Chainlink help

Any anons remember the name of the facebook investor group leader who called chainlink "his unicorn?" He got famous by calling XLM early.
He posted a poorly written pastebin about it. Anyone have a link?

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Other urls found in this thread:

is this it op?

yes thats it
thanks fren

has he said anything esle regarding LINK?

I called btc to 10k when it was $300 bucks, then again publicly on that group at $1,200. I made millions on Brexit and Trumps election. Twice I called BCH before it 3x'd. I called XLM at .028c before it 33x'd. When XZC was $6-9 bucks I said it would be north of $100 within 6 months and it proceeded to run to $140. I had XMR at $35 (I was late to that party) and it ran to $400+. During all this I had 2 well known terrible calls but that's part of the game we play....It comes with the territory. Welcome to markets.

I made the LINK unicorn call and I dgaf how bad you think my writing is. AMA

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When will Link reach 100-1000

The speculation surrounding potential partnerships: real, or tin-foil? Does it matter for adoption?

Also, obligatory EOY and long-term price predictions.

how convinced are you?

scale of
1 being the sticky tape that lost its stick
10 being that overly clingy exgf that wont catch the hint

> middle-wear

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$1000 Link is a meme. Don't pay attention to it IMO

What are your predictions?

Why did you call out link? Did you have any inside info or just based on public info?

IMO more real than not. Some of the speculation is for a sure a stretch of the imagination. But, when there is smoke there is typically fire.

EOY no idea desu I'll be happy to $1-2 link eoy.

Link is binanry and and a triple edge sword. For link to be adopted it needs smart contracts to become more than a meme and for that to happen crypto in general needs to be a generational shift which imo it is.

If crypto/blockchain is as big as i think it will become, then link is the "missing link " to open up and connect blockchain which is currently a closed system to legacy systems worldwide.

if all this comes to fruition, then 2022-2023 I dont think $50-100 LINK is out of the question.

>gives zero fucking proof of who he is
>doesn't even write in the same manner
Why are you guys giving this user attention?


you are a fcking idiot. I am exactly who i say i am.

Then you wouldn't mind giving a timestamp with something with your name on it, right P? Otherwise fuck off.

You're way low balling it

This is what assblaster talked about once- autists who are good at crunching numbers and finding great projects but don’t understand that when something is worth $10 in this market it shoots up to $100. LINK could easily be $100 by 2020 and $500 by 2025

mainly public info and due to how i internalize the same data as others. Ive been swimming in global markets for 15years+. If you've been in this game as long as I have your sense's and intuition become finely tuned.

I don't now the team and have never spoken to them. But I can tell you that in the last 2-3 months a few things have come on my plate that would seem to validate *some of the things AB spoke on with regards to uhnwi's

Thats fine. I'd always rather low ball then to get caught up in pipe-dreams

because we're bored. and it is a shitty this to larp.

Soon. This was posted in 2016 and so far they are right with the regulations

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Can you help me understand the timing of your call in that group. In your original post you stated that you were going to make the call when the charts started speaking to you. Have you seen something in the charts to indicate an uptrend or do you think it's going to continue on a downfall for the foreseeable future?

Firstly for these threads to be taken seriously you all need to stop the clutching at straws which is Assblaster references.

yeah i don't get low price speculation. the industries intending to use it, combined, will require billions of usd tied up in contracts as collateral; insurance contracts alone will keep link tied up 3-12months a contract. i don't know what the minimum price link needs to be for the network to function, but it's higher than $2.

LINK has no competition desu they have some of the best ppl working on this project.. the only thing is that the price won't pump for a long time, so at least i have time to be accumulating.

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I'm not a larp. I actually have a life and don't need to make shit up to try and get people to believe me. There are people on that group who are friends with me, and they know what kind of dog I have which is not common at all.

It's father day and since I don't have a dad, Ive spent the day smoking weed and relaxing and saw this thread that was about me so I figured i'd pop in and answer any questions people have.

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Yes and if it continues to be true and valid, we will see the very beginning of smart contract adoption in 2020 and things will really start to heat up 2022-2023

Also did anyone notice today the polygon.api testing on Ropsten today?

