Why won't they just unify already?

Why won't they just unify already?
Why won't Colombia just march in to Venezuela and forcefully unify them?

Attached: 1200px-Nueva_Gran_Colombia.svg.png (1200x804, 104K)

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One of those countries is in turmoil right now.

They don't have a valid casus belli.

Venezuelan allies would have to intervene I assume (not sure if they have any)

Attached: 05ACC5C0-048E-46BC-A68E-85B8E4B41392.jpg (1242x1767, 942K)

>((Venezuelan Allies))
>implying they have any allies that doesn't hate them at this point

China and Russia


Attached: 4E170409-8610-4CFD-B72B-730773546CD6.jpg (693x480, 39K)

We need further decentralization, not more centralization via annexation

Look up for the amero coin.
Usa brainwashed them throw the media into believing they are different with eachother, if you ask those people about unification, they immediatly mention dozen of differences.
Like russia, east, west germany, tibet with china and literally the whole european union is meaningless to them, you can find this exact same reaction on the whole latam region.
The only possible way of unification it's throw war, but since usa doesn't allow it it's impossible, same with africa and the middle east.

also iran and turkey

>Usa brainwashed them throw the media into believing they are different with eachother
Please elaborate.


Do you have more of that peyote my friend?

it's bad peyote, don't do it

If someone blames anglos or europeans they will asume him of being crazy or under any susbtance, but if someone blames jews or non white nations they are correct

Honest question: Would you be OK with Singapur joining Malasia?

Hey, fight with your neighboor because you dont have a sea
Those immigrants from x country are destroying yours.
If you are non white you shouldn't be here, notice how brown nations in latam lack of racism against whites.

The eternal cr*Ollo is to blame

It can never happen and it's impossible because of racial politics unlike Gran Colombia since they're basically one country with a common culture that splitted up because Bolivar didn't toughen down on Criollos

Your understanding of our history is really basic. Bolivar is actually a culprit of out countries being shitholes nowadays. He did to us more harm than good

Wasn't he the reason your countries exist to begin with?

Why though
I remember getting a summary of how Gran Colombia popped out and it's basically opportunism by Bolivar then finally by the rich

you are speaking to a criollo. they dont care for unity. they only dream of exploitation, theft and destruction.

Pero todo eso es producto de la élite corrupta que solo desea poder.

qué montón de mongólicos en un solo thread, por Dios

here, OP, "been there done that"
ps: let us know when your "country" gets united back with Malaysia

exactly, he was a greedy cunt
kinda, in fact it was a vast territory with poor access roads between cities and extremely difficult geography , that led to the rise of oligarch groups with different agendas far apart from each other. Add to that the aid of the USA in separatist movements like that of Panama in exchange to build the canal. I mean even in this day there still isn't a road link between Panama and Colombia

all of south america is retarded and corrupt to shit

I imagine bolivar in the 1800s as a present day populist

I'd take off Ecuador. From what Colombians tell me, they're more similar to Peruvians iirc.

>qué montón de mongólicos en un solo lugar

Attached: int.png (275x38, 2K)

vos sos el más mongólico de todos, mejicano del orto
volvé a hispachan y nunca más salgas de ahí

Yes, but still is our rightful clay


>jungle argentina flag on my thread

Attached: __kurosawa_dia_love_live_sunshine_and_etc_drawn_by_takeya_yuuki__sample-6b6eaa2adaa3641930cb220a2c33 (850x1056, 127K)

Because they are not total idiots. Who the fuck wants commies into their country?