Do your country has a old tradition that people do a general house cleaning in the end of the year?

Do your country has a old tradition that people do a general house cleaning in the end of the year?
>1. your country
>2. yes or no

1. Japan
2. Yes

We clean to invite 神 Kami (Shintou) to the clean and tidy house

Attached: 大掃除.jpg (737x700, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:ヨム・キプル

You clean house everyday day.

1. Mexico
2. We clean the house very well when seasons change.

No, actually there are a dead cockroach in my room for about 1 month

But we clean our house radically in the end of the year desu (^^

very good tradition desu ^^

a dead cockroach... (((´ Д`; ノ)ノ

Yes, cockroaches are pretty frequent here so I dont bother giving them some food

You can stop acting cute now.

only in the spring

Brazil is a hot country, so it might not be inevitable (;・∀・)

Am I cute?
I'm a MAN (male) tho... (*ノ ω・*)

It is very cold in Denmark, so do a general house cleaning in the spring season may be good

no, but I want someone to clean me up if you know what I mean.

Attached: 1517715309161.jpg (933x677, 81K)

Sorry, I'm not gay ^^;

Yes but when you stop to think about these little things, you find them cute. Of course dont touch them with your bare hands, always use gloves.

> you find them cute.
> cute cockroaches
O.. oh, yes... ( ; ´ ∀`)

Attached: cockroaches.png (443x382, 162K)


Attached: 162658-004-1C330C2D.jpg (550x435, 12K)

We do it in Passover (around April), which used to be the start of the year in ancient times

Guys are always cute,and even if their face isn't all that cute almost always their personality more than makes up for it

Attached: To (you).gif (640x360, 922K)

He(she) is a Japanese cockroach (キョウトゴキブリ Asiablatta kyotensis)
He(she) is a endemic species to Japan desu
He(she) may be pretty cute (^o^;)

Attached: Parcoblatta_kyotensis_adult_female.jpg (723x1213, 386K)

A black cockroach, pretty cool.

We do it in spring.

>the start of the year
A little similar to us (^o^ )
We also clean before the start of the year
And that old tradition has done since over 1000 years ago
(at that time, that was called 煤払い (susuharai))

Thank you r(^ω^ * )))
And you are also very cute desu

i think the climate in denmark is akin to hokkaido

My grandparents and parents do that. Younger generations probably not.

Attached: d7dc43cd.jpg (406x527, 53K)

1. Germany
2. I clean up before the party and then clean up after the party so yes

After winter is the so called "Frühlingsputz" (Spring cleaning).
Never did this.

At my workplace the poor bastards that didn't have off during holydais usually make a general cleaning of everything. (Only once participated).

but the white cockroach is better and cute desu ^^

Attached: C_V4lWcUAAAIbFs.jpg (1200x900, 159K)

translate the twitter

We do it in spring it's called "pulizie di primavera"

Now that it's the middle of the year, it's mainly because during Passover, Jews are not allowed to eat bread, so the tradition is to clean the entire house so there aren't even any bread crumbs in it.
Though even for people who aren't religious, it's tradition to just clean the house before.

In the case of cold countries, it may be better to clean house (* ´ ∀`*)

rational behavior desu
And I think your room is always clean and tidy

Why are you part of an abrahamic deathcult?

Attached: 289895ba.jpg (1080x1640, 96K)

Really? (´゚д゚`)
I think Denmark is more cold country than Hokkaido

>Younger generations probably not.
Umm, I wonder that young Finns don't like clean very much... (;・∀・)

I was born into it and cannot leave.
I am a fedoralord, but I still know about the rules of Judaism.


Attached: 1532408519906.png (128x128, 39K)

Now you two kiss

>I think Denmark is more cold country than Hokkaido
i think it's pretty much the same
currently it's warmer in denmark than in hokkaido

I try it ( ˘ω˘ԅ)

>If I found a white cockroach, I'm lucky! (White cockroach brings good luck)
>it is not truth, but you who find a white cockroach which is hiding and a limited time are already lucky, and he might just exercise his part.
>So let's call him a "White Angel "

Lmao no. Hokkaido is like northern Sweden.

>coldest average month (january): -4 degrees
>warmest average month (august): 22 degrees
sounds like denmark, to be honest

>yep, every spring we do a major cleaning, usually around the Easter to prepare it for the new year :3

Thanks for your translation.

Are those Sapporo temperatures or North Hokkaidou?

>so the tradition is to clean the entire house so there aren't even any bread crumbs in it.
Oh, that's a pretty strict religious precepts desu ( ´ ~`)

>Though even for people who aren't religious, it's tradition to just clean the house before.
Many Japanese maybe same
They don't believe Shinto religious, but they clean their house for family and their neighborhood


( ´ ∀`)

I'm not gay desu (^o^;

稚内市 Wakkanai city in Hokkaido (northernmost) is pretty cold
That might be a little similar to Denmark ((´ ^ω^))

Attached: 1280px-日本地域区画地図補助_01510.svg.png (1280x809, 83K)

literally just googled "hokkaido average temperature", so I'm guessing an average of the entire region.

>usually around the Easter to prepare it
literally "Happy Easter" desu (^v^)

See you again, Brazilian bro ^^

Part of the reason is that even non-religious people (like me) still have a big feast on Passover with all your extended family, so if you are the one who is hosting, you need to clean your house, or else the おばあさん and おばさん will get angry at you

軍のペサハの掃除が嫌いだった。多い大事ものがありましたが、全部を止めて掃除しなくちゃ。トイレを掃除するより国を守るの方が重いね?( ̄д ̄)

We clean our house at lunar 12.24.

That sounds hard (ノ∀`)
Passover is very important event for you

>トイレを掃除するより国を守るの方が重いね?( ̄д ̄)

>Passover is very important event for you
Yes, Passover is the most important holiday in Judaism (except maybe Yom Kippur, but that's very different)


Attached: israeli proofs.png (1588x970, 38K)

Oh, also in China, a general house cleaning is done (´ω` )


>except maybe Yom Kippur,
Is Yom Kippur this?
That also sounds hard too (゚∀゚ノ)ノ

聞いてはいけないことを聞いちゃったかも~ (^ν^)フフ

なんのことですかな?w (o・ω・o)ヨム・キプル
Yom Kippur is more important for religious people, but it's not really a "holiday" because there are no big celebrations

That looks punishment... ( ;゚д゚)
Moreover Israeri has been attacked before

It's self punishment to atone for your sins of that year
It's kind of like being a 山伏 for 25 hours
I haven't done it since I was a kid though because I don't believe in religion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>It's self punishment to atone for your sins of that year
But if you gave a self punishment, you'll be forgiven your sins desu.
Isn't it a little good to do that? ( ^ω^)

>It's kind of like being a 山伏 for 25 hours
Exactly ( * ´ m`)

>I haven't done it since I was a kid though because I don't believe in religion
Don't you believe in Judaism?
Aren't you a Jew?


There is a thing called Spring Cleaning but not everyone does it.


I am Jewish by blood, but I don't believe in Judaism. Like a Japanese person who doesn't believe in Kami. I still celebrate the fun holidays like non-religious Japs celebrate Obon and buy Engimono

Is French also do it in the Spring time? ^^

I see
Jews may be like Japanese who are jus sanguinis (´^ω^)

Attached: 1snapshot_15.33.png (1920x1080, 2.54M)

no, we use maids to clean our houses

hi, isac