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When are we getting the holoports REEEEE

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Knew whales at ICO that bought big into HOLO and coordinated the Jow Forums pump and dump, always find it funny whenever I see a HOLO thread now, thinking that you guys must have fell for that shilling campaign and all those guys that were behind it sold fucking ages ago


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I like seeing post like this, it proves you just know nothing, weak ass fud buddy

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I am very enthusiastic abut holo still.

So because something has actual value, but get pumped by some whales, it automatically becomes no longer valuable?

You know you're retarded right user? It's ok go ahead and sit in your corner with your shitcoins.

shill somewhere else, can't believe how delusional the whole project is. irs right up there with 0xbtc, the pajeet coin of the week

I bought the ICO you wreck of a human.

Not a pajeet coin by any means but there won't be any worthy exchange for a while. They've only started looking into listings a month after the ICO, and everyone knows how long listings take.
I really don't see this mooning until it's on a good exchange, so yeah, i'll be looking to buy into this a few months from now. But now I'd be highly surprised if it does anything else than following BTC

Well since you seem to be un-educated like most holo fudders, let me help you out.

0xBTC is a shitcoin built on top of a shit platform.

HoloChain will be an entire decentralized platform. You will see people attempting to launch ICOs on TOP of HoloChain.

I know it's hard for you brainlets to do anything more than 10 minutes of research. But don't attempt to equate apples to airports.

The fuckers were selling holo fuel (the coin that hot is a placeholder for) at ICO price the last week, I think they stopped now but they killed the demand for a whole week, who the fuck was going to buy that shit a 5x price when the team was selling it at ico price.

Well considering it was written in the green paper that it was friends, family, and people who bought holoports but couldn't buy @ ICO. Also, they were only allow to buy $1000 dollars worth of tokens. I don't think they will be dumping on anyone. Why the fuck would you cry about this, considering it's a small one time thing?

Seriously. The investigative mentality behind any Holo fud rivals that of CNN. Strictly circumstantial evidence that conveniently leaves out key facts, attempting to drive a narrative that discredits something/someone.

>starts off with ‘value’
>whales pump it 10x, now it’s ‘over valued’
>idiots on Jow Forums buy it because of ‘new paradigm’ memes and think it’s undervalued

The best shills are coins that shill themselves.

22m rn and comfy.

Dude you are fucking retarded. Was buying eth at 10x ICO wrong? ARK? NXT? LISK? TRON? IOTA?

10x in the face of going 100x from ICO means nothing you stupid faggot.

Tell me about the "value" of most of the top coins

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>5/1600 tokens went 100x
>so my shitcoin will too!

Sorry, you got scammed. Thanks for buying my bags. Hope your boomer foot coin works out.

Holo stands alone without crypto and is only here to steal people from crypto who have intelligence. It's fine that you can't fathom how revolutionary this tech will be. You guys who do no research but show up in these threads saying we got scammed are just sad.

You think doing 10x in the first week is something to joke about like any old "shitcoin" could do it.

0% Research 100% Confidence

>his erc token is down from a 233mm mkcap to 76mm mkcap
>he thinks losing over two thirds of his money makes him a ‘smart investor’
>he’s emotionally attached to his coin
>revolutionary tech. Erc20 token.

You guys are the laughing stock of crypto, plenty of telegram groups brag about continuously pumping and dumping this trash on you guys.

The journey to 1 sat will be a long drawn out bleed.

90% of biz

This place is sad now. I feel like all the smart people are taking a break for now.

We spend our time trashing your bad decisions so we can feel superior, heh, you getting scared yet normies?

Again another brainlet who thinks a utility token can go to zero.

No little one. Only a shitcoin that is used for nothing can go to zero. This however, will have an actual value tied to real computational power and distributed hard drive storage?

Let me guess. You have absolutely no meaningful response for me because you have no clue how Holo actually works or what it is.

My guess? You're part of the group fudding it to lower the price so you can pick it up for cheap. I know this because you faggots never have an actual brain or real facts to stand on. Just hurr durr scamcoin fud.

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>this level of emotional attachment to an erc20 token

Ok, who is using this token for ‘real computational power’ and ‘distributed storage’? Who? Where are they?

No one is using it.

>When the crux of your fud falls on "Who is using it"

They just finished the campaign to send people the physical hardware and are getting their alpha ready for test net in a few months.

Oh and to help your pea brain a bit more. HOT = HoloToken. An ERC-20 token that will be changed for HoloFuel. HoloFuel will be the currency that powers the backbone of the new network and will be directly linked to that processing power and distributed storage.

People like you are really pathetic. You have such conviction and hate for something you no nothing about.

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>An ERC-20 token that will be changed for HoloFuel. HoloFuel will be the currency

Which they were selling at ico price while the hot token was selling for 5x that, if you say that didn't have anything to do with the price crashing you're seriously retarded

Q4 for Beta... KEK