Drink half a gallon of water everyday

>Drink half a gallon of water everyday
>Take Omega-3 (fish oil), Vitamin D supplements, and a multivitamin daily
>Do cardiovascular exercise and anaerobic exercise (calisthenics/weight lifting)
>IQ goes from a low of 116 to 136
>Happier, smarter, funnier, more sociable, and stronger

Why don't you do this?
Exercise combined with a healthy diet is only a positive.

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I'm poor and pessimistic to normy patterns

you said this multiple times and you always end up saying you hate life

You're better off getting your water from fruits, and leafy green vegetables

It's not hard to start eating fish, drinking more water, tanning in the sun, and eating well. Even third world peoples (Nicaragua, Honduras, Algeria, etc) can participate in this.

Running, Jumping jacks, push-ups, planks, burpees, and curl-ups are all free and require no equipment.

I've figured out it's an influx of sugar causing my brain to depress into an extremely negative mood.

I've quit eating the stuff.
Virtually all first world commodities are secretly destructive to the human brain.

This is true, but there is no easy steady stream of fruits/vegetables.

There is no study that shows a correlation between a healthy diet, and an increase in IQ. We only see correlations between high IQs and healthy diets that already exist, no one has increased their IQ by simply eating better.

People get told this a million times, but they never listen.

cleaning and cooking a fish is hard, also not affordable on daily basis
I drink a lot of water and am dark skinned, been on omega 3: didn't feel like it helps to anything

>Running, Jumping jacks, push-ups, planks, burpees, and curl-ups are all free and require no equipment.
I give up on things easily and have a leg problem that doesn't allow me to do those things properly

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