When did you realize that English is the only/best foreign language in the world that the average person in the planet needs to learn.
If you're born with English as your first language, every single other languages pales in comparison in terms of usefulness.
Neither Esperanto, Chinese, nor any other language is going to be replacing English's preeminent role. It's the language of modern science, diplomacy, art, and prestige. Deal with it.
English Language
>what is learning languages for fun
Why do you have such a bizarre pride towards something you never made
Imagine not being able to perceive the greatness of Narekatsi
That's model trains level of autism.
Neither did you, Ahmed.
The same was said of french in the modern age. Or latin in Middle Ages
You're unironally right, it makes no sense to learn new languages once you mastered english.
When humanity becomes one nation (as it inevitably will, assuming it doesn't die out), they will make up a new language to be the language of the human race as to avoid favoritism. I imagine humanity's capital would probably be some randomly selected uninhabited point for the same reason.
Latin, nor French had the internet. Most people in the planet were illiterate peasants when those languages were used by the ruling elite.
Now the elites of every nation, along with everyone else is familiar with English.