Korea needs more men

Korea needs more men

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Will they be doing breeding visas?

>underfunded pensions
are babies suppose to pay pensions? I fail to see how population correlates to pension payments. Either Korea has the money or they don't. Regardless of how many people exist.

They have enough men. What they need is more procreation.

Annex N. Korea

I wanna make a qt Korean guy pregnant.

What often ends up happening in those system is that the current working population is paying for the retired ones. It's why pension systems all over europe are under huge stress. In France we've raised the tax part that goes to pension and pushed back the retirement age for example. Most young people don't believe they will ever get any penny of their pensions

Less babies means less people paying for the retirees. That said the pension system in korea is shit and the amounts are very low and the budget has been at an excedent for many years so idk.

And who will provide the money of the older generations if not the new ones? Pensions aren't paid by the money that gets accumulated by the people that receive it, it's a "contract" between generations so to speak. So yes, less babies means less pensions eventually.

Do you think people pay for their own pensions? Most pension systems are like pyramid schemes and predicated on population growth, insofar as payouts largely transfer money from working-age adults to the elderly. You pay in to fund current elderly, in order to earn the right later to draw assets from the current working-age adults when you're elderly. The system can only work when there are significantly more working-age adults than elderly, because then the working-age adults only need to pay a relatively small amount of their paycheck.

If the population growth declines and the ratio of working-age adults to the elderly gets too low, then payouts will have to go up, working-age adults won't be able to support themselves, the pension system collapses, and the elderly starve. Which is looking increasingly likely as population growth rates continue to hover below replacement levels in most Western countries.

Because pension funds constantly need people paying into them or they're not worth anything

Pension systems are inter-generational pyramid schemes, should just do away with it so that families go back to how it was used to be with the young taking care of the old.

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the west will save japan and south korea, your qts are ours


I don't hate either nips or gooks enough to fill up their countries with hapas. No country on earth deserves such a horrible fate.

Fuck YOU Japan I will come to Osaka and fuck your women.

The babies are meant to be the hostages that chain you into being a sacrificial serf. Why do you think boomers cry and moan about MGTOW? They want the younger males to have something to lose.

anyone before millenials is a boomer no exceptions and needs to be killed.




I will lose 60% of it to tax but at least I'll take a chunk of super when I leave

It was too much to ask for the russian flag to complete the combo wasnt it?

pension systems should be abolished
either you raised children, who are grateful and will support you in your old age, or you are one of the 0.0001%, who contributed to the human civilization in such a grand manner that you will never have to worry about your future, your academic, social and financial position grants you absolute safety in your old age
or if you did NOT in fact care about the future enough to leave sufficient progeny and legacy on this Earth, be true to your nihilism and just kill yourself when you are done, no one cares more about you than you did

they are really that lazy

Stay away from asia, no matter what your macho side tell you to do


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too late. I'm on my 3rd korean gf already

>tfw 30-40% of voters are going to be pensioners
>all parties want to rise pensions to gain those votes
>while there are less people working to pay those pensions
>workers dont give a shit as they are leaning to left and they believe they are earning their own pensions


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nah she's a lot cuter than that

like that ?

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Same in Germany

nah she has a narrower face, but cute mannerisms as well

this. And, mind you, with Italy's huge share of unreported employment and tax, tax avoidance and tax evasion it's even worse.

So people could retire in the 80s when they were less than 40yo. Some people could get for decades two or three pensions.

Oh and in the past, until middle 90s, we had the RETRIBUTIVO system, meaning they could get like 80% of the last salary, didn't really matter how many monies they gave to the system. Of course they would be promoted several times in the last two years of work so they could get an higher pension!!