Why isn't there a cure for balding yet? The financial incentive is enormous

Why isn't there a cure for balding yet? The financial incentive is enormous

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Because your body is a finely calibrated machine and you can turn one thing on/off without other shit going wrong.

I know then feels user they keep saying it's around the corner but 10 years later I'm still bald

Same reason there isn't a cure for cancer: the treatment is much more profitable than the cure.

Why the fuck do you care? just keep it short as fuck or shave it off, most women don't even care

You can get hair transplants or micropigmentation user. I paid 12k for mine and it was one of the best investments of my life

cause being bald is actually superior. less hair means a cooler brain engine

There is. You either haven't done your research or you can't afford it.

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>and it was one of the best investments of my life

until it falls off rofl

Cruise 250mg test/week and lift.

Poorfag. Reddit that way bum--->

how would injecting test cure baldness lol

Nobody cares if you're bald when you're jacked af user

debatable my friend

Just be patient.

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this. Hair transplants or some kind of pill you take to stop balding.

The stem cell therapy exists and works 100%, it's just that nobody is gonna approve it until they are absolutely sure that none of the stem cells turn into cancer.
You'll probably be able to find some clinics in 3rd world countries that offer the treatment if you like to live a dangerous life.

>afford it
That's the joke. Massaging your scalp with your own piss might be all you need. Seriously, research it. Urine therapy.

Good thing your own piss contains stem cells and they're totally free. Chinks or nipe I believe isolated them from piss and grew a tooth.

being bald is strongly correalated with being manly and "alpha", ifu havent notices most bald men are big/fat/strong people often with heavy beards. It has to do with testosterone and genetics for men.

Only bad baldness is if u have some sort of ugly skulldmg or are bald becaue of disease and shit so ur a skinny bald nerd, could cure that shit but then u dont cure baldness u cure other aspects causing it

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Yeah and they’re a dime a dozen these days. I’m jacked and yet still don’t look like a thundering ape with the whole shaved head big beard bullshit.

As far as I’m aware it’s the either the big 3 combo or hair transplants. Also stay away from gear unless you wanna go bald, odds are it’ll accelerate your hair loss. Especially stuff like winny. Don’t underestimate how much a good haircut cut adds to your look. Same as being lean. Unless you’re a pro athlete you should never be above 12%. It completely ruins your face and clothes don’t fit as good, despite being “tighter”.

Because it's hard as fuck to understand.
Also, fin works for most men. So it's difficult to find funding for your research.

I find it amusing that more people care about a cure for balding than a true cure for circumcision - one that doesn't involve stretching your skin like some kind of African-esque extreme body modification.

bullshit, people pay ridicilous amounts of money for shitty transplants and pills are cheap, so they would gladly pay way more for a proper solution, it just doesn't exist. As for cancer it's more probable


transplants are only good if you have some receeding at the temples, if you're thinning all over it's over.
micropgimentation is pretty much impossible to recreate the shaved head looks because the dots are too big, hairlines are too sharp (especially for white guys) and it looks like a fucking helmet painted over your scalp. Maybe clueless normies won't be able to put a finger on it at first but after a close look people can easily tell it's fake

unironically one of the best "solutions"

the results are questionable at best


I see way more onions.boys and beta virgins with balding heads than I see alphas/chads.
Testosterone has nothing to do with it,

>Why isn't there a cure for balding yet?
because you are a faggot for caring.

Why on earth would you bother with stem cells that are already on the path to differentiate towards epithelial cells of the bladder or urethra or differentiated towards becoming kidney cells? You'd just take hair stem cells from follicles that aren't dead yet and get those to grow. It's just removing and treating stem cells happens to encourage the more cancerous stem cells to outgrow all the other normally regulated stem cells.

sure they don't, sure user

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I take finasteride and biotin which does a good job, you can even do rogaine as well for that triple threat. Try it.

>transplants are only good if you have some receeding at the temples

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If you're not a manlet, jacked, decent looking and tan then you can pull it off but 95% of bald dudes cant

>sitting on a TRT for 6 years
>still not balding
It's so have good genetics. Thank's mom and dad.

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Na, you just think that extroverted flamboyant social butterflies who spend more time in front of a mirror worrying about their clothes and looks are "alphas". It's pretty telling of what's actually happening when having a beard and balding head is seen as "soiboy/beta" nowadays lol.

Bald guy reporting in, not jacked or a manlet, I keep it short and it's growing on me.

I do a lot of running and push ups to keep fit, so I have a decent body.

Still don't get girls because I have the personality of a wet towel

why is there no cure for manletism yet? it's much worse

how tf? who is that, how did he do it?

nah, Im talking genetics, not behaviour, I see more balding manlets, chinlets with weak bodies and ugly faces than I see the Chad Thundercocks type of guys.
Having a full head of hair is part of good genetics, people who are balding are usually hairy on their bodies with weak skin breaking out pimples left and right


yeah like The Mountain, The Rock and other beta faggots

dude, I can cherry pick like that in any direction, stop looking at your tv heroes (often on roids too), look at people on the street, most people who are balding have shittier overall genes than those who aren't balding. Plain and simple

Say what you will about what Jim Jefferies has become but allegedly he just took propecia and went from badly balding to not balding. Even if he did the contemporary transplant treatment, it's still pretty clear evidence that balding has in fact been cured if you catch it early enough.

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Taking HGH in pubescence

Baldness involves a sort of allergy to types of testosterone in specific tissue. It's not easy to fix without chemical castration. You're going to have to wait until a CAS9 biohacker figures it out, raises funding and goes through 7 years of testing to get FDA approval. It's probably 15 years off tops.

Tony Soprano says hello

How much does it cost?

A healthy head of hair is associated with high genetic fitness

OP listen to me

you have no reason to believe me but I am the only right person ITT

balding is related to ejaculation. Stop cuming and learn how to have orgasm without ejaculation. Also massage your scalp and switch to cold water instead of hot water

you can regrow your hair in a few months

I have lost my hair from crypto "trading" stress. I also now break down in tears randomly throughout the day, can sleep for only 30 mins at a time, and have had to abandon all activities and hobbies I once enjoyed.

This is unironically the worst thing that ever happened to me.

Tell us more. Im down 60%, need to hear about other people being justed to not shoot myself in the face

You're right, I don't believe you.

This is me. AMA

Btw, I believe balding is obviously hereditary but stress is probably the second leading cause to baldness