How is WW2 viewed in Europe? Do people have banter over it?

Like do Germans and Brits ever get into it over the war? Are the French still shat upon?

Attached: Ww2_logo.jpg (700x324, 50K)

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No because WW2 was terrible for them and not something that happened thousands of miles away from home.

The second war where we sided with the Germans and lost.

>ever siding with the eternal G*rm
Got what you deserved senpai


It's immaterial everywhere except Britain.

fuck off pussy

They tend to glorify the D-day like this was the reason why the Nazis were defeated, yikes.

>banter over it
Old people still hate Germans with passion. Specially those who lost a lot of family and friends. This city was once as beautiful as Amsterdam. Real life isn't a fucking meme.

Attached: Rotterdam.jpg (795x495, 69K)

are the stories of late night "kraut hunts" as they were called in the states true in the netherlands?

Attached: Tetenburg-700x419.jpg (700x419, 77K)

Haha, yeah. Reconquering France and establishing an entrenched resistance was pretty dumb. Wow America sucks. Btw you're welcome for Italy.

We tried with Operation Market Gardener man.

Its still pretty common here to make fun of the french but not really in a mean way
Most people here have moved on and just see it as part of history something that happend before our time.

Attached: 1545273987213.jpg (1080x1920, 282K)

I remember hearing a speech on youtube with kraut kang adolf saying

"we want peace with the netherlands, those in rotterdam are our close aryan brothers and sisters!"

>bombs it anyway

Fuck I can't find it right now, but ya I can't blame old people in your country for still hating krauts desu.

Outside of the internet i have only ever got into arguments about the war with drunk british football fans. Its honestly a topic most people just like to avoid

>i have only ever got into arguments about the war with drunk british football fans
how did that go?

Our team won and they started screaming "at least we can win a war"
The dutch do that too i think they tell us we should give them back their bikes

>The dutch do that too i think they tell us we should give them back their bikes

>Our team won and they started screaming "at least we can win a war"

Germans were dindus tricked by hitler. All is forgiven if they apologize to israel yearly and help bomb russia (again) when the time comes.

spanish civil war aka "the little world war" is stil extremelly controversial in spain... people nowadays dont realize 90% of soldiers were forced conscripts

How is our involvement there seen?
Do people in the Basque country still hate us?

i dont know but i guess they dont hate germany anymore
many do hate spain
also people mostly blame the internal spaniards, not the foreign german/soviet involvement and materials

Attached: i-16_guerracivil.jpg (758x513, 84K)


What even is the Basque country anyway? Are they Spanish, French, or Basque?

Glorious times where we triumphed against all odds

We never mention the war to Germans at all...


The northern basque country got fully assimilited into france
The southern part tries really hard not to be spanish