Were you ever a lefty faggot?

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I am

where do you think you are?

anarcho centrist

i'm a proud socdem

Based and blairpilled

why yes i am left-wing

As opposed to what, being deluded?

100% classic socdem

>Why yes I am a Marxist. How did you know?

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Literaly me

Yes. Then I went full Jow Forums, and then ended up being a lolbertarian as I only care about myself

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based and atleepilled
cringe and neoliberal pilled.

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How can you be libertarian in Europe?
We live like shit here.

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I used to be a leftist, the whole package: antisemitic, authoritarian, pro Marx/Chávez/Obama, immune to facts, etc.
Thankfully I grew up and developed some critical thinking.

>Thankfully I grew up and developed some critical thinking.
So you started watching PragerU and Ben Shapiro videos?

>Shen Bapiro
Looks like you actually lost some critical there, yikes!

This. Also Jordan Peterson.

One of these things is not like the other.

Spain was okay in this aspect until we recieved this fucking dumbass of a president nobody voted for. I just try to be one.

Honestly cannot BELIEVE that Peterson gets tens of thousands of dollars a month from Patreon for telling conservatives what they want to hear. Credulous idiots.

He’s dropping in Patreon actually, he’s like barely keeping himself in the top 30.

If it's so easy why don't YOU do it?
Libtard btfo with facts and logic

the second guy on the third row looks oddly familiar, who's that?

No but I was something even worse a lolbertarian

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Imagine sniffing and manhandled by that strong arm.

cringe and not on topic

Nationalists almost destroyed this country with wars and sanctions

So fuck nationalism

Yep and still am


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I'm pretty socdem on economic policies but I'm as far leftist as you can be on social issues 2bh

I went from lefty faggot to communist faggot to communist chad to lefty chad to and finally to strasserism.

You lost

what are you implying. Strasssrism is the most based ideology.

still am