AXA is accumulating

The fudding cannot be stopped

Attached: 359C7457-0814-4BD3-8FEF-030153594EFB.jpg (640x527, 157K)

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lmao. link will cause many suicides.

Geez those NDA's Sergey has in play are pretty strong.

Why pay a person to do that when you can have it perform thousands of checks automatically.


Attached: 69ffce0c8b2a5b3df0d5dfd749fcba71.png (984x806, 91K)

Yeah I'm sure 'human_gamepad' is the official spokesperson for AXA, feeling so btfo right now

Who tf is human_gamepad?

"at the moment"...dam, so they are planning to use chainlink in the future

They literally put in the Fizzy page that they want to use an Oracle system that sounds exactly like Chainlink but of course it isn't, they must be talking about something else.

pretty sure they're talking about ChainLink, rebecca.