Why are fewer people working now than any time in the last 40 years? Also...

Why are fewer people working now than any time in the last 40 years? Also, if fewer people are working why do we say unemployment is so low?

Attached: fred-labor-force-participation-rate.jpg (1080x568, 27K)

robots terk er jerbs


65 year old retired millennials everywhere
Incapacitated heroin, fentanyl, and SSRI victims
Low IQ minorities too stupid for hte modern workforce

theres different types of unemployment. you should pay attention to U3 unemployment I believe, since it accounts for those not working

U5** my bad. \

Unemployment only counts people looking for jobs. If you give up you're no longer unemployed per their stats.

You're looking at a difference of 3-4% user

The reason why it's slowly declining is that there's more baby boomers retiring than there are people joining the workforce (plus the millennials are having less kids so in the future there will be even less of a workforce)

But yeah 3-4% is not that big of a difference. Wait 10 years, then you'll really feel it.

not U6?

Attached: u5.png (878x626, 41K)

theres too many fucking boomers, and even though alot of them havent retired yet, theres many that are starting to so the figures are gonna look real fucked for a long time until they all die off

Lots of undocumented illegals taking jobs

Because those numbers consider people on disability, welfare, retirement, etc. to be employed.

Fewer people are actually in the workforce than the statistics purport

Because most people are on welfare. The government would rather have stability than a nation of productive citizens. Dependence creates loyalty.

feds are juking the unemployment stats to make things seem better than they actually are.

this, and massive welfare and disability fraud

Anyone that says "the stock market is doing great so the unemployment stats must be true" is an asshole or just fucking retarded

Attached: 1517802803743.jpg (1129x1200, 118K)

Unemployment is a statistic literally designed to make governments look good. The truth is that the economy is going nowhere and all jobs are created with government subsidies or tax cuts, without that nobody would invest shit.

because we changed our employment metric during the Bush era so it would look like unemployment was lower.

the closest measure to the truth is u6, but the number still highly massaged.

this 10000x

Seems entirely too low. Discouraged (U4) is usually something like 6mo and nothing more. Total employment of the able bodied population between 18 and 65 would be better.

Labor Participation, I'm rusty