we NYE now lads
Other urls found in this thread:
happy 2019th birthday queen elizabeth 3
tights AND arse lads
remember when fergie kicked a boot into beckhams face
Took rorke to the vets earlier, vet said it'd be best to put him down, he's too far gone
doing a watch
whats some good games for the switch?
Have to report in to NEETberg tomorrow
dire straits were the kino lads
>ywn be born as a german in an axis victory timeline
nasty, fake little man
stop asking this
>Romeo and Juliet
>Walk of Life
>Brothers in Arms
Drove leftypol to Savile Town and he was too scared to leave the car. Had to boot him out and let him fend for himself in his multicultural paradise.
Welsh women are utterly vile.
Truly believe Wales would be better off as part of England.
this is america
Agreed to go pub with the lads for New Years but I’m already regretting it desu
Just want to stay at home and lay in bed for the rest of my life
God I WISH that were me (in the lambo)
wouldn't drive a lamborghini if i got begged to
wasting my life watching old hong kong movies
pumped for the ultima thule flyby
It's such an effort, I'm going to be in a jocker afterwards as well and I have toil on wednesday
Why are some girls so perfect lids
Normally a top but would turn into a slutty little bottom for this desu
nice grappling there joe
lads i recommend the film 'nanami: the inferno of first love' to you all
so just don't go?
Sick of this panicking over Brexit. We should openly aim for the reestablishment of the British Empire.
I refuse to accept Britain's future is either some gay European Union province or as some isolationist pipsqueak.
Queers aren't welcome here.
New Year's resolutions lads?
Will be giving up the old coca cola, exercising more and be looking seriously into how to move abroad for me
a wise man once told me the most perfect girls are always the boys
switch has no games
Oh dear
>North Carolina
>Research Triangle
Jog on Yankee billionaire
>Christ follower
Doubt it
Be nicer to me mam
Don't ever see the Scottish flag anymore. Wonder why.
nofap no coffee 2019 for me
Feel at peace since I've made an instagram lads
Everything in it's right place
Like I've finally been vaccinated against being an abnormie
>how to move abroad for me
Good riddance.
If you hate our country so much get out of /brit/.
Scotland isn't a country.
giving up fizzy drinks as well, easily drink a litre a day. it's so hard to stop
neeeeed a gf the same height as me
Keep improving my Mandarin
have never been followed by this bird afaik...
*reverse image searches this and finds your insta*
she's so fucking FIT
same but its ok as long as its diet
How big is your dressing room lads?
hey he never said he was moving abroad permanently plus it's a traditional british thing to travel the world and settle in other countries
same lmao
Need this soon.
Stop leisurely smoking - a cig every now and then at a party or a bird is alright, but stop smoking after a fucking meal
Stop skipping the gym. Get priorities straight and do everything in your power to get there. Also start eating breakfast (which means stop lying in for 2 hours every morning)
Learn to dance.
Lobby the government to reign in the supermarket cartel to stop them from preying on innocent citizens for profit
Try sparkling water lad, helped me cut down massively.
I like the fizz as much as I lik the taste
comfy is a NEET shibboleth
>Learn to dance
dubs i cut myself
evens i burn myself
odds i down this whole bottle
It's my own photography but I wouldn't put it on my insta because it's not really good for high res stuff. Plus its more for normies to prove that they're photogenic and well travelled socialites.
short film i made with the lads, lads
fucking chinese delivered my order to someone else who said it was me
cat fights are all posture and very little actual damage
cats are too light/aerodynamic to have proper fights the way big cats or dogs do
*makes an insta*
*never posts on it because his life is so dull*
Do you throw a bit of miwadi in it or something? sparkling water tastes rotten
The Libertines are a better band than the Cribs simply because they're not from Wakey
do you ever give it a bloody rest
all of your posts are shit
oasama bin laden was 6ft 4
that was me lad you made me hungry, ta x
>men posting on instagram
Simply the fact that I'm good looking and I maintain a social media presence
Interesting hands hmmmmm really tingles the noggin
osama bin CHADen
Honestly could not stand the taste of it for a while, then just kept forcing myself to drink it and now I love it.
It's really weird
reminder that if you're really about that terrorwave
you gotta cop (like a dozen) Casio F-91Ws
evens I smoke a spliff
odds I don't
what if she's lying about being transgender just to get attention?
are there any photos of her pre puberty?
Finally finish my PhD.
Might get it done by April if I'm quick.
i am human and i need to be loooooved
have a hit of mine la
What in?
Have you noticed a difference since you cut down on fizzy drinks?
watched a documentary ages ago that said obama was osama bin laden
actually believed it too, shows what being an edgy 16 year old does to you
it looms
he's a good lad fuck off gimp
ok now its officially one year since i last kissed a girl
chiefs win lads
The impact of Hemmingway on contemporary nihilist British literature.
Sounded like an idea at the time
my anxiety would improve if I didn't shoplift and look at extremely questionable porn. but am I gonna let that stop me? Nah. Nah. not a bitch nigga