Crypto trading bots? Biz?

Biz, do you know of any good trading bots that actually work? Thinking this market might go sideways for awhile so a bot would be pretty sweet.

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have you looked into any? there's lots

That's why I'm asking

create one that buys close to 6000 and sells after an upbarts.

Anyone who has a profitable strategy is not going to sell it to you for pennies.

Learn to code or fuck off.

most of the bots are just huge control panels with lots of knobs and settings to click.

so yes you are right, no one will sell you the working strategy. the bots just let you make a strategy in the first place. but can you achieve that? that's the question

Mine does. If you think I'm sharing it with you then you've got another think coming

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harsh bruh

>>Learn to code or fuck off.


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even if you do learn to code, buckos. you can still get justed. just learning a programming language isn't enough to really build your own automated trading network.

but sure learning to code is better than ever depending on another party, think about the few times those people got justed via API because they used a third party program.

with that said though, there's a lot of open source programs that are available and that's a good starting point. just looking at crypto bots on github. there is a lot of them, but they're not polished, they're free right. someone made it himself and shared it. that's where anyone interested should start.

I know one that's pretty great, good luck finding it user!

Seems to me learning Python is the way to start. Just bought a couple books for Python 3.

Been using to rebalance all my shitcoins every hour. I'm up a whole half a percent versus buy and hold. I think it may work better once a real bull run comes.

do you use linux OS? that's going to help

Mine does, wrote a backtester for the strategy that is more accurate than any software.

Windows. Why would using Linux help?

because anyone using Linux is probably less retarded than average, plus most distros come with Python preinstalled.

Better environment for development. Sane command line.

Honest advice here, just stick to whatever OS you're familiar with so you can focus on learning the subject at hand instead of having to learn two things at the same time and getting frustrated on the process

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when a bullrun happens bots switch to buy and hold, brainlet

use autonio

Linux will make me less retarded? I've already installed Python but thanks.

So stuff like getting python-binance would be easier?

Thanks and I agree; learning Python is probably going to be hard enough as it is for me.

>So stuff like getting python-binance would be easier?
that's the reason i recommended it, comfy and worth the switch for the long run man



Well it was kind of a pain with Windows but I'll hold off on that.

So any anons ITT algo trade stocks as well as crypto? I read Interactive Brokers has a Python API wrapper thing.
Here's one

I couldnt get TAlib to work on win7 for like 5 months because the c++/py runtimes and dev tools wouldnt install correctly (they were in path too).

It really sucked to work on linux VMs but I finally got it to work by dowloading visual studio and during the installation you need to check EVERY additional packages check-boxes. Its gonna download like 20 GB but "only" install 10GB for some reason.

Why do you think a bot would help?

You're not smart enough to create a good bot

>using Windows to trade
>seeing reboot and update keep you out of every single rally