This is now the first non-crypto tests on Ropsten. I shot my wad early in one of these threads two nights ago. It turned out it was ETH price searching at that point.

The testing today was 9 hours ago and was doing Forex trials between AUD and USD.

Which leads me to think.....Why Australian dollar? Is this a clue about the person testing or just the first currency which was offered on a list?

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Hey, my dad was a sack of shit too shouts.

Any guesses about the token economics? Are you thinking of running a node?

Also, obligatory "when mainnet" question

When i made that first post about it, it was something like 80-90c. when i decided to go public with it, it had fallen to 50c and the chart was looking much better. But i made sure to let people know it was a multi-year hold and that short term price would be dictated by what king btc does.

I dont have a crystal ball. the overall market is very bearish this year. i didn't expect to see price get cut in half from where i made the post, but im glad it has.

the only people that want something to go up in price are the ones who have to sell to buy their hamburgers for dinner. ie, if you really love something, and i love link, you want price to go down so you can buy more at a cheaper price

i said i would be happy with $2 end of this year. IF you think billion worth of derivatives or insurance contracts will be tied up in link within the next 6 months your smoking crack. In 5 years? yes. in 6 months? no

What do you make of Req and rlc? My other holdings

Haha I don't have a father either because he died when I was a teenager and hahah didn't get to see me graduate haahaha or hold a good job hahaha and one of the last hahah memories he has of me was hahaha being angry at me for stealing cigars out his cupboard hahah.

What a life. Fucking joke

my father wasn't a shack of shit, he was an incredibly respected man by all who knew him who dedicated his life to helping others. He was taken from us when I was 4 from an unfortunate accident.

I am the wrong person to ask about the token economics. We will know much more about it i think later this year or at the latest beginning of next.

Yes I am planning on running a node, but I will more than likely bring some cornell CS kids on board to run it. My stack is sizable and if the token economics work out, it will more than pay for itself to have 1-2 people running it in house for me.

When mainnet? No idea. it will come when it does. I am not expecting anything big to happen to link for the foreseeable future. It is legitimately a minimum 2022 hold for me, but i will re-evaluate that every 6months to a year as new data and information comes to light.

It's alright user I'll be your pop pop, come now give me a hug.

no opinion I have never looked into them. My focus is very narrow in crypto.

I just gave my father a hug. He's a wheelchair bound borderline mentally-invalid multiple sclerosis "survivor" that lost our family fortune when people took advantage of him as his illness was in the early stages. I'm losing my memories of him before he succumb to the illness and every day it gets harder to take care of him. It's fucking murder seeing your father go from a tier-1 ex-mil investment banker into a husk who can barely use the bathroom on his own, let alone hold a conversation. I'm afraid I'll forget how he used to be before he got sick.

I suffer with you.

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i don't think that. how would you estimate how much usd industries and projects will have invested in contracts the first few months chainlink is up and running?

Thanks for the speculation, sorry about your loss.

Mind saying roughly where you stand in terms of the top 500 wallets?

first few months? zero. it has ton's of testing that needs to be done. it's pretty well known from gartner that in their opinion smart contracts wont BEGIN to see adoption until 2020.

Gartner knows their sht. imo anyone who thinks or expects LINK price to moonshot on mainnet will be disappointed. I can see it going up a little and forming a higher base simply b/c they are 1 step closer to seeing their goal come to fruition, but imo LINK's price wont do too much until 2020 and beyond. That is when it should start getting fun.

thanks user. its spread out but I'm top 50. If price stay lows the next few months i would like to get to top 25

Awesome find!

Out of 10 rate the Chainlink project at this point from the point you bought in:

I would need to split it up into sections to give an honest assessment.

Dev Team: Top Class, The guys at really rate Steve and you can just tell him and Dimitri have a really methodical approach. I give them an 8/10. Having the GitHub there really calms the nerves. Also Thomas' tutorials are pretty neat.

