he didn't bought the original pepe plushie when he could

> he didn't bought the original pepe plushie when he could

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Where can I buy on resell? I'll pay up to $500.

My mum did something with mine. Are these worth enough to take her to small claims court

I'll sell you one for $500.

I'll make one for $500. I'm sure I could commission a Chinese child for much less than that and skim the top for myself.

You can't.

Attached: J2tYPCd.png (1024x576, 897K)

>he didn't bought
>he can't speak english

Yeah, but mine is authentic.

you can't have mine or my 10k 0xbtc's

Attached: 0xpepe.jpg (3024x4032, 2.02M)

What's authentic about a plush based on a meme based on a stoner's webcomic?

noplushies coping HARD

Attached: pepeplushdouble.jpg (1200x1200, 409K)

remember when someone posted a link to that shutupandtakemymoney site, where they were still selling these after they had sold out? that was great, i am forever in debt to that user

I-Is it a-a-anatomically c-correct??

very much so user

Attached: lilpepe.jpg (1806x2046, 843K)

you fags realize there will be one less pepe in circulation after this brave lil guy heads into the stratosphere soon? $500 for the best meme ever is lowball

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It's not OK to remind me.

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absolutely lewd, i see rule 34 is in full effect

Woah, where did you get the space suit? I wanna get a baby MAGA hat and test it out on Pepe sometime

not my pepe, some user in PA owns this brave little frog. my pepe will always be taking selfies like this

Attached: 1525917302771.jpg (1072x1720, 1.11M)

I've never owned LINK, but I respect the heck out of you guys.

I don't own any either but I love the meme

Feels bad OP

Nice, I'm going to get my Pepe some LINK tomorrow too.

My portfolio grows
My plush pepe folder grows

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Here, takes this one.

Attached: IMG_20180123_165950.jpg (2610x4640, 1.95M)