ITT we pretend to be Redditors
ITT we pretend to be Redditors
hhaha blebit haha XD
Hodl strong brothers. We're the early adopters, why cut your losses when btc will be at 100000 by 2019?
Skycoin uses the Obelisk consensus mechanism.
upvoted for being a massive faggot.
Just bought 2000 more SKY. Anyone feel like they are stealing at these levels?
police shouldn't be granted the license to murder people in cold blood
First you pretend to be idiots, then the real idiots think they are at home and swarm, then soon no one but the idiots are left.
Jesus Christ Reddit
It already happened, though.
This already happened years ago.
Me:When does the narwhal bacon
Elon Musk: Midnight!1!!11
Oh wow Elon you're a redditor too?! *makes out furiously with elon while massaging the top of his skull to feel the root of his hair implants while Grimes fingers my ass*
Edit: Thanks for the gold kind Redditor!
Edit 2: Wow gilded 5x!!!!
Ark will moon guys! Best project out there!!
how do i edit Jow Forums posts?
Go back to Jow Forums
I'm socially liberal but fiscally conservative
It's a Jow Forums gold feature sweetie
this is pretty reddit.
You get what you deserve for investing in a project with CEO calling himself "Synth". Thats almost as stupid as drumpf trying to start ww3
Me being a intellectual of no great intellect, I must tell you that if you hold strong opinions of any kind you are automatically dumb. (9387239823 upvotes)
Accumulated 2 GiOTA today. Can't wait until we replace Bitcoin and every blockchain-based crypto. DAG is the future and we are still early adopters.
I don't believe in a God
ITT? Where can I buy some of that?
COSS, no joke
Saw a windmill today driving to uni in my prius, which reminded me of how windmills could be a use case for IOTA.
>I don't believe in a God
You've gone too far by asserting that there IS NO God. Because now YOU are the one making an unprovable claim. You can say that you aren't convinced, or that there is no convincing reason to believe that there IS a God or two, but the moment you make the positive assertion that there ISN'T one, now the burden of proof has shifted to you, and it's an impossible burden.
I'm buying 100k link
oh wait, nvm, that's a Jow Forums meme
Tipped 500 IOTA
now that the futures mafia is gone prepare for the golden bullrun
redditors ""pretending"" to be redditors
These posts are so pointless, if you don't like your bag of link, sell it.. if you comfortable then keep it. What is the point of regurgitating the same info over and over again. Does anyone know what is going to happen? No we can't look into the future. The only thing we know is that they are working very hard on chainlink and you can verify that as a fact if you look at their github.
Chainlink $1000 eoy xd
Edit: why did I get downvoted? I'm NOT saying Bitcoin is a bad investment.
cancer not even pretending to be retarded
your post isn't reddit, go back to Jow Forums
EOS is centralized and Sammy. Eth will flip btxy by EOY! XD
edit: my gf's bf just got back with our extra onions ice cream, brb
Just keep HODLING Sky, friends! Synth will deliver us from this darkest of times!
bitcoin is the real bitcoin
Just know that if you sell, your losing potential profits! Never forgot, we are HODLERS till the day we die!
Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!
Since when did s o y auto to onions?
You have been banned from r/Bitcoin
this is the most reddit post so far
you are the only reditor here with your faggy meme
>>I don't believe in a God
Not wanting to gobble Redditch bait, or tip my hat... but I can prove god (the creator) does not exist.
Numbers exist outside of gods control. In a universe of true northing there is no way to count as there is no differences to define. As soon as god pops in he has things you can count, be it eyes hands or just ideas. He has no control over this his existence can not happen without numbers, its beyond his control! Once you have numbers you have primes and fibinatchi sequences. Which too will be beyond gods command... And fuck me life uses those things in abundance. The things god has no control over. Hence god does not exist, or more precisely people have been talking shit for 50,000 years ( they are not going to stop any time soon).
Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.
>Pretending to be reddit gone to far. The post
I do not think there has been given enough evidence to be certain that God does not exist, however I do not believe that God exists. There is a difference there. Depending on your epistemological definition on knowledge, I can only 'know' things that are certain. Thinks like certain basic math, or definitional truths. I argue that you may believe that God exists, but you cannot deny there is a chance that he might exist. You can however, deny that there is a chance that a married bachelor exists. This may be a moot point, but I think it is important to distinguish your belief vs. your knowledge.
Just picked up 20k more EOS. Feels like I'm stealing from someone at those prices.
You don't have to sit here and dig that deep to try and prove that god does not exist. Any sane person has gone through that conundrum and realized it's all bullshit by the time they're 15. You sound like you're having a bout of existentialism.
Religion was just an early science. It was a noble attempt of trying to understand the world around us.
Things that made a healthy society=Must be another person rewarding use for our behavior because we have no logical evidence of anything else possibly existing. Before the germ theory was even close to being discovered man thought getting sick by shitting near your sleep must have been offensive to god. They had no idea there were bacteria or little microbes making you sick.
One we dont belive that were going to 100000 by 2029.
Two were coming for Jow Forums culture. Jow Forums is the first stop.v
Three also Jow Forums
BTC investors are pure cringe
Sigh debttit
*coin has been tanking for 6 months with little to no uptrend* "Gee wow I'm glad the price is still so low so I have time to accumulate*
*lock up those coins and come back in a year* (literally everything is cheaper than it was a year ago today)
"the fundamentals of this project haven't changed"
"wow I can't wait for the new website"
What you guys eat/drink while trading? This just ways gives me that boost
Good Sòyim
play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
It’s like I’m stealing from someone at these prices!