*crawl* *crawl* *crawl* *crawl*
*crawl* *crawl* *crawl* *crawl*
First for /balt/
what's his endgame?
I'll grant it a swift death.
What did you call these fuckers as a kid? We called them moustaches.
hundred legs
In japan we call it
sounds Turkish
cienpies, cucaracha don't really know what that thing is to be honest
They like to fall on you're face when you sleep no kidding
They also very good at hunting all kind of incects in house so sometimes people buy them for that purporse.
>buying house centipedes
why not comfy spiders instead?
I have millions of inoffensive spiders (Pholcus phalangioides)
gezi means travel in turkish lul
Ciempiés casero. aka house hundred legs
Lacraias or centopeias (although centopeias strictly speaking should only mean centipedes, so it's only coloquial)
saw one on my wall the other day at around 4am and watched it for almost 15 minutes. I went to go get a drink and when I came back it was gone.
They don't exist here, I don't know what those are called.
Bugs don't usually bother me but centipedes are creepy as fuck.
that one looks pretty small tbqh
Never seen one of those IRL, they sound really nice.
*throw my shoe against it*
Nothing personal buggo
*crick & crok*
damn that thing looks cool as fuck
Yer fucked m8
Crashing your property value
House centipedes aren't even native to Canada they illegally immigrated here from Europe.
The turks are evolving.
they're based and don't carry any disease or damage wood, i'd rather them in my house than all of the other insects that they prey on.
I saw a juvenile centipede one time and it was actually kind of cute in a disgusting way
t. centipede
Me neither, must be awful to live in a place where huge bugs are commonplace house pests, this few millimeter fucker is the only bug I ever saw at my crib
we just want to be your friend, anons
yeah, kids grow so fast, you have to make the most of it
That's so cool
Muholovka (Fly catcher)
Because spiders are much more passive, while centipedes will scout your house and remove any pests they meet. If you have a cockroach nest in your house, for example, centipedes can track it down and destroy the fuckers. If you live in an apartment building, they can do the same for your neighbours.
leg niggers
Arthropods are so fucking disgusting, they're not even made for this time. These menacing fucks evolved to be giant super predators, Earth's lowered oxygen levels sadly only shrunk them though instead of killing them off.
Tusenbein aka thousand bones
They were never giant really, just bigger than now but I doubt there ever was a bug bigger than a decent sized dog for example
Not gonna lie, I would smash this disgusting abomination with a fucking sledgehammer if I saw it running towards me, absolutely disgusting
millipedes cause I'm a retard
I wish I could have like a nest of these inside of my throat. It would be hilarious to be able to open your mouth and 10 of these fuckers crawl out haha.
I'm kinda disgusted, but also intrigued
Don't think we have them. I've never seen one.
nice one australia
Nice try Australia, nice try
Deviled eggs. Started off as devil legs but for some reason all us kids started saying deviled eggs instead.
Isn't that thing a sea creature though? That's a different thing altogether
This is basically a giant millipede.
They were herbivores though so they would have been like the elephants of the carboniferous.
Sea scorpion yeah, doing some digging though the Arthropleura lived on land and grew up to 6 feet tall and 1 foot wide
that's a great show. I think it's called Bug Emperor
what he said
also centipede have a higher metabolism due to that hunting strategy so they eat more bugs lb for lb than spiders do. So double bonus.
That's the devil right there
back when Oxygen content was higher, land based bugs got to be 6ft+long like the giant millipede. Ate plants only though. Spiders got to the the size of house cats and dragonflies were the size of small hawks.
We call them margfætlur
A translation of that would be something like "many legged ones" or something similar
I've never seen one of these irl before... Do they even exist in Northern Europe?
>see a baby silverfish in my bathroom
>try to squish it
>I miss and it crawls under the gap between the floor and wall
>mfw knowing it will come back out to terrify me once it's fully grown
How did this Ukrainian get into your house
In English Doc
>tfw it's too cold for insectoids in his cunt
Now is winter and this creeps are nowhere to be found. But during the summer those niggers are everywhere
That thing eats cockroaches, don't kill it.
>That thing eats cockroaches
So do the Chinese
Gõ fuck yõurself.
Creepy as shit but they're actually really good for your house.
C'mon lads, its not that hard to tell the difference.
Also , I think that's what centipedes look like in the lesser countries.
Both disgusting and gorgeous
>this thread
time to play into the breach again
xaxaxaxa fucking wasp bitch
hornets are cool