Have physics test after tomorrow

>have physics test after tomorrow
>347 pages combined
>still didn't open any book

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I always wonder how it would be to study for physics and mathematics test with a sub-90 IQ like most arabs, latinos and blacks. Is it significantly harder?
Thank god I am a 129-IQ half-Japanese half-Ashkenazi Jew.

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i don't know my IQ but its probably not low since im not stupid, although im terrible at physics.

how ? the whole world is in holidays now , only Jordan ? and how christians celebrating christmas in your country without holidays ?

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thanks for being a nigger online

physics M.Sc. here
all you need to know is:
- conservation of energy
- conservation of momentum
- conservation of angular momentum
- F = m * a
- Fg = - G * m * M / r^2
Almost every normie problem can be solved with these five rules. The rest is for professionals like myself.

i said after tomorrow nafri, learn to read you disgusting shitskin subhuman.

and holidays aren't lesser than 15 days , what a subhuman

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