Potential Parterships: This has been the biggest let down so far. All the dot connecting you guys do is total fluff from what I can see. For example there has been no proof of interaction with Microsoft for months other that your dev who gave the positive code review, BUT he explained on plebbit that he just had a personal interest. The logo links on the website is the biggest piece of fluff that you guys have came up with. I'm gonna need a bit more evidence than that. I'm going to give it 2/10 and a prediction that the only thing we will be starting off with at mainnet release is a few crypto projects and a continuing trial with Swift. I did think we would have more by this stage.

Leadership: I expected more from Sergey. I understand his predicament but I did think there would be a bit more than the radio silence. Even he said himself that we would hear more from him and I honestly believe that were he to speak it would help boost interest from devs and this would lead to more testing on Ropsten. I give them a 4/10 because of this.

Overall I think I'd give the project 5/10 but it still draws me in, and I enjoy researching the whole thing.

I have to go run my dog she is getting impatient with me. I will be back in 45mn or so if anyone has any other questions ask away and I will be back to answer them.

Well it was a whitepaper then, so it was 1/10. Now it's got a testnet and mainnet around the corner, but Rory keeps giving shit answers so I'm giving it a 7/10.

>some idiot starts larping
>all the linkies bite
You guys are so delusional it hurts reading the posts

I'm more interested in what lengths you would go to research an investment like this. Are you connected enough to discuss ChainLink with colleagues?

Do you ever follow the breadcrumb trail and contact potential Link users and whether they would be interested?

I'm a bit ambivalent on this myself, I seen someone on here contact that Law Contracts guy a few months ago and thought that crossed a bit of a line and in the end could hinder the project. On the other hand you are spreading the word about the project.

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Why the fuck you care about identity? Only thing that matters is your argument.
I don't give a fuck about the larper but I say link might get to $5,000 eventually.

what will happen on mainnet when we can see all the traffic on who is using the network.

the team said they will start announcing partnerships after mainnet. so if big corporations are involved just like how ethereum announced the EEA...chainlink will moon as ETH mooned and it's not even adopted by mainstream yet

The team never said that they will start announcing partnerships. So I don't believe you unless your reply is a picture proving me wrong.

oh look another link post....

LINK is primed for smart contract / PSD2 / api economy so we wouldn't have to wait until 2022

not worth the trouble to prove a pajeet wrong. unless u show me your a big link holder than i might consider it

Rory said that the smaller ones would likely announce first, and larger ones some time after that. He said something about probably being around 3 months after mainnet release. Smartcontract won't announce anything themselves, but we'll be able to see who is using the network at mainnet

Which telegram groups are you part of? How can I join you senpai?

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true but i also like to add that i was a presaler investor and sergey mentioned there were well known presale participates that he was announcing soon but never did.

You're the delusional one guy. I am who I say am I and all I'm doing is answering questions but muuhhhh larp. fck off

This is how I know you have a sub hundred IQ.

>Chaink Link
>Ch Ink
>Chink Scam confirmed

Where is this picture from?

Yes so you are agreeing with my post.

>Smartcontract won't announce anything themselves

The pajeet above said the team would make announcements but that has never been the case and is proven to be unreliable (and probably a bit of a dumbdumb)

some of the shit that people on this board have done is beyond me. they are like a stage 5 clinger ex-girlfriend. They the are definition of a sociopath. They do things b/c they think its funny without taking into consideration the potential unintended consequences.

I've done all sorts of dd and my ear is always to the ground. I've seen and heard enough, and have had a few things validated to know that LINK is a gamble I'll gladly take the risk on. No one knows what the future holds....I am a probabilities guy and all about r/r. You find 10 LINK's and put the same amount in each one, 7-8 can and will go to shit but the 1-2 that hit, hit massive.

How about financial crisis? We have not had a real one since 2008 and EU is finally easing on QE

Capgemini report I think.

what else coins are you invested in?

2016 Whitepaper by Cap Gemini "Smart Contracts in Financial Services, Getting from Hype to Reality"
full pdf

blog post on full paper

and Im sorry for your loss. Cant imagine the day my dad passes. Thank you for sharing the light. I’m sure he’d be proud as hell of you.

>You find 10 LINK's and put the same amount in each one, 7-8 can and will go to shit but the 1-2 that hit, hit massive.

