10% of people owns 90% of the financial wealth
10% of people owns 90% of the financial wealth
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Yeah, that's how it works.
Is anyone honestly surprised to hear that we’re a third world country in this day and age? It’s no secret at this point.
What's the alternative? Everyone should be rich?
Not having gross economic disparity like the rest of the western world?
kill all rich and divide the money between poor equally
if some poorfag manages to become richer if compared to everyone else he gets killed too
Wahhhh muh unequality
If you have an IQ over 90 and did your homework in high school you have no (read: NO) excuse for being poor.
so like in communism?
see, this russian knows
everyone poor is their dream so they can smoke weed and fuck little kids freely in some community farm
It’s inequality you rural retard.
>a luck based *model* was able to approximately *recreate* our wealth distribution
>if you're poor it's because you're stupid
Are not at all incompatible. If you're poor in the first world despite having a 100 IQ and being responsuble at school it is because you made awful career, financial, and relationship choices. Literally anyone can earn median and above income by going to trade school for two years to become a welder or electrician--and that's median within the US, which is actually the top 1% for the world. If you are working minimum wage jobs at the age of 21 or above there is objectively something wrong with you.
You know that theres more options between murica and ussr right?
Everyone wants to be rich but as a society the US especially has stopped being responsible enough to merit being rich even when they're given the best opportunities in the world. The US has one of the highest median incomes in the first world, the best job market by far, and the largest single language and single set of regulations economy by FAR, but one of the lowest median wealth and highest amounts of credit card/mortgage debt and highest proportion of people living paycheck to paycheck. Why? Because they are irresponsible, hedonist, consumerist swine who think $30k on a new car at 2% yearly interest paid over 10 years is a reasonable purchase for a 24 year old fresh out of college making $45k a year.
Or that you should "just get a degree that you're interested in :) follow your dreams sweety" without regard for the real economy and take out $30k in loans at the start of your adulthood for a shitty psychology/liberal arts degree
poor should just work harder and smarter, I owe my financial success only to myself
Grog have more rocks than Grug
Grug maaaad
>and take out $30k in loans at the start of your adulthood for a shitty psychology/liberal arts degree
why are you babbling about this over and over
everyone knows that liberal arts is a shit degree, stop repeating that
>Literally anyone can earn median
You do understand what median means?
But apparently people don't. Not only that, far too many people who should go to trade school instrad go to college.
he probably meant to say anyone could try harder to make whatever happens to be the median income at the time? of course that would change the median. and of course that will never happen but i see his point
just go to plumbing school and fuck off dude
I still prefer to talk to someone studying humanities than to an anti-intellectual amoeba working in trades like plumbers or electricians, and the society will always see those as inferior : )
>and the society will always ser those as inferior :)
>anti intellectual amoeba
Ok well attitudes like that are why there is such a big employment gap in the US. Thanks for showing you don't actually care about the economy. Also I am working on my master's in a uni you would NEVER get into.
>Also I am working on my master's in a uni you would NEVER get into.
hurr durr im a succesful engineer : ))))
Then just have free uni you dumb trumptard.
Is this a joke? That would exacerbate the unemployment problem and allow unis to hike prices even more on their already overpriced daycare centers
I'm for killing the top 15%. Just to be safe, no?
Is this butthurt american thread?
No, I mean median. Anyone can earn $50k a year within 5 years if they go to trade school which only costs like $10k for 3 years + misc other certs. They *choose* not to because "muh college" and "muh passion"
Are you trying to say that Brazil is turning into the US? Because Brazil had a much earlier and much larger wealth-gap between the management class and the peasant masses. If anything the world is adopting the "Brazil model", as the third world becomes internationalized.
German companies are opening up factories in the US, since American workers are far more repressed than most Euros (putting up with working more hours for lower wages and no unions).
The goal of the capitalist system is to turn every country in the world into Brazil.
>Why? Because they are irresponsible, hedonist, consumerist swine who think $30k on a new car at 2% yearly interest paid over 10 years is a reasonable purchase for a 24 year old fresh out of college making $45k a year.
Wow what could be encouraging such behaviour?
Let's see what known communist Adam Smith had to say on the matter.
>I'm 17, have never moved out of my parents' house, have never had a job, have never had to work 2-3 jobs, have never had bills and expenses, have never experienced serious opposition, have never experienced ugly office politics, have never had to work 50 hour weeks, have never had to work off the clock, and have not experienced the world beyond the relative ease of my middle class high school where my life is highly regimented and I'm still applauded for doing basic things requested of me
You're gonna tackle the world, buddy.
>Literally anyone can earn median and above income by going to trade school for two years to become a welder or electrician
You realize that if everybody did that it would drive wages down right?