Ah yes the american pizza

Ah yes the american pizza

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looks good

costco has the best pizza

the fuck im watching

Why can't europeans enjoy a good 'za?

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>It is named after the idea that modern pizza toppings were developed among Italian immigrants in the United States (rather than in native Italy, where in its simpler form it was originally looked down upon), and was later exported back to Italy to be interpreted as a delicacy in Italian cuisine.


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your boring

Do you call pizza "za" in Japan?
I've never heard this before

I'm davido-kun

Would eat the shit out of that pizza.

American pizza is better than Italian pizza

Those taste decent. You can get pizzas like that from Lidl.


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How dare you

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why no meat why why whats the point of eating greasy bread why why???????????

New York style. Not actually what most people eat.

Also please keep in mind according to SEVERAL international experts, the US has the best pizza in the world second only to Italy.

thats the best 1$ shit you can buy in this world

How much does korean shit wine cost?

unironically good

about 3 fiddy per curic

Korean pizza is the best pizza.

deep shit pizza instead of a deep dish?

depends, how many sheeps and goats are you willing to give up for it?

It is the original pizza. Cheese and tomato sauce. Would eat

New York is easily the most common style.

>New York style. Not actually what most people eat.
yes it is you stupid flyover fuck
we don't eat your deep dish hawaiian shit or whatever

Stupid Brit cuck telling American restaurants how to make their pizza.

Here is korean pizza. Thoughts?

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Where's all the sausages?

Looks tasty but i would discard the crab meat

i would eat it

the most popular pizza in Finland has been for decades pork+salami+pineapple

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if you make a pizza like that its going to have raw dough you colony

costco pizza makes my dick thick, my heart skip and my acid reflux kick in overdrive.

it literally is the best and if you don't agree you are a faggot swede.

le axis power pizza

Ok cuck

That's prosciutto not salame