>what else coins are you invested in?

Seconding this question.

So guys I'll be honest investing in crypto has only been a downward spiral for me (bought in January) but I have made good investments elsewhere (property and artwork).

However I shall let you in to my best investment so far which is Scotch Whisky. The demand from Asia is through the roof and if you buy an established brand with an age over 15 years then you are going to see the value continue to shoot up. This has been my best buy so far.

I bought the bottle for £980 and now it is worth £3000 after 2 years.

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any specific books/blogs that will help in understanding the crypto market trends? So far I've read the 4th industrial revolution, the book of satoshi, and both Casey's book on crypto.

I have no idea what will happen on mainnet. It just seems most are expecting big things and a market doesn't typically bend to the will of the majority so personally I have no expectations for mainnet.

I could be wrong, but i believe the team said they will let partners announce the partnerships after mainnet launches. Don't quote me but for some reason that is in my head atm.

If a situation plays out like EEA but for a chainlink enterprise alliance and its a slew of massive companies.....then I could absolutely see a reality where we see something similar. But I don't let hope drive my thought process when working markets.

I believe LINK is the real deal, but only will tell us how its story plays out. I've bought my ticket for a seat at the table. It goes to zero. bummer, on to the next. It does what i think is *possible.....ppfffffff game over. But i expecting to be sitting at this table for a minimum 3-5 years to find out

>and Im sorry for your loss. Cant imagine the day my dad passes. Thank you for sharing the light. I’m sure he’d be proud as hell of you.

Seconding this as well.

That's a tough story user -- and to the other anons dealing with this today. My dad is about to turn 80 and it makes me sad when I realize that he isn't going to be around forever. Obviously I always knew that at some level but it feels more real now.

Its going to dump on mainnet just like everything else does. It will pump hard though. In my opinion, we are going to see price action when partnerships are announced. Who knows the im an idiot

not relevant to this post but i would welcome a financial crisis 10x the size of '08. Thats where all the money is made. People should stop thinking about it or being scared of one and learn how to profit from when it does comes.

I am a capitalist and a profit maximalist. I don't care when it comes, eventually another will and will be the best buying opportunity for many asset classes for the next 20-30 years

It depends. September is when mainnet is speculated to be, and that's also when the gox trustee is allowed to start dumping again. I don't think the pump will be much if btc shits the bed. Mainnet pumps are a meme, see ton, eos, and ven this past month

You think we will get any hints that mainnet will launch beforehand?

I reckon after mainnet launch Thomas will make a comment on plebbit saying "oh and by the way Mainnet launched 2 days ago" and this will be the official announcement.

It's the ChainLink way.

you're a dishonest faggot. you have millions of link because you believe it's going to be a success yet you want to play aww shucks i dunno guys with your speculations. no one wants to read this shit. we all have tickets. we all know we need to wait. you're not offering anything we want to know.

Type of artwork do you buy? Artwork I feel holds it's value and I've already collected enough silver and been thinking artwork could be nice. I have a lot of research to do before dropping 10k on a picture. I have to figure out on what basis makes a painting hold it's value.

What price range do you look for to buy scotch whiskey that's 15 years old? How do you verify?

Are you currently stacking cash so it's liquid and can swoop up assets for cheap?

I bought my apartment in 2010 for £100k it is already worth £135k 8 years later. I'm waiting until the next crash so I can buy a big house in the Scottish countryside.

It's the upside of having a job that is dictated more by the oil price. I'm pretty financial crisis proof in my situation.

15/share twitter is my largest holding. I started buying in 2016 and my last round of buying a few months ago. I will hold for at least a few years and I expect to be north of 150 by then.

I own a lot of us steel, but started buying that in 2016 and my cost is under 8.

I own a lot of swn a nat gas company

I've recently (last 6 months) started building a position in feye. with midterms not far away and 2020 coming up fast im expecting the sociopathic russia hacking narrative to stay front and center and that will eventually lead to large gov't contracts for cyber in the private sector.

I've been buying a boatload of CLVS down here in the low 40's and will keep buying if mid to low 30's are seen. Im expecting it to get bought out in the next 6-15 months.

