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fuck off will you

>Choose an organization and use Google to gather as much information as possible about it
what the fuck does that even mean? how do i know when i have enough information?

Love babybels

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the biggest


Janny will be SEETHING

Any hisself man in

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wheres whisker


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Hey Hey Hey!
Fat Albert is our lord and savior.

Attached: fa.png (745x745, 72K)

What ethnicity is this girl? We have become friends on FB, but I'm too scared to ask.

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oh god nigger music is fucking awesome pX

What ethnicity is this one?

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do you think my room mates installed cameras into the ceiling lights? that's a dumb thought, right?
surely they'd have run out of battery by now, see im logical as fuck im not ill. fucking NIGGER doctors FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

posting in an abysmal thread and you

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Nice body. Face is a bit ugly.

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pathetic attention-baiting post
>lol im so fucked up haha

xirself actually



Any Ebola man in?

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what does this post mean

what does this post mean

you're not well louis

find.Jow Forums.org/?q=lads

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haha, sunderland fans used to celebrate draws at t he bottom of the efl champ league last season how bad is that haha

where's schizo

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>outing yourself as prole

Post WW2 German pics

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This guy went to the same high school as me

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the british basically genocided the irish
you guys are really mean bullies

Right is actually cuter, and gets me harder.

anyone with shitty fucking tattoos that only a 12 year old should like will be hanged by the lampposts on the day of the rope

nah mate, you celebrate wins and take draws as defeats

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im evil, pure evil
i deserve to be spied on at all times to keep me in check you see
evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil evil, my room mates worry about me. thats no reason to spy on me thought, fuckers. im evil, fucking evil. evil. evil.

50 states actually
And five territories


A British tourist who was recorded snorting cocaine off Pablo Escobar's grave says the stunt's cost him his family and he's even received death threats.

Steven Semmens, 35, was filmed kneeling by and spilling white powder on the spot where the notorious cartel boss was buried in Itagui, Colombia, earlier this year.

The father, from Swansea, Wales, said he meant it as a 'mark of respect' but has now been kicked out of Colombia - where his girlfriend and twins live - for five years.

Mr Semmens told the Mirror: 'People sent me death threats on Facebook. They said if they found me they would skin me alive. I can’t see my children and that hurts.'

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Whats on the telly tomorrow night

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>Post WW2 German pics

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based welshman

Fuck off whisker

>ywn advance into the cold and unforgiving russian frontier with the lads

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Who's sending him death threats?

stop touching it

I don't want no pardon for anything I've done

I would if I had his fb

I guess random kids on FB. Actually nothing serious

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you're a rude cunt mate

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i blackmailed her without realizing it lads

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idiot i’m referring to the russian cuties next door
friend told me i shouldn’t have told her about empress eugenie


left x

screen just went orange

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pablo escobar's illegitimate son actually lives in england and has done all his life and only found out who his dad was recently

heard a radio interview with him a few months back

impeach him now


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am related to the queen

yeah that sounds like so much fun hey

think the majority of people who fetishise arduous tests have actually never done anything hard in their lives

youre evil, just as i am
the key is to realising it.
what other evils have you committed?

>tfw no cute brit boi to suck my big french cock

there is nothing more autistic than hardcore ultra nordicisim
I hate varg for spreading this cult like bullshit alone

hate stadiums that dont have seats right next to the pitch

state of that shitty stadium

>ywn mow down jewish communist partisans

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french/norman women were made for celtic men


Nordics are quite clearly the superior race.

The most beautiful, the most intelligent except for East Asians and they create the best social systems.

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glue-on tits

so what if we did ahahaha
do something about it you pussy

a day in germany made me realise nordic women truly are the master race and any person pretending to prefer anything else is coping hard

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are you evil? it takes a man to admit it
i already know most of you here are pure evil. why cant you admit it? does it hurt your "feelings"?
if you want answer to me, God will.

real GOY hours

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Celts are pathetic runts who cling to life off the taxpayers' teat. Their languages are kept artificially alive.

The British governments should put them out of their misery.

at what point would you lads have joined up with the Germans? If the Germans landed in Britain? If London was taken? If the British Army left Britain for the colonies?

please dont insult the 'gf cheers

shut up cringe bitch!