gone but not forgotten edition
>everybody ignores ex-yu's Shitboi even on /balk/
cecing at his poor life
in the end
the greek genocide is a good thing
Whenever I post on /ex-yu/ (and I do so rarely), you always fall for my bait no matter how weak it is. Also I'm not that guy.
that speech aired across the country here
everyone took the piss out of it at the time because of BIT BIT ZENGA ZENGA
Redpill me on shitboi
Watch the video
Look taylor swift does the same face sign as me so its obviouse im illuminati cia mason here
I never said im a cia agent its just i cooperate with cia and the wester states to make my country better
Unlike you retard whos stalking me on instagram facebook etc shitpost all day and achieve nothing in your life
>Look taylor swift does the same face sign as me so its obviouse im illuminati cia mason here
>I never said im a cia agent its just i cooperate with cia and the wester states to make my country better
>Unlike you retard whos stalking me on instagram facebook etc shitpost all day and achieve nothing in your life
no schizophrenia
just a little bit of depression ;)
Why do you imitate me?
Ok man, I used to find your posts funny back in 2016 when you were baiting tatars but ever since you got hired to scan groceries and chad's condoms in your local VERO you have become very cringy and annoying.
It's time to give yourself a break and have a long hiatus from posting in this anime site.
Does he actually work in vero? Now I'll have to stalk all cashiers in every vero store in Skopje.
kek based kazansperg
stop bullying all the funny people
how to defend italy's attack on HOI4 as Greece with the Metaxas regime
I dont want to change to fascist
also the dificulty is on veteran
>I dont want to change to fascist
you don't have to be
just pretend ;)
I love you, /balk/!~~
yes but ive done that already I want to keep the government as Is
but staying with metaxas wont allow me to increase the man power
and I cannot create enough divisions to actually defend
Just ally Turkey, you're the same people after all xDDDDD
He's some guy who used to post bait on /ex-yu/ a while ago and now brainlets think I'm him even though I barely post there.
its imposible they deny it
Im planing to actually and to take a brake from posting here and politics but out of the political crisis i have gained the most a clean face without doing anything ilegal and a patriot in the scandal that happend in macedonia plus im putting pressure on the elites here
The fact is im useing this website as a political weapon but sad bulgayrians are jelly of my connections and look at their misrable lifes thinking they would put me in bad mood
Kek when even taylor swift wants to make the mouth face like me but cannot
Angry tatars on suicide watch
Also angry tatar is sad because his country is full of corruption while we apply the rule of law like a civilised nation here in macedonia
I have to be communist to ally russia and I want to keep the same government
>clean face
>putting pressure on elites
yeah we all know exactly where you're """putting""" that """pressure" hehe
Where's kazangoy I haven't seen him in a a long time
just stop taking your pills :DDD
then deal with the fact that greece is not a super strong country and not meant to defend itself on it's own(just like it was in real life)
or alternatively buy a much better game Rise of Nations on steam where you can defeat usa as african shithole
Wtf I don't remember that requirement maybe they changed it. Try conquering north africa/indochina for resources and build an army that hardcounters itally.
Pierce>Armor>Hard power>Soft Power
I conquered the world with Macedonia, greece is in a far better starting position.
macedonia doesnt exist on hoi4
unlesss you played on highest difficulty it doesnt count iskander
>macedonia doesnt exist on hoi4
neither does it in real life tbhonestfam
In Millenium Dawn.
aбe нaи cи oби4aм ac pocиикaтa
im not playing with mods atm
Millenium dawn only changes countries and unions so it's the same playstyle. And also I always plays on hardest difficulty available.
If that bulgar who was looking for that Warcraft mod for CK2 is around, here's the link: drive.google.com
stop being manchildren who play games
Lmao I know, I've only managed 2-3 games and one of them was millenium dawn. EUIV, CKII and Vicky II are much better grand strats. HoI4 is just too simple.
>criticising internet strangers for their taste in video games
defeat them in the Albanian mountains like it happened irl?
game doesnt work like that
fucking PC mania tatar tbx
literal OBSESSED schizo
git gud then
>there are grown men who play games here
Getting 200 million gays to fuck each other at once would be difficult. You would pass through a lot of countries where ass fucking men in public is illegal. Most of them for example.
Second, you would have to make a bridge across oceans people could assfuck on.
The logistics of such a massive ass fucking would be tremendous.
>he thinks we're men
>there are grown men who don't have a gf yet here
The moving of troops is nor called logistics be smotan
i wish i had a hobby
Sweden is all liberal and shit just move every gay of the planet there and they can have gaysex there without being procecuted
its fucking impossible and unrealistic
fucking swedish pieces of shit learn to make video games niggers fuck your mothers
Play chess, learn Hungarian
Hotline Miami?
plan for 2019: watch every speed racer episode
Their games are realistic, conquering the world with a shitty country should be nearly impossible.
plant for 2020
conquer greece from within
I've never played Hotline Miami. Is it overrated?
Some men like being penetrated
t. fyrombey
Oh he's talking about Hearts of Iron IV...
I only played the first game and liked it.
>Play chess
soon i'll be finishing some long overdue business and will take up something like that
it's extremely repetitive and soundtrack is not really good despite what some people say
He's greek, he's kinda mentally challenged too...
lmaooo cucks
>Rozelli has gone full camwhore
I'm not fyromneet
>the absolute state of Gayreek women
>stepping on the greek flag
Does this whore have no shame? I guess she wouldn't be a whore if she had shame.
don't you guys have laws against humiliating the national flag
What is this phenotype called?
Ρεντπίλ μι ον δις Ροζελλι άι kιπ χίριγγ ημπαυτ...
You know, fyromneet, you don't have to pretend you're me if you want to post...
>Article 188 of Greece’s “penal code” states that if someone insults the national anthem, destroys the flag or other national Greek symbols they could go to prison for two years or pay a fine.
One of the Greeks here should report her lmao
so... did anyone report her?
No. Fyromneet has been posting under my name for awhile now. I just ignore him for the most part.
for the love of christ please report this hoe to the police do it for Hellas and for the memes
t. Fyromneet in full autism mode again
>one policeman killed in a robbery
>become a trending topic for weeks
>meanwhile the north is full of criminals and daily shootings yet no one cares
Wake up people
This is all the proof that Bulgarians need that Macedonians are actually Serbs
*wakes up*
some poor lady accidentally stepped into greek flag while taking a selfie and ikibey wants her to die in jail wow
what the fuck
what are the porn laws in greece like
gayreek turbosperg grill, posted randomly on several Jow Forums boards and infinitychan.
she may be a legit aspie
left her parents after she turned 19 and now has gone full camwhore to make ends meet
hates bankanlar and shitskins in general but would fuck some Mexican or Brazilian iirc
who cares?
>absolute state
i guess the balkans are plagued by the same type of criminal nihilism
>stomping on flag
>lmao who cares
And this is why macedonia is where it is today.
nigga its your national duty
Report her, you faggot. It'd be funny.
I mean, it really is a retarded law, but these Gayreek faggots have an once in a lifetime opportunity to put a camwhore roastie behind the bars yet they're just going to let it slip like that. Cuckoldry at its finest, if you ask me.