Those are my core big bets. I have a bunch of smaller positions that arnt worth getting into.

For crypto I wont get into what i own outside of link. But my focus is very narrow.

thanks user

>see ton, eos, and ven
This is link we are talking about. This thing is mostly shilled here. Im going to fight the urge not to hang my self with all the spam we are going to get. I just had a thought, it would depend on how they actually go about doing main net. If they have massive press. Like I said though im an idiot. Im just trying to think like people who want to make short term gain off of link would think

>You think we will get any hints that mainnet will launch beforehand?

you mean justin sun tier. Idk, we don't know how they are going to do press and advertising. We have nothing to go off of because there is none going on now. It would be pretty funny if that's how it went down though

Thanks for the insight. I hoard and collect rye's. I'll take a look for the hell of it what some of them would fetch for in asia but desu i dont need more investments i buy my whisky to drink.

Ya, if you entered crypto in jan you came in at the top. dont let prices get you down. Think long term and find quality projects, imo crypto isnt going anywhere it will simply multiply in size the next 5years +. If you believe this as well, then you should be bringing in a set amount of money the same each month for the next 6-12 months to position for the larger crypto inflation wave i believe we see into 2023+

Things can't sustain themselves after 20-50x'ing without correcting and healing their charts and that is what we are seeing this year

Do you think SWIFT will use chain link? When do you expect main net to launch?

yeah, this was posted during the presale in august 2017. if LINK is actually built from industry ground up...LINK will rocket in due time.

sergey mentioned he'll announce some well known participants but never did

Attached: well known participant.jpg (321x157, 9K)

It can range massively on the brand. You will see a huge difference in price between a 20 year old bottle that is backed by Diageo (e.g Macallan) and a 20 year old bottle produced from an independent distillery like Glenfarclass.

I actually bought a Glenfarclass 40 year old a few years ago thinking people would buy into the independent nature of a bottle but it has only increased by 20% over 2 years.

The website I use is ScotchWhiskyAuctions dot com but it can be a bitch for fees.

Some more good advice is to buy 1 really expensive bottle rather than a few not quite expensive ones.

>People should stop thinking about it or being scared of one and learn how to profit from when it does comes.

Maybe a brainlet question but how exactly other than
Step 1: keep a big stack of cash on hand
Step 2: swoop up assets on the cheap.
Step 3: profit.

My problem is that I'm a wageslave who has gotten burned working for several startups -- each one of which I thought was going to moon, so I'm struggling with step 1. Hoping link will be how I get there.

Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions from everybody, btw.

key word is "SOME" well known it can likely be built from industry ground up

if you want a handbook on the crypto markets read "reminiscent of a stock operator"

my 2 must read books for markets in general are not books one would typically think to read to learn about markets. Much how we operate and the bigger bets we structure are in the global macro arena and these 2 books are my bibles.

signals by pippa malmgren
The 4th turning by neil howe and david strauss

How about holding crypto during crisis? I think it's going to go up, since it's secure, isn't controled by the governments, and usually it has low inflation rate.

hmm why do I keep hearing people saying the stock market is due for a correction? do you think it'll happen soon?

Yeah I'm adding monthly to my Link stack which is currently 10,000. Also I have a small pot of ETH

Psychologically the crypto market has really got to me. Smart Contracts have really captured my imagination but it is really hard to buy more when all I have encoutered is loss so far.

I know I should be buying but my experience so far makes it tough to do.

Hearing your outlook is very useful though

leave the thread then i don't care. nothing I have said is dishonest and in no way am I lying to people or trying to fill them full of false hopes. I am simply answering questions b/c op started a thread that was about my link post

>I know I should be buying but my experience so far makes it tough to do.

when you understand markets move up and down it won't bother you. I used to hear people say the most important thing to have in markets is patience. I now know why

No I mean the opposite of Justin Sun tier. For example would we see some leaks come out of or something similar that mainnet was preparing for launch?

Or do you think Linkpool are as much in the dark as everyone else?

On a related note I see that JH was making ChainLink commits over the weekend which is always promising that he hasn't given up hope already.