The fudding cannot be stopped
AXA is accumulating
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lmao. link will cause many suicides.
Geez those NDA's Sergey has in play are pretty strong.
Why pay a person to do that when you can have it perform thousands of checks automatically.
Yeah I'm sure 'human_gamepad' is the official spokesperson for AXA, feeling so btfo right now
Who tf is human_gamepad?
"at the moment"...dam, so they are planning to use chainlink in the future
They literally put in the Fizzy page that they want to use an Oracle system that sounds exactly like Chainlink but of course it isn't, they must be talking about something else.
pretty sure they're talking about ChainLink, rebecca.
>not getting it was sarcasm
It sounds like he doesn't really understand how LINK works, or maybe I don't.
Won't the data be free or obtainable and the node providing the data just unlocks LINK if it provides the data accurately?
Jow Forums is so boring when you know more than nearly everyone else here. I understand that it's a good learning tool, because I wouldn't know what I know today if I hadn't been forced to research by fud threads and discussions, but goddamn when all the fud is just transparent pleb tier there's no emotional journey any more.
you have it wrong actually
what are you saying user
I kind of get what you mean. When the price of link hits $1k I might think “finally about got damn time” instead of being ecstatic
When you're still new to crypto, fud is a good way to drive you to research. You go "Holy shit is that true?" so you read and you ask questions and you learn, it's a good learning tool. Some of the early threads about whether a decentralised oracle was even possible were between anons who were way more knowledgeable than I was, and I remember consuming them hungrily trying to figure out whether Chainlink was legit or not.
But once you become the knowledgeable one all the fud is just retarded. I haven't seen a single piece of link fud that even made me scratch my head since that guy's code review, and his objections got instantly shot down anyway. Like, now the best people can come up with is "What if it takes until 2020? Or 2022?" Like, who gives a fuck? If that's what happens then I'll be rich in 2022. I can wait that long. I plan on operating nodes and investing a large amount of time in Chainlink anyway, so it's not like I'll be sitting on my hands asking "when moon", I'll be participating.
That's the fucking awesome thing about decentralisation that the normies still don't get at all yet. That ANYONE with a brain, a will and a computer can participate in the success (and the profits) of these projects. Considering how insanely underemployed and marginalised young people are, anyone under 30 who is actually intelligent should be going berserk for decentralisation. It's a life raft for a generation of people who are facing immense employment challenges, the barriers to entry are literally owning a computer, and having a will to learn. It's an incredible opportunity and we're all insanely lucky to be here at its inception.
gotcha, that's what I thought you were getting at but nice to get that confirmation.
I agree with everything you've said. I've been in crypto since 2013 and have iron hands because of that. there still hasn't been any legitimate substantial fud I've seen against link. the only thing that kinda spooked me earlier this week was sergey's previously failed projects but even that wasn't new. I also felt reassured because he's not treating link like he did his older ones (mass communication and overmarketing)
how much link are you holding btw? I only have a few thousand but want 100k. I plan on buying if it dips to .10, you think it'll hit .10
150k, holding since late Sept/early Oct last year. 7ETH in the Crowdsale and the rest on ED straight after.
And I have no idea about price predictions, dude, if BTC dips to 5k then maybe, who knows. I don't play that game though. My interest is main net launch, I don't give a single fuck about the price until then.
so lucky...
so when do you think mainnet will actually happen?
you been in crypto since 2013? shouldnt you be retired by now?
it's really embarrassing but I lost my key to my ltc wallet...
was hoping bounty took off so I can get someone to crack it
rip...dont worry fren. you'll make it with link
Seriously, you bag holding fucks could never answer this question without screaming "FUD!".
What use is paying to pull data from decentralized nodes when the information those nodes have is the exact same information you could pull from the source for free? Offering information from a centralized source through decentralized nodes doesnt do jack fucking shit. It doesnt change the data. The data will always be the same.
Why pay a dozen neckbeards in the basement for the results of Friday's hand-egg game when they can be pulled from the NFL API FOR FUCKING FREE??
calm down. the goal is we all make it.
the risk here is that if NFL API is comprised or their website displayed an error.
with decentralized oracles, you pull data from NFL, ESPN, YAHOO, GOOGLE so if the NFL API is comprised. ESPN, YAHOO, GOOGLE will display the correct scores and discard the NFL api and that node operators pays a penalty
b-but the API is centralized! what if it gets hacked and someone puts the wrong scores in! only mr mcnazarov can ensure that this critically important information is trustless
please buy chainlink
i suggest you join their slack and ask the team to dispel any fud.
If it takes until 2020 or 2022 for Link to take off that truly is FUD for someone like me. I'm in my mid 30's and by 2022 my dick won't even really work anymore.
Then what do I do? Hire a nigger with a huge cock to fuck my new hot girlfriend? I've actually thought about if that would actually be arousing
You're going to lose all your money you deluded fucking cultist
"take of" means LINK will hit $500
Problem the linkies have to understand is nothing preventing a large sized company from just making heir own data authentication blockchain software with zero fees to do this.
$500 x 100 Billion chainlink in existence = utter delusion
And my birthday is in 1 hour and 30 mins. So when year closer to my dick not working anymore. I can live with Link not mooning until the end of 2019. After that I'm going to really be sweating things
sell when LINK hits $200 in 2019
There's only 1 billlion total supply
Vast majority will be hoarse by node operators and won't be on the market
$500 is fud
And most of that will be staked and never seen on an exchange.
This. Thotposting so others will read.
its adorable that you've learned how to use a keyboard
lmao everyone says this about utility, fee and pos coins but it doesnt change the fact that the market is still a market and delusional bag holders are still gonna get dumped on
bottom line is with no adoption this coin is worthless.
and so far there is 0 adoption
guess you don't know that link was started from the industry ground up so they can monopolize the smart contract economy
does eos have adoption? No, so why did it pump? you need to learn how crypto works
>What use is paying to pull data from decentralized nodes when the information those nodes have is the exact same information you could pull from the source for free? Offering information from a centralized source through decentralized nodes doesnt do jack fucking shit. It doesnt change the data. The data will always be the same.
Google's search function was fully automated compared to the other companies who had literally people ranking results. The offered a superior product AND they didn't have to pay people by the hour.
Read up on it.
Wtf? Im getting worried, is this fake fud or what ?
And you care because?
I don't, but it's maddening to see such stupidity without chiming in
when I saw this a year it ago it was exciting
when I look at it now it is depressing
you won't be able to see it anymore. the link is deleted. NDAs in full-force
AXA rep here, ask me anything
"Such stupidity" like the fact that literally every piece of actual information from Chainlink, from Sergey being chosen as the technical face of smart contracts at SXSW, to the standard of the code coverage under development, to the timely and honest and extremely considered responses from Thomas to any technical query, to the growing dev team, etc. etc. is excellent.
Maybe you're just fudding for fun, but I literally don't know a single other project in crypto that is as much of an obvious slam dunk as this one.
Never. Link $0.009 eoy
Link has no adoption and it's dumping hard lmao.
I have no idea who human_gamepad is, but apparently he's never heard of SAAS.