Why are they so mean?

Why are they so mean?

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Nice thread asshole

I don't know, but I just got back from a one week long vacation in the Netherlands and am now ready to give a full and unbiased Yelp review of the country. Let's start with the people, they're all gay. Every single man above the age of 12 I saw was wearing short shorts and had earrings. They all walked very feminine and spoke with unnaturally high pitched voices. Half of the faggots I encountered wanted to fuck and since I'm not gay I only took up half of them on their offer (because when you go abroad you have to respect other people's cultures not because I'm gay). Most of the women had boy haircuts and half of them dressed like men. Overall I wasn't pleased and stuck out like a sore thumb because I'm very heterosexual. Secondly, the architecture. The Netherlands have some of the most beautiful architecture I've ever seen and it's a shame to see how it's treated. Nearly every church and bridge has graffiti all over it and I saw about 15 different times men peeing on the sides of buildings. Overall, Dutch people live in a wonderful land but act worse than niggers. Thirdly, the climate. It was very cold but that's OK because I like the cold. One day it was only 7°C out but I still saw two buck naked faggots having sex on the beach. Overall it's OK. Fourthly, the food. The food is OK, albeit kind of bland. Fifthly, the flowers. The Dutch are known for their tulips. The tulips were OK I guess, I don't get excited over flowers.

How did this trip change my mind? I had a preconceived notion that Dutchmen were handsome conservative based and redpilled goodboys and thus always treated them with respect on Jow Forums. Now that I know they're all earring wearing gigafaggots I will never respect one ever again and will actively try to insult as many as I can.

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why are they so based?

Attached: A_Castro,_Lorenzo_-_A_Dutch_East-Indiaman_off_Hoorn_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg (1221x1024, 342K)

because they are forced to live in a world where manlets refuse to learn


Old pasta is old.

>Every single man above the age of 12 I saw was wearing short shorts and had earrings.
Inb4 you visited Amsterdam or Rotterdam
Those cities are like 60% hippie tourists

Once we were a based colonial, slave trading superpower. Now we are a nation of homosexuals.Our flag looks like toothpaste.

Why would we not be mean?

God it feels good to be dutch, god has blessed us with wealth and glory.