerstbrood daarnaast
vandaag en morgen moet ik mijn huis helemaal schoon maken want een vriend zal bij mij logeren voor een paar dagen

Attached: img_20181225_084350_502.jpg (762x546, 38K)

I almost feel bad for saying to put cyкa блять in the OP image. Almost

>>some have been here for 10 years even
How is it even possible?
There are turks who have been here for longer but need a translator at the hospital.

Attached: 1534794265886.gif (665x662, 848K)

I'd be surprised if by this point there's anyone who doesn't know what it means, just about all these challenge pics have at least блять for the russian translation
which I find most fitting

>need a translator at the hospital
of course, because they don't speak english all that great; grappig genoeg naffers en turken zijn die enigen die Nederlands tegen mij praten want ze hebben geen goed begrip op engels
but in Amsterdam I've known now 5+ people who've been here longer than I have and never spoke a word of Dutch; some don't even have that good of an understanding of written dutch
I know for a fact it's an entirely different world in rural areas, but in most student cities and Randstad that's how it goes
even people in fields that require lots of communication like sales and such sometimes don't bother
normies are especially bad at langs for instance, and there's even some idiots (dutch and otherwise) pushing for inclusiveness and everyone defaulting to english so as to not be rude to foreigners

en het is niet alleen met gescholde mensen hé; een paar mannen van Feenstra moesten mijn cv ketel bekijken en ik dacht goh dit is mijn kans om Nederlands te spreken want die mannen spreken zeker geen goeie Engels of tenminste weten niet dat ik een allochtoon ben
nou eentje was portugees en hij sprak goed genoeg Engels, en de andere was een nederlander met ontzettend goed Engels en dus beide gingen meestal in het Engels tegen mij te lullen
misschien als ik in een heel klein dorpje zou wonnen zou dat anders zijn, maar in de Randstad is alles overdreven internationaal
en daar neem ik de schuld niet voor op (?)

Attached: lang_challenge3.png (800x600, 132K)

>there's even some idiots (dutch and otherwise) pushing for inclusiveness and everyone defaulting to english so as to not be rude to foreigners
Fug, I did not know it was this bad. I always assumed it was limited and tourism related.

>en daar neem ik de schuld niet voor op
Geen idee wat je hiermee wilt uitdrukken.
Dus ik kan het ook niet corrigeren.

Attached: 1533540469541.jpg (500x667, 58K)

meow is that your cat

iets in de zin van "ik ben niet schuldig voor wat er gebeurt" of "I am not taking the blame for [...]"
>it was limited and tourism related
hella no, tourists don't factor in all that much since a lot of them don't even speak English

>"ik ben niet schuldig voor wat er gebeurt"
Ah, zoiets vermoedde ik al.
De Engelse uitdrukking werkt niet helemaal in die zin.
Hiervoor ben ik niet verantwoordelijk (of hoe jij het had verbeterd) klinkt beter.

I write Norwegian

> God dag, jeg heter Kristoff. Familien min og jeg bor i et langhus.
> Har du lyst til å komme inn?
> Her er peisen. Vinteren er kald årstid, men det er varm i langhuset.
> Jeg har ett rommet. Jeg sover på et teppe på en benk.
> Mamma og Papa har ett rommet. De sover på en seng.
> Dagnes har også egnet rommet hennes. Dagnes er kua vår. Hun sover på gress og hoy.

Good day, my name is Kristoff. My family and I live in a longhouse.
Would you like to come in?
Here is the fireplace. The winter is cold season, but it is warm in the long house.
I have a room. I sleep on a blanket on a bench.
Mom and Papa have a room. They sleep on a bed.
Dagnes also has her own room. Dagnes is our cow. She sleeps on grass and hay.

good morning + merry christmas lads

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