Why are lincucks like this?

why are lincucks like this?

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>OP got roasted by leddit

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Why are you so mad your shitpost got called out? It’s Sunday. Get ready for church because you need Jesus.

t. deluded bagholders
What makes you think I'm OP? I don't even use plebbit pajeets

How’d you get a hold of this screenshot? Because you just lied. Repent.

sergey isn't doing anything on LINK though, he's just the spokesman. he doens't code or anything.

I don't get it


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The future elite

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You are dumb. Lmao.

Lol these are the type of people that try to fud LINK KEK

Nice try. Now tell me what makes you think I'm the guy who made that thread.

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um you know we can see your desktop once you're on this tab?

Look at this idiot.

Nice argument. Keep "investing" on blatant scams. Almost 83% down from ATH. Nice.



For starters you're about as retarded as him, maybe more.

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Denial isn't just a river in Africa.

touching self portraits of these mentally handicapped Link investors, the lack of commentary shows their own inability to create cogent narratives to justify their denial, while the scratchy 'rage comic' black and white digital ink calls to a naive 'outsider art' aesthetic endemic to the vulnerable and oppressed and never given the opportunity (or talent) to master the craft of digital illustration. Their hopes of 'decentralized oracles' not understanding the necessity of centralized reputation authorities continues to drive them, these poor souls, who have pinned all their hope onto this single dream of a token on Ethernet that might accumulate in value as a specific blockchain gathers in utility. Parasitically trying to profit from the utility and demand of other, more productive participants.

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why are you so mad?

Its not about accumulation at this point. Something is triggered in their brain that makes them want to FUD. Its a fetish. While they type out the most ridiculous, low-tier FUD with one hand, the other hand is slowly pulling at their small penis. They will spend hours doing this, continually bringing themselves to the edge numerous times. They are the textbook definition of basement dwelling NEETs, so they could do this for days on end, fueled only by Monster, and nobody will question where they are or what they are doing, because nobody loves them or cares about them.

They have gotten to the point that the FUD isn't even as good as it once was. They don't take the time to think hard about it anymore, because they just want to hurry up and post anything to make their little dicks hard.

it will be even harder for them when it pumps