Watch French porn

>watch French porn
>French girls look like Anglos
Why do they larp as meds?

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>watch French porn
>they're all North Africans
What did Jean-Pierre mean by this?

are you implying that having sex with brown girls is not high test as fuck ?

northern frogs aren't med, they're celto-germanic mutts like brits

southern frogs are med as fuck though

they border the Mediterranean
they have an island in the Mediterranean
they speak a romance language
yet they're still pretty different from the other med countries, personally I just think of southern france as med

>specifically search for "beurette"

Brits are mostly Neolithic Farmer, just like French. Yamna is minimal among Frenchcucks and Inbredoids.

>Brits are mostly Neolithic Farmer, just like French
exactly, why do most brits/frogs deny this


>southern """""frogs"""""
I prefer the term "Occitans". They are a conquered people.

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muh autism
almost fucking identical

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oi, don't blow our cover, mate...

The French are latinized Celts who reject their barbarian roots. Basically a cheap knockoff of Italians, the only true Latins.

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We lived up to the legacy of Rome much better than Italians did.

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The Swedes are germanized East Europeans who reject their Aryan roots. Basically a cheap knockoff of Slavs and Balts, the only true Aryans.

>Varg lives in mutt portion

what did he mean by zis

>Corsica is french


Are you talking about the typical le R1b face?

Why is is this simple fact so hard to understand?

stop spamming this

They're as French as Occitans, Bretons, Alsacians and Basques are, except they are the best at larping as a non assimilated people

>bolzano more similar to venice than austria

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We don't larp as meds. We never claim to be anything other than French.
