I’m just so sick and tired of the constant attacks on president Trump by the Fake News Media...

I’m just so sick and tired of the constant attacks on president Trump by the Fake News Media. He’s the greatest president in a generation.

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From my point of view, Barrack Hussein Obama is the greatest president of the current generation.

I hate Orange Man, but it's a fact that every article about him has been full of blatant lies.

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I'm sick of Eg*ptian lies about the Hittite empire

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Obummer destroyed America

I'm so sick and tired of the photoshop desu

He didn't destroy America. He helped America recover from the economic crisis and from the horrible foreign policy of Bush.

>and from the horrible foreign policy of Bush.

you what

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>this is your brain on CNN

Obama presided over the worst economic recovery since the depression. More Americans were unemployed, in poverty and on food stamps during his regime than ever before. And that was because of his tax and spend madness.

And his foreign policy was even more disastrous. He was the one who let ISIS form (along with Crooked) and allowed Putin to annex Crimea. Collusion?

How many wars being started is a better metric than bombs being dropped. Bush started two wars which caused many trillions and were both failures.
Bush lack of regulations caused the crisis, Obama recovered from the crisis.
ISIS is the direct result of the foreign policy of Bush (invasion of Iraq) and Putin annexing Crimea could not have been stopped save for a war between two nuclear powers.
And Drumpf has never criticised Putin, very interesting. He criticises everyone except Putin.

Can we all just agree that every president after Carter was horrible?

After FDR, including FDR. Except Nixon.

>Bush put soldiers in Iraq therefore Obama is blameless for getting involved in Syria but also Trump is a coward for removing troops from Syria

This is your brain on Soy

Comparing Bush' multiple trillion dollar invasion of Iraq to some bombs being dropped on Syria just shows how retarded, perfedious and idiotic Repooplicans are

Obama had eight years to recover from the crisis. He made it worse and Trump cleaned up the mess with his deregulation and tax cuts.

ISIS was created by Obama withdrawing from Iraq too early and incompetently. That left a vacuum which allowed ISIS to form and Obama was warned of this yet he still did it. Treason.

No president has been tougher on Putin than Trump. He’s armed the Ukrainians while Obama sent them blankets. Trump wasn’t the one who signed off on the treasonous Uranium One deal which gave Russia control over 30% of America’s uranium. That was Obama.


>obama bad
>trump good
Literally Grug-tier

Based mentally challenged user due to circumcision and inbreeding

>ISIS was created by Obama withdrawing from Iraq too early and incompetently
He campaigned on it, and that's what the American people wanted. That, and the economy, is why he won in a landslide

Nope, voter fraud and race baiting is why Obama won

I love Trump. The world news section in the paper has never been so fun. Where is our hero? Is America still on shutdown because Mexico isn't paying for his wall?